Royster McCleagh

Amaziah Bienville's page

23 posts. Alias of tumbler.

About Amaziah Bienville

High Concept: High Yellow Gambler, Overprotective Saloon Owner
The Trouble: Refuge for Misfits and Vagabonds
The Bargain: Stacking the Deck. Amaziah is the master of the situation. He is always playing with a deck stacked in his favor. He is always prepared. When you think you have him with your 4 aces, he has the Wild Card that completes a Royal Flush.
Lie Whisperer. +2 to all Empathy rolls made to discern or discover lies, whether they’re directed at you or someone else.
Mind Games. You can use Deceive in place of Provoke to make mental attacks, as long as you can make up a clever lie as part of the attack.
Stacking the Deck Once per scene, you may declare a story detail referencing your luck, just as if you were paying a Fate Point (subject to the same parameters), for free. You lucky b*****d.
Gamble +4
Charm +3
Occult +3
Craft +2
Brains +2
Resources +2
Shoot +1
Contacts +1
Grit +1
Fight +1