Duke Arvanoff

Garrid Tharmethion's page

9 posts. Alias of Seldlon the Swift.


Garrid moves 5 feet west and then walks through Etgar and disappears to the north.

"Do I have your word on that? All of you?"

"The warrior-goddess, Arazni, was the patron saint of the Knights of Ozem. Of course he would appear obsessed with her to a lay person. The rumors of Roslar's inadvertent hand in her demise at the hands of Tar-Baphon are unfounded, untrue, and thoroughly investigated by the knights. It is a curse upon me to be associated with a failure who is actually a hero. My anger over this has bound me and torn at me until I withered into my current state. When his name and hence mine is righted with the living, only then may I find peace and leave this place."

sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Niu bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Agni bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Garrid addresses Niu and Agnimitra. The offers seems appealing. "Explain to me how you are alive yet in the boneyard. I believe you would take my message to the living if you are in fact alive and have the means to return to Golarion."

"I must clear Roslar's reputation. My descendants must live and carry this out. It is the only way. Must I fight you as well, hairy?"

The ghostly figure ponders Niu's words for a few moments. His scowl returns. He moves directly to Niu. As he moves, his footsteps become silent and he appears to fade somewhat. "Alive in the boneyard are you? Yes, I fought with Roslar and now I fight you, liar. That way we will know who is truthful."

"You lie. Arabella lives! She will clear Roslar's name and reputation. Fight me and the truth will be known."

"Roslar was a hero! The rumors about him are not true. I need you, my living descendant to carry forth this mission to the world."

"I did not come back from the dead to be interrupted, Arbella!" He points at Agni and yells "You! Can't you see we are busy here. Go interrupt someone else."