Vine Wrangler Elf

Alwen Gaelarean's page

184 posts. Alias of Azrael Dukshi.

I'm curious to see what type of spells people have managed to invent for pathfinder. I'll be adding a couple of my own here as well, so feel free to contribute!

Arcane Raiment

School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 3, Bard 2


Casting Time 1 Standard Action
Components V, S, F (Outfit worth 30gp or more)


Range Touch
Target Creature Touched
Duration 10 min./level
Saving Throw Will Negates (Harmless); Spell Resistance no


A link between the target creature and their currently worn attire is created, transferring damage from the subject of the spell to the outfit. The subject's outfit cannot already be damaged during the casting of this spell, nor can it be magical. Mundane and masterwork armor may be substituted for an outfit, but not magical.

This spell provides 5 temporary hp per caster level to the subject, to a maximum of 50 temporary hp at 10th level. It also adds 1/4 of the GP value of the worn outfit in temporary hp, to a maximum of 25 temporary hp. Track this temporary hp separately from other sources of temporary hp.

When the subject would take damage, apply it first to the temporary hp of this spell. The worn outfit becomes damaged as this temporary hp is lost. If more than half rounded down is left at the end of the spell's duration, the outfit is only slightly damaged and repairable with a mending spell. If less than half of this temporary hp is left at the end of the spell's duration, the outfit is majorly damaged and can be repaired with a make whole spell, and armor becomes one category lighter and loses 1/2 rounded up of their armor bonus. Losing all temporary hp through damage completely destroys the subject's outfit or armor.

I'll start out by saying that I enjoy the Magus class immensely. My first D&D character ever was a fighter/sorcerer eldritch knight, so a base class that represents the whole magic knight field draws me in like a bear to honey.

That said, my DM has been speaking to me about concerns about the somewhat unbalancing nature of the class. My character is currently a 5th level Bladebound magus, and now we've both come to see certain unbalancing qualities.

First, the Imbue Weapon ability. On it's own, it's a great way to let magus' be as effective as other melee orientated classes by turning normal weapons to magic ones, and scales nicely as well. But adding that to the Bladebound archetype, my magus can find themselves wielding a +4 bastard sword during combat (+2 regular enhancement, +2 added through the imbue ability). I can even change it around so that they're wielding a +2 Flaming and Frost Bastard Sword, adding even more damage.

Speaking of damage, there's also the Spellstrike feature. Theoretically speaking, a magus could load up on only 1st level touch attack spells like Shocking Grasp and Corrosive Touch, using Spellstrike in combination with Imbue Weapon for some seriously gaming breaking damage - at 5th level, a single spellstrike with Shocking Grasp and the Imbued weapon Black Blade can deal 5d6 electricity, 1d6 fire, 1d6 cold, and the base weapon damage from a +2 weapon (Which can be turned elemental as well using the Black Blade's pool points).

Add into that Spell Recall, which can effectively allow a magus to recast Shocking Grasp up to his point limit. Meaning against an enemy without electricity resistance or immunity, a magus could effectively spam serious damage against any target they come across. Yes, the Bladebound Magus has a slightly lower pool than a regular one, but the Extra Arcane Pool feat is effective in negating this error - considering the bonus combat feats they get as well, investing in that feat comes as a no brainer.

Am I over thinking this? Am I missing any glaring weaknesses in the class as combat is concerned? Can anyone offer any advice to balance things out?