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150 posts. Organized Play character for Derek Weil.
Sorceror 2 | HP 14/14 | AC 11 T 11 FF 10 | Saves: F: +2 R: +1 W: +3 | CMD: 12 | Init: +5 Percep: +2 SM: +1
Pathfinder Society #: #85794-13
Initiative: +5 Perception: +1 Speed: 30/30
Defense AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10 HP: 14/14 Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +3 CMD: 12
Offense BAB: +1
Melee Quarterstaff +1 / 1d6 / x2 / B Cold Iron Dagger +1 / 1d4 / 19-20 / x2 / S or P
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 / 1d8 / 19-20 / x2 / P
Spells/Day: 1st Level: 4, or 5 with bonded ring 0 Level: unlimited
Acrobatics +1 Appraise +1 Bluff +4 Climb +0 Craft +1 Diplomacy +10 (2) Disguise +4 Escape Artist +1 Fly +1 Heal +0 Intimidate +4 Know: Arcana +6 (2) Perception +2 (2) Perform +4 Ride +1 Sense Motive +1 (1) Spellcraft +6 (2) Stealth +1 Survival +0 Swim +0 Use Magic Device +8 (1)
20 Cold Iron Bolts 2.0 lbs. Backpack 2.0 lbs. Waterskin 4.0 lbs. Rope, silk 5.0 lbs. Flint & steel Alchemist's Fire (2) 2.0 lbs.
Traveler's Outfit 5.0 bs.
Total Weight: 29 lbs.
Uncarried items:
Courtier's outfit Jewelry (50 GP)
- GP - SP