
Alison Crane's page

25 posts. Alias of Jörmungandr.

Full Name

Alison Crane











Special Abilities

Hag (Green Widow), Claws (1d4), Natural Armour(+1AC), Darkvision, Alchemy, Bomb (1d6), Mutagen


Chaotic Good






Common, Draconic, Elven, Orcish


Traveling Apothecary

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Alison Crane

Defenses: Fortitude +0, Reflex +2, Will +0
Armour Class: 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30ft.

BAB: +0
CMB: +0
CMD: 12

Skills: Craft (Alchemy)1, Knowledge (Arcana)1, Perception 1, Spellcraft 1, Disable Device 1, Use Magic Device 1, Heal 1
Feats: Splash Weapon Mastery, Brew Potion, Throw Anything
Traits: Making Good on Promises (+2 on saves against fear)

Gear: Quarterstaff, Heavy Mace, Leather Armour, Backpack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint & Steel, Alchemist’s Kit
Money: 19gp 04sp

History and Personality:
A young woman in her early twenties who is unsure of her place in the world, she met Professor Lorrimor during her teenage years studying at the Quarterfaux Archives in Caliphas. She managed to pique his interest due to her heterochromia and her unnatural paleness, a combination of features some monster blooded he'd heard rumors of were reputed to have.

When the mystical call from her biological mother came Alison became distressed by the unnatural urges and physical changes she underwent. Rather then leaving her home to seek the origin of the call she approached Professor Lorrimor. When confronted Professor Lorrimor told her what he suspected, that she came from the union of a man and a Hag and that if she answered the call she would most likely be lost becoming another Hag. He also told her that he suspected that if she resisted the call for a time it would fade as her "mother" lost interest and tried to create another child.

A year later Alison began traveling Ustalav seeking additional scraps of alchemical lore having finished her studies at the Archives. She hoped that some piece of information she might eventually discover could lead to her being able to wash the blood of a hag from her body and perhaps inure other afflicted in the same way against their own mothers call.

Alison is still fairly young and naive when it comes to her view of the world even despite having learned of her true nature a relatively short time ago. She is a fairly easy going charmer when she can get away with it and tries to follow a philosophy of even treatment when it comes to interacting with others. Generally if people are mean to her or ostracize her for her unusual features though she gets fairly sarcastic and snide in return but if people treat her fairly based on what they've seen of her she'll be pleasant and friendly in return.

Alison is a striking figure in her dark clothes and her dark gray greatcoat. She has black hair so dark and pale skin so white that both almost seem to shine in comparison to one another. She keeps the hair cut just above shoulder length and has a fairly rounded face with high cheek bones. She typically wears her leather armour underneath the greatcoat and keeps an iron mace in a loop on her left hip.