
Allughar baeh Azlanti's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Gavgoyle.

Scarab Sages

Paizo wins, but what I love is that you really had competition in a lot of the categories! There have been so many great gaming products, this year seems particularly stong overall!

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Welcome, my friends, to the Year of the Golem!!

Scarab Sages

*bumped for some degree of urgency*

Scarab Sages

Hi guys-

I just got my order in today, but there was an error. Instead ofthe Golem T-shirt (XXL) that I ordered, I got the Goblins T-shirt. Although I love the stupid little freaks, I do want the Golem. What do we need to do?

Scarab Sages

Skeletons of Skarwall... I love you Greg!!


Scarab Sages

Here you go, li'l camper!

Now, people like moaning undead, not whining undead, so buck up!

Scarab Sages

Is this module good as a stand-alone, or does it need to be used with #51?

Scarab Sages

Alright, so one of my players is pregnant and we were wanting to do a little In-Group baby shower for her and her husband. We've got a banner and will print it up with something like "Congrats on the little Monster!" with a few critters scanned on it (goblin, xvart, etc). We'll be having some munchies and of course the game (which will hopefully move from my intermission to the start of Sea Wyverns Wake).

I don't have time to order anything for the shower itself, but if anyone has any great ideas for food or anything else to do, let me know!

Scarab Sages

Jes' a little bump.

Scarab Sages

We’ve recently started up a Savage Tide campaign here, too. We have five players and are aligned a bit away from the arcane power. We’ll see how things progress as we get farther along the path. Right now, though, I’m really excited with how my players have been doing. We have a couple of rank novices, one guy who’s got a good amount of RPG experience, but not done much recently, and a couple who have a good amount of experience. And the all seem to be meshing well!

Elarina - a Wild Elf ranger from the Tiger River area. Her father is a hunter and guide of great renown and has helped members of the Seekers many times. As the story opens, she is leaving Hokar with her friend Anabelle after they attended a series of lectures given my the Seeker mage Uvlagard ResTalt about the southern wild elves, their split from their northern cousins, and their interactions with the Olman civilization. Having turned down ResTalt’s offer of marriage, she decides to head back south with Anabelle.

Anabelle - A Changeling beguiler created near Onwall. A intellectual descendant of a Suel Su-Doppelganger program, the creature known as Anabelle (among other names), was rescued from her incubation vat by others of her kind. They spirited her far away from Onwall and she learned stealth and magic from them. She currently lives in the Sunrise District of Sasserine and leads ‘excursions’ down into the jungles to enjoy the exotic offerings of the Amedio. It was working in this capacity that she met Elarina and the two got on well. She accompanied Elarina on the trip up to Hokar with the Seeker mage and now she accompanies her back south.

Dorias - a Dwarven Cleric of Moradin, Dorias is a bastion of righteousness and propriety... up to a point. Dorias is strong in his aims to help expand the Shrine of Moradin, almost as strong as he is in his passion of beer. He loves beer in a depth of manner that can only be properly performed by a dwarf. Dorias is a budding brewer and is looking into the realms of alchemy to help him fortify his keg of beer into holy ‘water’, thus making every sip a true benediction and act of praise. Dorias also has eyes to being a mover and shaker on the Dawn Council

Finnias - a human rogue, Finnias chooses not to talk about his past. Ever. He’s a Shadowshore lad. And he just has the resources the party needs. That’s all, nothing to see here... Although Finnias only has a few ranks in Profession (Sailor) his knack for throwing nat 20s on the checks have kept them safely afloat a couple of times.

Kainna - the sweet and strong, but dim as an unlit candle, Kainna the half-elf fighter is already making a name for herself in Zelkarune’s Horns. The Arena rat has already been pulled out of her duties cleaning cages and shoveling sawdust to have private conversations in Mr. Grankus’s office. Despite being slow on the draw mentally, she is a good person to have oat your back.

INTRODUCTION: A Prelude to the Tide...Hollow Threat!

The characters started off just south of the large city of Hokar in the Hold of the Sea Princes. They had all signed on to help guard a caravan headed to the small port town of Hethrol’s Landing and then on to Sasserine. Dorias was sheparding a load of minerals important for his church, Kainna was ushering a doped-up owlbear back to the arena, etc. The made it to the small mining and shipping community easily and set in for a long afternoon drinking at the Clipper’s Eel. They sat and sipped (well, hefted, in Dorias’s case) and talked (or not, in Finnias’s case) about themselves and Sassarine until the night had fallen. Just before they headed off to bed, however, a hew and cry rose up in the street and a beaten-up halfling was ushered into the establishment with a tale about a dragon turtle that wanted to raise the town.

