Marquess Tanasha Starborne

Alseil Geodekeeper's page

56 posts. Organized Play character for Trscroggs.

Full Name

Alseil Geodekeeper


Female Gnome (Sensate) Summoner (Construct)-4 | 64hp | AC:18 | Prec:8 | F:11 R:8 W:8 | HeroP:0/3 |


Summoner 4

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Alseil Geodekeeper

Alseil Geodekeeper and the golem Goldirox
Umbral Gnome Summoner
Vigilant Seal

HP: 64/64
AC: 18 (19 with buckler or Shield spell)
Fort Save: +11 (E)
Reflex Save: +8 (T)
Will Save: +78(E)
Spell DC: 20 (Arcane)
Perception: +8 (E) Lowlight, Imprecise Scent (30 ft)
Speed: 25
Languages Known: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Draconic, Varisian


Size: Small
Speed: 25
Low-Light Vision


Sensate Gnome
You have 30 feet of Imprecise Scent.


You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Mercantile Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.

Specialty Crafting Skill (Blacksmith)
Your training focused on Crafting one particular kind of item. Select one of the specialties listed below; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2.

Class Features:

Trained in all Unarmed Attacks, Simple Weapon, and Unarmored Defense
Trained in Perception, Expert in Fortitude, Trained in Reflex, Expert in Will. (Perception increased to Expert at level 3.)

Eidolon (Construct)
You have a connection with a powerful and usually otherworldly entity called an eidolon, and you can use your life force as a conduit to manifest this ephemeral entity into the mortal world. Magic also flows through this conduit from your eidolon into you, so your eidolon determines the type of spells you cast and the spell list you choose from. Spell List- Arcana; Language – Any Common (Varisian); Skills - Arcana, Crafting

Manifest Eidolon (Three Actions)
You Eidolon appears in an open space adjacent to you and can then take a single action. If your eidolon was already manifested, you unmanifest it instead.

Act Together (1 to 3 Actions) (Once Per round)
Either you or your eidolon takes an action or activity using the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. You cannot use Act Together to take another Tandem Action

Share Senses
You project your senses into your eidolon, allowing you to perceive through it. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your eidolon's body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect.

Link Spells
You gain focus spells, and a focus pool of one focus point. You learn the Evolution Surge Link spell, and the Boost Eidlon link cantrip.

Spellcaster (Arcane) (Spontaneous)
You are a spell caster, you known two 1st-level spells and five cantrips of your choice. +1 spell know when gaining a spell slot. (Currently 5, 3, 1)

Shared Vigilance
Both you and your Eildon increase their Perception skill to Expert.

Unlimited Signature Spells
All of your spells are signature spells. That means that if you know a spell, you can heighten it freely by casting it from a higher-level spell slot, up to the maximum level of spell you can cast. You can similarly cast any of its lower-level versions without learning them separately.

Spells Known:

Detect Magic: Learn about the presence of not-know magical items within 30ft.
Electric Arc: Deal 2d4+4 electric damage to 1 or 2 creatures within 30ft.
Message: Whisper quite communication to a target within 120ft.
Protect Companion: Give your eidolon, or minion under your control, a +1-circumstance bonus to AC and get Life Block reaction.
Shield: Give yourself +1-circumstance bonus to AC and get Shield Block reaction.
1st-Level: 2 Slots
Grease: You make touched weapon a +1 striking for a minute
Summon Construct: Summon a creature whose level is -1 and has the construct trait. (Sustained)
Magic Missile: Do 1d4+1 Force damage for each action spent casting the spell.
2nd-Level: 2 Slot
The target is clumsy 1. Its reach increases by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if it started out Tiny), and it gains a +2 status bonus to melee damage.
Summoner’s Precaution
After pre-setting the spell, an a reaction that dismisses the eidolon to avoid damage

Note: Due to Unlimited Signature Spells, all spells with up-casting can be cast at any level above their minimum.

