About Alitsa GratiaAlitsa was born and, for much of her childhood, raised in Taldor by a couple worshipping the banned goddess Sarenrae. Her father was a dockworker in Oppara’s Porthmos shipyards, and her mother was a baker and, secretly, a cleric of the Dawnflower. Alitsa can still remember her mother singing Taldan opera at the top of her lungs, and the smell of baking bread that filled the house each morning. During her fifteenth year, the family was forced to flee when an informant in their secret church told the authorities, and they took to ships. Her mother was left behind when she was captured, and is presumed to be dead. After nearly a year of travel, Rorek Gratia and his daughters, the older, more impulsive Kenzie and the younger Alitsa, arrived in Sandpoint. Unable to afford passage further, he got a part-time job and settled in as a resident. In the three years since, Alitsa has blossomed into a cleric of Sarenrae, enjoying the comparative religious freedom in the town and growing closer to the aging Father Zantus, the high priest of the Cathedral and a cleric of Desna. The two have had a few intense debates about their separate beliefs, and they’ve agreed to disagree on much. She’s also begun to attract a couple of citizens to her faith, a fact that embarrasses her because she sees herself as unworthy of their attentions. She’s had her eye on several of the Sandpoint guardsmen for a while, as well as the foreign owner of the Rusty Dragon inn, but she’s been too busy with her religious training, and too shy, to approach any of them. Not all is good for Alitsa in Sandpoint, however. Her older sister has gotten herself involved in the plans of one Jubrayl Vhiski, the supposed leader of the Sczarni in Sandpoint, and has drifted away from her family, despite Alitsa’s efforts. Her father never recovered from the loss of his wife Sonja, and drinks himself into a stupor most nights. A few years ago he beat Alitsa, but it’s only happened the one time, and she’s never told anyone. Besides, she’s a servant of the Dawn now. She can take care of herself. Appearance:
Eyes: Sandy-Hazel, Hair: dark brown, slight waves, kept tucked away, Skin: Light brown/tanned, Height: 5’3”, Weight: 130 lbs, Birthday: 17th of Kuthona, Age: 19 Alitsa is shorter and stockier than many of the other residents of Sandpoint, and doesn’t take any steps to change that. She keeps her dark brown hair tucked away under a headdress made of steel frames and strips of light blue cloth. Her light hazel eyes peer out from her light brown face, currently devoid of any scars or blemishes save one small mole on the tip of her chin. She prefers to wear the loose, flowing robes of a priestess of Sarenrae, light blue and white, but when helping her father at the shipyard or pitching in with someone’s gardening, she wears a simple outfit of linen shirt and wool breeches. When wearing her robes, she wears a set of scale mail underneath, signifying that she stands ready to represent the Dawn against any evil that may arise.
Now that Alitsa’s received divine powers from her goddess, she’s eager to represent her in whatever way she can. One of her long-term goals is to found a chapel to Sarenrae. It doesn’t have to be in Sandpoint, but it’s something she wants to do. In the meantime, she's eager to spread the Dawnflower's message in more humble ways. Alitsa also wants to help her father move on after the loss of her mother. He’s taken to spending much of his time drunk, and she’s grown scared for his health and his sanity, but she doesn’t see any way to help him right now. Finally, she remembers her mother as a baker as well as a priestess, and she wants to learn how to bake, but hasn’t had the time with her religious training.
IC Post:
Alitsa ran the brush through her thick, dark-brown hair, pulling the tangles out of it before tucking it away beneath a blue silken headdress. She buckled the sword-belt around her white robes, a scimitar hanging from her waist. If I had to draw this in earnest, could I? The Dawnflower give me strength if it came to that. I am not yet my mother, no matter what my...flock says or thinks. Hanging the long, light-blue vestments over her robes, she takes one last look at the mirror-I DO look like her, though…-and stepped out to greet the Dawn and those who worship her. It was three this time, the most shed ever had to one of her little sermons. She beckoned them to follow her to the edge of town, and together they watched the sun rise. As the dawn bloomed red and pink over Sandpoint, she looked at her fellow worshippers. ”Children of the Dawnflower, remember that, as the sun spreads its warmth across the land with its passing, so can we humble sparks bring hope and light to those around us. The Dawn brings new light, and so can we. Think on Sarenrae’s gift, and try to do something kind for a stranger.” She turned to see Father Zantus standing well away from her little sermon. Since arriving in Sandpoint, he'd become a sort of second father to her, filling the roles her own was unable to anymore. ”Enjoy the dawn today, for there is nothing I can say to demonstrate Sarenrae’s love better.” She walked over to the old priest, tucking her ankh into the sword-belt around her waist. As she neared, he spoke. ”The Swallowtail Festival is in only a few days’ time. Had you given thought to attending? Though Desna is our patron goddess, your presence would be appreciated, as would that of your flock and your family. Why do they not attend your sermons?” ”My father came to one, but he said I looked too much like his Sonja in my robes-they were hers once, you know? And Kenzie, she’s much too busy chasing after that Vhiski to have anything to do with faith. I have considered attending, and I am certain my fellows will be there. If you truly desire me to attend, and if my father is having one of his good days, I will be there. Besides, it should be a lot of fun!” She stood on tip-toes and gave Zantus a quick, friendly kiss on the cheek before turning on a heel and strolling off. The dawn was beautiful, indeed.
Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 1 NG Medium Humanoid (human) Defense:
Initiative +1; Perception 2 AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 Scale Mail) HP 11 (1d8+2+1 FC) Fort +4 (2 class, 2 Con), Ref +1 (1 Dex), Will +5 (2 class, 2 Wis, +1 trait) Offense:
Speed 20 ft. Melee Scimitar +2 (1d6+2/18-20) Ranged Light Crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20) Spells (Concentration +3) 0th:3 Prepared (DC 12): Guidance, Light, Resistance 1st: 2+1 Prepared (DC 13):Shield of Faith (+1 CL), Bless, (Good) Protection from Evil Special Abilities: Fire Bolt 5/Day, Touch of Good 5/Day, Channel Positive Energy 5/Day Statistics:
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 15 Cha 14 BAB +0 , CMB 2, CMD 13 Feats:
Selective Channeling: When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. ooc]{Human Bonus}[/ooc] Extra Channel: You can channel energy two additional times per day. Traits:
Outlander (Missionary) (Campaign): You have come here to see about expanding the presence of your chosen faith after receiving visions that told you your faith is needed—what that need is, though, you’re not quite sure. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and Knowledge (religion) is a class skill for you. If you cast divine spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus. (Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Something Else) Indomitable Faith (Faith): You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet you never abandoned it. Your constant struggle to maintain your own faith has bolstered your drive; you gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result. Skills:
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (3 Ranks Total) Diplomacy: 6 (1 rank, 2 ability, 3 CS) Knowledge (Religion): 4 (1 rank, 3 CS) Sense Motive: 6 (1 rank, 2 ability, 3 CS) Note: -4 ACP Languages: Common Special Qualities:
Channel Energy: Regardless of alignment, any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. A good cleric (or a neutral cleric who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. An evil cleric (or a neutral cleric who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. A neutral cleric of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the cleric can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting). Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability. Domains: A cleric's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain(Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies.
Scimitar, Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Scale Mail, Traveler’s Outfit, Silver Holy Symbol of Sarenrae, Backpack, 10 GP Encumbrance: 48 lbs L: >58, M: >116, H: >175 |