He told of the bo-whee-moth monster smashing their ship to flinders and eating almost the whole crew. He and three others were caught and put in an old tin mine on the coast while the beast slept off his glutting. He managed to slip out a small air vent and run to the town in order to warn them to take to the mines inland and barricade themselves inside for the next couple of days.

Almost everyone believed him. Except Anabelle and the towns mayor. Anabelle scored a blazing Sense Motive win vs. the halfling’s substantial Bluff. She couldn’t tell where his story broke down, but you shouldn’t play a player and his facial tells and body language said he was trying to pull a fast one. He grew increasingly despondent as the characters talked the mayor into putting the town on alert and being ready to move assets, but not until they had a chance to check things out (for a nominal fee). The mayor has one of the guards lock the suspect halfling in a room upstairs (to make sure his wounds are well tended, of course).

The hike to the cove where the dragon turtle is resting is uneventful and the group makes it there in short order. Upon seeing the form of a turtle shell sprawling on the beach (a real snapping turtle shell that I own, placed on the board, dwarfing the players), they think there may be some credence to the halfling’s tale. Upon seeing a cave seemingly blocked with a rock further on, they think that there must still be some captives hidden inside. They skirt the beach and get over to the cave, making plans to push the boulder aside, but they hear strange noises coming from the dragon turtle. Suddenly, there is a wooden sounding thump and a cachinnating yelping as two nasty looking hyenas charge up the beach. Elarina pegs one with her bow and Anabelle manages to get a sleep spell off before the second beast can chomp down on Kainna. Dorias casts bless on the group and Finnias holds back till things are at closer range. As this furious action is unfurling, four orcs shove their way... Out of the dragon turtle???

Kainna dispatches the sleeping hyena and Finneas kills the other as it closes with Elarina. The orcs charge up the sand, two with hand axes heading for Dorias, one with a nasty looking falchion heading toward Kainna, and the last, a barbarian with a huge stone greataxe getting pegged with an arrow by Elarina. Biting the insides of his mouth to ragged tatters, the barbarian enters a howling, bloody-spit frothing rage and charges the gulping wild elf.

As the orcs charge Elarina tries to whip off a shot at the charging barbarian, but her string breaks! My wife is now firmly convinced I want to kill her character off in the first game. I point out that she is in charge of rolling her own dice. She remains unconvinced. Anabelle steps up and hits one of the regular orcs and the barbarian with a color spray. The regular orc closer to her crumples, the barbarian shrugs it off as he charges past. Dorias and Finneas work well to get a good flank in on the other common orc and drop him. The orc with the falchion moves to meet Kainna and hits her with a nasty blow dropping her to nearly 0hp. Kianna returns the favor hitting the orc leader with a dancing rapier blade that slips through his armor and his heart (crit). The leader looks dumbfounded for a second as his falchion falls from his slackening hands. “But it wasn’t suppose to work this way...” he says dully and drops back onto the sand.

That leaves the barbarian who is charging Elarina. He leaps the last distance and brings the axe down in a cataclysmic arc hitting the wild elf archer for almost her full hp amount (full to 1hp in a blink). My wife is even more convinced I’m out to get her and starts contemplating how we’re going to divvy up the house, cars, and kids (this, of course, is almost entirely unabashed BS). Having no other alternative, she uses one of her arrows as an improvised weapon and shoves it deep into his shoulder. Kainna is close enough to close the distance and make an attack, but misses. Anabelle goes for her crossbow and Dorias and Finneas start heading to assist. But before that the barbarian gets a swing and... misses Elarina by a hair’s breadth.

As the others rush up the beach toward the two battered girls, Elarina grabs another arrow for an improvised weapon, but misses. Kainna arcs in with her rapier, scoring a small hit then with her kukri for max damage dropping the raging beast. Dorias promptly bashes the brains out of the orc that was dropped by the color spray, much to the irritation of the rest of the party who figured it would be good to question him about what their exact game was. Taking a breather, the group recovers and binds up their wounds then go to roll the rock away from the cave and examine the mine. Elarina is able to discern halfling and orc footprints that step into the cave about two steps and head back out. There are no signs of anyone being taken into the cave itself. They head back down to the ‘dragon turtle’.