Focus Spells:

Focus Pool: 2
Boost Eidolon: Give your Eidolon a +2 to unarmed damage rolls.
Evolution Surge: Chose an effect which your Eidolon gains for 1 minute.
Extend Boost: Free Action spell. If next action is to cast Boost Eidolon roll a skill check versus Arcana to extend the duration.


Ancestry Feat – Level 1 -- Gnome Obsession (Pathfinder Society Lore, Mercantile Lore)
Pick a Lore skill. You gain the trained proficiency rank in that skill. At level 2 you become an Expert in that skill as well as the Lore granted by your background. At level 7, become a Master in those lore skills.

Background Feat – Level 1 – Specialty Crafting Skill (Blacksmith)
You gain a +1-circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2.

Evolution Feat – Level 1 – Energy Heart (Fire)
Your eidolon’s heart beats with energy. Choose an energy damage type other than force. One of its unarmed attacks changes its damage type to the chosen type, and it gains resistance to that type equal to half your level (minimum 1). Chosen Fire Secondary.

Class Feat – Level 2 – Extend Boost
Increase your focus pool by 1. You learn the Extend Boost link spell.

Skill Feat - Level 2 - Crafter's Appraisal
You may use Crafting to identify magic items.

General Feat - Level 3 - Toughness
You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.

Skill Feat – Level 4 – Improvise Tool
You can jury-rig solutions when you don't have the proper tools on hand. You can attempt to Repair damaged items without a repair kit. Also with the raw materials available, you can craft a limited number of items without a crafter’s book.

Trained Skills:

Arcana + 6
Crafting +8 (E)
Diplomacy +10
Deception +10
Stealth +8
Thievery + 8
Lore: Architecture +7 (from school training)
Lore: Mercantile +8 (E)
Lore: Pathfinder Society +8 (E)(from and increased by Gnomish Obsession)

The following are untrained skills, but may need to be rolled and do not have a +0
Acrobatics +2
Intimidation, Performance +4

Weapon Stats:

Dagger (+1 Striking)
To Hit: +9
Damage: 2d4 P
Traits: Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10ft, Versatile S

Hand Crossbow
To hit: +8
Damage: 1d6 P
Range: 60 feet
Reload: 1


Weapons: 20 bolts, hand crossbow, dagger (+1 striking)(Attuned)
Gear: adventurer's pack
Material Component Pouch
Healing Potion, Minor (x2)
Superb Repair Kit (Worn)
Thieves'' Tools.
Basic Crafter's Book
--Steel Shield
--Wood Shield
--Replacement Picks

Eidolon Goldirox:

Str: 18. Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
AC: 20
Fort +11, Will +8, Reflex +8
Traits: Astral, Construct, Eidolon
Unarmed Attacks & Unarmored Defense (T)
Size: Medium
Perception: +8 w/Darkvision
Speed: 25 Ft.
Resistance: ½ Level to Fire (Currently 2)
Primary Attack: +11, Damage 2d6+4 Bludgeoning, Traits: Fatal d10
Secondary: + 11, Damage: 2d6+4 Fire, Traits: Agile, Finesse, Fire
Gains a +1 Striking through Attunement to Dagger +1 Striking

Usual Summons:

Easy Summon Sheet (level 2 and under version)(Important note: Check source of stat block before using!)

Animated Broom
AC: 16 (14 when broken)
HP: 6, Harness 2
Speed: 15 feet
Melee: bristles +6 (agile, magical, finesse), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus dust
Dust: A creature hit by an animated broom’s bristles must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or spend its next action coughing. Even if hit by multiple dust attacks, the creature has to spend only 1 action coughing to clear the dust out. A creature that doesn’t breathe is immune to this effect.


[Dice=Electric Arc: DC 20]2d4+4[/dice]

[dice=Primary Attack]1d20+11[/dice][dice=Damage: Bludgeoning]2d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Secondary Attack]1d20+11-4[/dice][dice=Damage: Fire]2d6+4[/dice]


Alseil is from Magnimar, where she used to work for the Golem works.