Grand Necromancer

Alpha-47's page

32 posts. Alias of Codanous.


Android Cleric 1 | HP: 17/17 |AC:15 | Fort: +4, Refl: +5, Will: +9 | Perc: +7, Low-Light Vision | Speed 25ft | ◆ ↺ ◇


Spells Prepared 1st 2/2 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1| Buffs:

About Alpha-47

Pathbuilder Link

Android Cleric 1 | HP: 17/17 |AC:15 | Fort: +4, Refl: +5, Will: +9 | Perc: +7, Low-Light Vision | Speed 25ft

Spells Prepared 1st 2/2 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1| Buffs:

Alpha-47 Cleric 1

N Medium Android Laborer Android Humanoid

Perception +7; Low-Light Vision

Languages Androffan, Common, Elven, Gnomish, Orcish

Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +6, Athletics +3, Crafting +6, Lore: Plane of Metal +6, Medicine +7, Nature +7,
Occultism +6, Religion +7, Society +6, Thievery +5

Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha -1

Items Explorer's Clothing, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin,
Soap, Caltrops (2), Religious Symbol (Wooden), Artisan's Toolkit, Healer's Toolkit, Repair Kit

Money: 1 gold, +tab started at Copper Coin bar

AC 15; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +9

HP 17

Speed 25 feet

Melee Light Hammer +3 (Agile, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6 B

Divine Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal;

Divine Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Runic Weapon, Bless; Cantrips Guidance, Needle Darts, Light,
Rousing Splash, Detect Magic

Focus Spells (1 points) Scholarly Recollection

Additional Feats Domain Initiate, Hefty Hauler, Internal Compartment, Laborer Android, Specialty Crafting

Additional Specials Anathema, Cleric Spellcasting, Constructed (Android), Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font),
Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric), Domain Initiate (Knowledge), Emotionally Unaware, Sanctification

Focus Spell: Scholarly Recollection:

Cast [reaction] ; Trigger You attempt a Perception check to Seek, or you attempt a skill check to Recall Knowledge with a skill you’re trained in
Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find yourself pointed in the right direction. The GM rolls the triggering check twice and uses the better result.

Edicts and Anethema's of Brigh:

Edicts craft new creations, pay attention to details, share achievements
Anathema carelessly destroy others’ creations or research, enslave intelligent constructs, abuse constructs, refuse to acknowledge or learn from mistakes


Alpha-47 is a striking figure, standing at six feet tall with a lean, androgynous frame. Their skin, pale and smooth, is crisscrossed with glowing circuits—subtle, faintly luminescent lines that trace intricate patterns from head to toe. These circuits pulse gently with a soft, golden light, hinting at the nanites and artificial oils coursing through their body like blood. Their metallic eyes—cool, Amber with hints of bronze—betray no clear emotion, only a calm, analytical gaze.

Though they have a male body, Alpha-47 moves with a graceful fluidity that defies typical gendered presentation, an embodiment of their disconnection from such definitions. Their voice, when they speak, carries an even tone—clear but somewhat detached, as if every word is carefully measured. Despite this distance, there's a curiosity in their gaze, especially when speaking about Brigh, their deity, and their ongoing quest for answers about their creation and the existence of a soul.

They wear simple robes, functional and utilitarian, but the design hints at their craftsmanship—small metallic accents and embroidered cogs nod to their devotion to Brigh. In their hands, they carry tools of their trade—whether a hammer, symbolizing their blacksmithing skills, or a holy symbol of Brigh, etched with intricate designs.