Although they know something is off with the whole situation, they are still amazed to find that under a real dragon turtle’s shell there is a tub-like boat with oars fashioned to look like the turtle’s legs. It’s big enough to drive a wagon through and three of the five immediately want to start sailing it back (after looting a modest treasure inside). Elarina doesn’t feel up to water travel, and Anabelle heads back to town with her. They quickly find the mayor who sends for a Pelorian priest to heal the girl. They tell the mayor the whole story and let him know the rest of the group are wanting to sail their new plunder into the harbor for a grand entrance.

Talk turns to the halfling... he tried to stab one of the guards and is currently relaxing in solitary confinement tied to a bed upstairs. The girls go up to talk to him and he remains stubborn.

Meanwhile, back at the beach... Finneas, the only character with ranks in Profession (Sailor), mobilizes Dorias and Kainna to row the turtleshell boat back to Hethrol’s Landing. The first sailing check was a dismal failure... it took them about a hour to get the boat back in the water and in the tide. Once they were out in the water, though, he took another check and nailed it. Before long, the turtle was cruising toward the docks at Hethrol’s Landing while the anticipatory crowd cheered them on. The halfling was hung at dawn. The group was lauded through the day and treated like local nobility. The dragon boat was hauled up and the hull was taken out. The shell was dragged to the main entry to function as a gateway for the town from Hokar. The heros were encouraged to sign the passage to commemorate the marker being set up. Eventually, the boat to Sassarine came into port and the local heros were forced back into their roles as caravan guards loading their various wares for the voyage.

THANK YOU RICHARD PETT for HOLLOW THREAT! I had to make it more serious, but it is a great little gem and I’ve wanted to use it since it was published.

Scarab Sages

Most of the surveys I get off of Myspace are crap (no offense to any of my friends who send anything to me), but once in a while a real gem shines through. In this game, you choose a band or artist and use their song titles ONLY to answer the questions about you. Here is mine for example.

1. What band/artist will you let talk for you?
They Might Be Giants

2. Are you male or female:
Mr. Me; Particle Man

3. Describe Yourself:
S-E-X-X-Y; Hypnotist of Ladies

4. How do some people feel about you:
Kiss me, Son of God; Wicked Little Critta

5. How do you feel about yourself:
Twistin' in the Wind

6. How do you feel about ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Snowball in Hell

7. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
She's an Angel

8. Describe where you want to be:
Istanbul (not Constantonople)

9. Describe how you live:
Whistling in the Dark

10. Describe how you love:
(How About) Another First Kiss; Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
Damn Good Times

12. Share a few words of Wisdom:
Everything Right is Wrong Again

13. Now say goodbye:

Who's next? (well you don't have to use the Who unless you want to)

Scarab Sages

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been on the boards because real life is a silly, poopy kind of beast. My contract wasn't renewed with the Army (one of several, so nothing personal), so I've been in a flurry of sending of resumes and trying to pimp myself out to the museum and curation world. It's not the best of all job markets out there, anyway, so it's just been frustrating. I'm looking for temporary situations around here right now and I have some local (non-archaeological/non-curation) jobs to tide me over until I find something in my career path. The silver lining is that my contract was set up so that January is a severence month, so am able to fully devote myself to the search. Pimpin' ain't easy!

On much more enjoyable news, I've decided that I'll be going to Origins in July. Anyone else planning on going? The end date for the early-bird price is January 10, so there are a couple more days for early registration. My in-laws live about 12 miles from the convention center, so it's a great staging area for me...oh yeah, and to see them. Anyway, I've missed the community and the comradery of the Paizo boards and wanted to give a mini-shout out.

Scarab Sages

Hey y'all! The recent Core Beliefs got me thinking and I had a question about the earlier Vecna modules...

Is the wonderfully named 'Die Vecna Die!' a compilation that includes the two earlier modules 'Vecna Lives' and 'Vecna Reborn'? Since 'VL' is set in Greyhawk and 'VR' is set in Ravenloft, I didn't know if 'DVD' is a synthesis and addition to them since it is set in Greyhawk, then Ravenloft, then Sigil, or if it was it's own thing entierly.

Thanks for any illumination you might shed!

Scarab Sages

Are any of you planning on attending Armadillocon 28 in August? If so, I'll see you there. I've been gaming for about 26 years, but this will be my first real convention! I feel like such a big boy!

Scarab Sages

I just thought I would post this up as a new outgrowth from the left turn in the "How much sleep do you get?" thread. This can be a catch-all for any parent-kid related topic you want to talk about. 'Owning' children (sheah, right! Being owned by children...)is not a prerequisite.

