Erdrinneir Vonnarc

Alaris Baelgar's page

32 posts. Alias of Kibeth.

About Alaris Baelgar

Alaris Baelgar
Male Elf
Magus 10| Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 5
N; Age: Unknown; 6'4''

Ability Scores:

Str: 10(+0)
Dex: 26(+8)
Con: 10(+0)
Int: 24(+7)
Wis: 10(+0)
Cha: 10(+0)

Fort: +9
Ref: +13
Will: +9 (+2 Against Enchantment)

HP: 160
BAB: +8/+3
Init: +12 (8 dex + 2 reactionary + 2 Born to the black blade)
Speed: 40ft (60ft when spell dancing)
Concentration : +21
Languages: Common, Sylvan

AC: 34 (10 + 9(Armor) + 8(Dex) + 4(Shield) + 1(Deflection) + 2 Insight) (+4 dodge If spell dancing)
Touch: 25, FF: 26

CMB: +8
CMD: 26
SR: 21




+3 Agile, Keen Small Elven Curved blade
+19/+14, 1d8 + 11 (Spell Combat -2 to hit) (+8 if using arcane accuracy, touch attack if using accurate strike)
15-20, x2
+12 Spell Penetration (10 caster level, +2 racial)


Total Mana: 134


Shield - 1
Unerring Weapon - 1
Intensified(+2) Piercing(+2) Shocking Grasp (x3) - 12
Piercing(+2) Ray of Enfeeblement (x6) - 12
Piercing Touch of Gracelessness (x6) - 12


Piercing(+2) Touch of Idiocy (x6) - 24
Mirror Image (x2) - 4
Darkvision - 2
See Invisibility - 2


Dispel magic - 4
CLoak of Winds - 4
Piercing Ray of exhaustion x4 - 24
Piercing Vampiric Touch x2 - 12
Haste - 4
Daylight - 4


Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser - 6
Piercing Enervation x4 - 32
Piercing Calcific Touch x2 - 16
Arcana Theft - 6
Dimension Door - 6
Fleshworm infestation - 6


Feeblemind - 8


Scroll of True Seeing(1)
Contingent Break Enchantment
Scroll of Contingency
Scroll of Break Enchantment
Extended Magic Aura on all Equipment


Weapon Finesse
Intensify Spell
Extra Arcane pool
Piercing Spell
Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Dervish
Extra Magus Arcana


Reactionary: +2 Init
Desperate Focus: +2 conc

Special Abilities:

Magus Arcana(13):

Dispelling Strike - Swift Action Arcane Pool use to make the next strike a targeted dispel using magus caster level and dispelling a level of spell up to the number of points spent.

Arcane Accuracy - 1 arcane pool point as swift action to grant int to attack rolls for 1 round.

Accurate Strike - The magus can expend 2 points from his arcane pool as a swift action to resolve all of his melee weapon attacks until the end of his turn as melee touch attacks.

Hasted Assault - The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to move more quickly. This functions as haste, but only targets the magus and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence bonus.

Class Features
Spell Dance - +20ft of Movement and +4 Dodge Bonus to AC for 1 minute at the cost of 1 arcane pool point. Can cast blur, fly or haste as a swift action during spell dance. Lasts for 5 rounds, cannot have more than one effect up due to this ability at a time. Can cast dimension door as a swift action during spell dance.

Spell Combat - -2 to hit +2 to concentration checks may cast standard action or less spell and make all of your attacks as part of a full round action.

Spell Strike - Replace free action touch attack with weapon strike when casting standard action or less touch spell.

Spell Recall - Number of points sacrificed from arcane pool to instantly re-attune a previously cast spell of point value equal to 2 points per arcane pool point spell.

Black Blade - (3 Arcane Pool Points) - free action 1 point for +3 to damage for 1 minute.

Elf Noble
+2 to 2 stats
Spell Resistance
+2 to overcome SR
Immune to sleep and +2 against enchantments
+2 Conc checks


+3 Agile, Keen Small Elven Curved Blade - 4000
Celestial Armor - 11,350
Belt of Incredible Dexterity - 18,000
Headband of Intellect - 18,000
Cloak of Resistance +2 - 1000
Amulet of shielding - 2000
Ring of Protection - 2000
Boots of Striding and Springing - 2700
Ring of Sustenance - 1250
Dust of Appearance x1 - 900


Acrobatics +21 (+5 Ranks, +3 CS, +8 Dex, +5 Striding and Springing)
Climb +8 (+5 Ranks, +3 CS)
Knowledge(Arcana)+20 (+10 Ranks, +3 CS, +8 Int)
Perception +15 (+10 Ranks, +3 CS, +2 alertness)
Sense Motive +13
Knowledge (Planes)+15
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+12
Knowledge (Engineering)+12
Knowledge (History) +12
Knowledge (Religion) +12
Knowledge (Nature) +12
Knowledge (Nobility) +12
Knowledge (Local) +12
Linguistics +12
Knowledge (Geography) +12
Spellcraft +20
Escape Artist +21
Use Magic Device +13