Carousing Champion

Alexander "Xan" Edgewater I's page

1 post. Organized Play character for NIVEUS.

Shadow Lodge

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I took a look through the archives and this question was not answered that I could see.

Channel Energy (Su)
The vindicator’s class level stacks with levels in any other class that grants the channel energy ability.

Normally Channel Energy does not stack, and you keep track of the number of uses and dice separately. Does this ability allow them to stack? Or does it simply mean that Holy Vindicator levels count as both cleric and paladin levels and you continue to keep track of them separately as they both advance simultaneously?

Cleric 2/Paladin 4 with 16 cha would have 6 uses of Channel Energy for 1d6 from cleric and have 5 uses of lay on hands making it 2 uses of Channel Energy for 2d6 if he was then to take a level of Holy Vindicator would it be A) or B)

A) Cleric 2/Paladin 4/Holy Vindicator 1: with 16 cha would have 6 uses of Channel Energy for 4d6 (Cleric 2/Paladin/4 Holy Vindicator 1) and have 5 uses of lay on hands that he can expend to gain more Channel uses.

Why A makes sense: holy vindicator stacks with either cleric or paladin and one would assume that it would stack with itself.

B) Cleric 2/Paladin 4/Holy Vindicator 1: with 16 cha would have 6 uses of Channel Energy for 2d6 (2 cleric +1 Holy Vindicator) from the cleric side and have 5 uses of lay on hands making it 2 uses of Channel Energy for 3d6 (4 Paladin + 1 Holy Vindicator).

Why B does not make sense, If I have 3 classes with Channel energy and I keep track of each separately let’s say 4 paladin, 3 Cleric and 3 oracle of life and 10 Holy Vindicator my effective character level would be 40

why B makes sense

Shadow Lodge

Adamantine blanch can be permanently bonded to any material granting it the amazing resilience of Adamantine, however this process is very expensive and takes almost six (6) weeks to complete.

An object is submerged in a series of six (6) 100 pound baths of equal parts Nushadir and Acid for 24 hours per bath, each bath once used is rendered inert as the Acid and Nushander react to one another it cleans and prepares the Mythral armor for bonding, once clean the object is placed in a final bath made from eighty (80) pounds of Adamantine weapon blanch and one hundred (100) pounds of Alchemical solvent that dissolves any impurities in the Blanch leaving only Adamantine dust to which 1 Alkali Flask and 1 Alchemical Fire flask is added every eight (8) hours for five (5) weeks.

Cost 19815 (based on purchasing the alchemical reagents)

3000 gp worth of Nushandir (300 pounds)
3000 gp worth of Acid (300 pounds)
1575 gp worth of Alkali (105 pounds)
2240 gp worth of Alchemical Fire (105 pounds)
8000 gp worth of Weapon Blanch [Adamantine] (80 pounds)
2000 gp worth of Alchemical Solvent (100 pounds)

Making armor this way is more expensive than forging raw adamantine but it allows you to make existing armor much stronger. Adamantine bonded items count as both the base material and adamantine

Sample item

Adamantine Bonded Mithral Breastplate cost 24015 gp

Medium armor (counts as light)
+6 AC
+5 Dex bonus
ACP -1
ASF 15%
DR 2
Hardness 20
Weighs 15 pounds

Shadow Lodge

is there a list of what is considered to be precision damage?