I've got two little imps (actally, more like quasits...they lean toward the Chaotic side), Lexi is 3 1/2years old; and Corbin is 1 month and 1 week.

To take off from the veer in the other thread. In heavy rotation at home...

The School House Rock collection DVD
The Muppet Show, Season 1
Wallace and Grommit (shorts and Curse of the Wererabbit)
Charlottes Web (which I hate)
Intermittently Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, and Vegitales (which I was very surprised to find out that I like quite a lot)
Over the weekend, I was part of an exhibit with a group called Dinosaur World out of San Antonio... We got two Dinosaur George DVDs that Lexi loves(!!!!!!!) and are pretty damn entertaining for grown ups. Dinosaur George is fantastic at presenting a lecture to kids.

In my truck CD-player, our heavy rotation is:
They Might Be Giants (I own all of their stuff)
Saturday Morning Cartoon's Greatest Hits (This one has been played to death, but Lexi loves Speed Racer, Sublime playing Hong Kong Phoey, and the B%~&@!+$ Surfers singing Underdog)
School House Rock Rocks!
Vegitales CDs
Philadelphia Chickens
Cake (sellected songs... I'll let her listen to, say, The Distance, but not Italian Leather Sofa)

Scarab Sages

Sorry, I double posted!!

Please do not post in this thread!

Mods please delete this one!

Scarab Sages

Hey everyone, just sharing some happy news...

My son, Corbin was born Thursday 4:33PM. He was a healthy 8 pounds 11 ounces, and 19 inches long. My wife did a great job and we're all home and resting now. The doctor was impressed, he says that he doesn't get many women who deliver without an epidural nowadays.

My daughter Lexi (3 1/2 yrs old) and I are already starting with the brainwa-, I mean, uh...indoctrination. She likes teaching him and showing him her toys "This is Spiderman and this is a dragon...he's blue". She also put my plush Cthulhu in with him and said "This is Put-ulu!" Grand times in store!

...if we can ever get any sleep.

Scarab Sages

Hey guys! I think I should have got my issue of Dungeon 130, but it hasn't shown up yet.

Bored in Texas,

Scarab Sages

Arrrrgh! Two wee jests in honor o' the occasion...

A pirate walks into a bar with a large ship's wheel sticking out the front of his pants. The barman looks at him in surprise and says "Um...excuse me, what's the steering wheel for?"

The pirate looks at the barkeep and says "Yarr, it drives me nuts."


Q: What has 8 arms and 8 legs?
A: 8 pirates!


Scarab Sages

Does anyone know if there are any 3.5 treatments of

1) the Wereshark
2) the (primarily) druid class Earthstoker as presented in Dragon #265

Any assistence is appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday, my wife, 3 year old daughter and myself were walking around on a local playground. Running from the bottom of the slide to the ladder back up for anoter go-around, my daughter bent down and picked something up off of the ground. Heading over to make sure it wasn't something unsavory, she stopped me short by holding up a roughly cut red bead fallen off of some kid's 'jewelry'.

"Look," she said holding it up for me to see "Someone dropped a dice!"

The look on my wife's face was priceless.

"Yes," I said nodding at the treasure "can you say polyhedrial?"

"Poleedral" my dauger said.

"Very good" I said.

"I need a drink" my wife said.

What a truly lovely moment.

Scarab Sages

I’m sad to report that classic D&D artist/illustrator David Southerland has passed away at the age of 56 due to chronic liver failure. Southerland created some of the most indelible images that old school gamers associate with the hobby…The cover of the original Monster Manual, the original DM Guide, the covers of several first printings of modules, and served as cartographer on many, many more (like the Forgotton Realms, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, and Maztica boxed sets, ToEE, and the original Manual of the Planes).

The article on his death can be accessed here:

and a list of his work is available from the good folks at Pen &

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, I didn’t see any threads relating to it.

Scarab Sages

The trailers for the H2G2 movie are starting to trickle in and I couldn't be more excited! It looks absolutely beautiful and like it should be pretty pitch perfect. Alan Rickman sounds like he was meant to be the voice of Marvin, the Paranoid Android. The Vogons look properly repulsive. It looks like they've solved the whole Zaphod's second head thing in an interesting manner. I can't wait for opening night (April 29th)!!

A very nicely cut trailer can be viewed here...,,80009-0-0-0-0-3,00.html

and a similar one here...

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