About Akku...story time!:
In his previous very distant and long ago human life, Akkurian was a simple commoner albeit one with a great awareness of his surroundings and mastery of common sense so to speak.
He was a farmer, family man and a generalist who could take care of shoeing horses, deliver calves, harvest crop and if time allowed, go fishing. His low-born status meant he was nearly illiterate though, and throughout his life, was ever curious of books, libraries, universities, schools, etc. He never got the opportunity to explore this desire to learn due to the farm and his family responsibilities. When he died, he rose steadily in the ranks of Pharasma's servants. He became a psycopomp noisoi, roaming the eternal libraries for ages, and in the end became a yamaraj, serving as one of the judges of the dead and lords of the Boneyard. For his eons of service to the Boneyard he was offered a rare chance at a second life. He took it, eager to learn more and perhaps also CREATE new knowledge and uncover new mysteries. When he incarnated on the mortal plane in his new duskwalker body, something went wrong. While he was not expecting to retain memories, he realized that he did in fact retain most of his eons of knowledge... but... he immediately found himself deprived of his newly created vessel... His body and mind were overtaken by a distant, remote, unknown being. Everything went blank for what seems an eternity. Only flashes of some alien distant world remain. He doesn't even know his name: when he came back in his body... he was a blank slate. He is an 8-year old duskwalker boy with no memories. The only thing he found was four weird letters sewn inside his sleeve: Akku. At night, he has horrible nightmares and visions of a distant world. Oddly out of place in these nightmares is the sight of an enraged little girl, who seem mad at him or blame him for something. A dark, scary energy surrounds her, and as this little girl gets near him, he usually wakes up in sweats. ************ Flashback to a few previous eons in the past... Akkurian, a boy then... learning farming from his father in the fields. It is a hot day. Hard work for a boy his age. In the distance he sees their house far in the field. A little girl runs out of the rustic cabin, running towards them... Akkurian recognizes her as his youngest sister, Siiska. Behind the little girl, a good thirty seconds behind, is the mother, trying to run after her. Akkurian's little sister always wanted to go to the fields with daddy and Akku, and always put a tantrum when they left without her, her young 4-year old mind unable to understand that it was for her own good. As Akkurian squints in the hot sun and wipes away the sweat stinging his eyes, he realizes that her mother is yelling and gesturing frantically. Up ahead, in the bushes, the tiger waits patiently, but Siiska, smiling, running, only has eyes for her beloved big brother, Akku... ************ Background: spiritualist with small-size phantom of her young sister from eons ago, Akku - now a blank slate - has no idea this presence in his mind is the wayward soul of her sister from many lives ago. To further complicate things, upon his incarnation as a duskwalker as a reward for eons of good work at the Boneyard, his mind was overtaken almost immediately, and for centuries (reflected by the Formerly Mind-Swapped Strange Aeon's campaign trait, if allowed). This strange entity inhabiting his body feasted upon the eons of knowledge acquired in the Boneyard libraries, and took advantage of his unique duskwalker's physiology: the body only matures when the mind experiences things, and so with the boy's mind gone, the body stalled and remained young for centuries, granting a nigh immortality to the invading alien entity. Suddenly Akku awakens in his own body again- the alien presence has departed after a horrible bad dream that Akku no longer remembers. Siiska quickly homes in towards Akku's location, her internal compass pointing true for the first time in centuries as Akku's mind re-enters his body... From this moment on, Akku grows at an exponential rate, his body going from the physical appearance of an 8-year old to a full-grown adult in the span of one week (i.e. as the module starts). Each night the boy, teenager, and finally young man grows through severe nightmares and seizures, his body catching up for centuries of being cut-off from his soul. Duskwalker lore...:
Throughout his daily nightmares he sees glimpses of Siiska, whom he no longer recognizes, as his new mortal life is devoid of any memories from previous lives. Akkurian, farming, his siblings, parents, millennia serving in the Boneyard, becoming a judge of Pharasma's high courts, none of this remains. Or matters? Siiska is enraged by this, developing a deep hatred of everything. Including the fact that she's stuck in a young girl's body. Her soul has roamed the ethereal plane for eons looking for her brother, only to be reunited with him at a time when his soul has been washed, reknitted, and recycled. She loses herself in hatred for everything as Akku's body becomes that of a man. Must the universe also take away her memory of his little brother and morph him into a full grown man instantly? must the universe deny her of making her own memories with her brother and allow them to... grow together? Both souls are united together again, but hardly understand one another. Perhaps in time, some light will shine on their tragedy. AKKU
BOT my scythe please!:
[dice=+2 silversheen scythe]1d20+14[/dice] for [dice=piercing slashing magical silver dmg]2d4+17[/dice] =================================================
Spiritualist Spells (Caster Level 10th; Concentration +14)
Racial Traits:
Duskwalkers are defined by their class levels—they do not have racial Hit Dice. All duskwalkers have the following racial traits. +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom: Duskwalkers are agile and wise, but their bodies are fragile. Medium: Duskwalkers are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Duskwalkers have a base speed of 30 feet. Darkvision: Duskwalkers can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Skilled: Duskwalkers gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (religion) and Heal checks. Ghost Hunter (Su): In a duskwalker’s hands, any weapon can strike true against spectral beings. A duskwalker’s nonmagical weapons deal half damage to incorporeal creatures, as if they were magic weapons, and her magic weapons can deal critical hits and precision damage, even if they do not have the ghost touch property. Once per day as a standard action, a duskwalker can focus her natural revulsion toward undead. If she does so, she treats all weapons she wields as if they had the ghost touch property for 1 minute. Ward against Corruption (Ex): Duskwalkers gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against negative energy and death effects, as well as the spell-like and supernatural abilities of undead and sahkils. They are immune to all abilities that would transform their bodies or souls into undead. Languages: Duskwalkers begin play speaking Common and one of the following: Abyssal, Celestial or Infernal. Duskwalkers with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following bonus languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, or Protean. Feats enhancing Ghost Hunter (Su) ability described above: Ghost Hunting Team
Experienced Ghost Hunter
Formerly Mind-Swapped (Campaign): ): Once per day, you can reroll one Knowledge check that you have just failed. In addition, you can attempt untrained Knowledge checks with DCs up to 20 instead of 10. Internal Compass (Magic): You maintain a sense of direction, even on planes where direction is relative. If you are on a plane that has no analogue to north, you automatically know the direction toward the plane’s major dominating feature. If there is no such dominating feature, you instead know the direction of the closest feature significant to one of the plane’s divinities or demigods. Shadowbound Manifestations
*Eerie Perception:
(Source Horror Adventures pg. 34) Your eyes change, adapting to a life in the shadows. Gift: You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet instead. You also gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Stealth checks. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonuses increase to +4. Stain: Your eye color fades to a dull gray and your eyes overreact to light. You gain light sensitivity, causing you to be dazzled in areas of bright light.
(Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of over-stimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.) Wretched Pain:
(Source Horror Adventures pg. 34) Your eyes change, adapting to a life in the shadows. Gift: Whenever you deal weapon damage to a creature that you are flanking or a creature that is denied its Dexterity bonus to its AC against you, you can inflict a painful wound as an immediate action. The target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated by pain for 1 round. If the target succeeds at the save, it is sickened for 1 round and becomes immune to your further uses of this ability for 24 hours. Unless stated otherwise, the DC for gifts that allow a saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your manifestation level Stain: Your eyes turn a milky white, utter black, or pale yellow, making you appear blind although you can see normally in most circumstances. You gain light blindness, causing you to be blinded for 1 round whenever you are exposed to daylight or another source of bright light and dazzled for as long as you remain in bright light thereafter.
(Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of over-stimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.) Class Features
A spiritualist begins play with the aid of a powerful and versatile spirit entity called a phantom. The phantom forms a link with the spiritualist, who forever after can either harbor the creature within her consciousness or manifest it as an ectoplasmic or incorporeal entity. A phantom has the same alignment as the spiritualist, and it can speak all the languages its master can. A spiritualist can harbor her phantom in her consciousness (see the shared consciousness class feature), manifest it partially (see the bonded manifestation class feature), or fully manifest it. A fully manifested phantom is treated as a summoned creature from the Ethereal Plane, except it is not sent back to the Ethereal Plane until it is reduced to a negative amount of hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score.
A spiritualist can fully manifest her phantom through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When the phantom is fully manifested, the spiritualist can change the form of the phantom’s manifestation (either from ectoplasmic to incorporeal or vice versa) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When the phantom manifests, its hit points are unchanged from the last time it manifested, unless the phantom was slain and returned to the Ethereal Plane; in this case, the phantom manifests with half its maximum number of hit points. The phantom does not heal naturally, and can be healed only with magic or by being tended to with the Heal skill while fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. The phantom stays fully manifested until it is either returned to the spiritualist’s consciousness (a standard action) or banished to the Ethereal Plane. If the phantom is banished to the Ethereal Plane, it can’t return to the spiritualist’s consciousness or manifest again for 24 hours. While fully manifested, a phantom can’t be returned to the Ethereal Plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. Whenever the spiritualist is unconscious or asleep, the phantom immediately returns to the spiritualist’s consciousness. If the spiritualist dies, the phantom is returned to the Ethereal Plane, and can’t return to the spiritualist’s consciousness until 24 hours after the spiritualist is brought back to life. A phantom can’t be dismissed or banished (by a spell or any other similar effect) while it resides in the spiritualist’s consciousness, as the phantom is protected from such effects by the power of the spiritualist’s psyche. Fully manifested phantoms can wear magic items and use items (though not wield weapons) appropriate to their forms. Any items worn, carried, or held by a phantom are dropped when the phantom returns to the spiritualist’s consciousness, and must be retrieved and donned anew if the phantom wishes to use them when it fully manifests in the future. Phantoms are self-involved, even jealous, creatures that do not play well with other summoned companions. A phantom refuses to manifest (either fully or as part of a bonded manifestation; see Bonded Manifestation) in the presence of an eidolon or shadow summoned by the phantom’s master. Furthermore, if a phantom is manifested when such a creature is summoned, it immediately retreats into its spiritualist’s consciousness, and will not manifest again until the eidolon or shadow is dismissed. A fully manifested phantom’s abilities, feats, Hit Dice, saving throws, and skills are tied to the spiritualist’s class level and increase as the spiritualist gains levels. See the Phantoms section for more information. Shared Consciousness (Su):
At 1st level, while a phantom is confined in a spiritualist’s consciousness (but not while it’s fully manifested or banished to the Ethereal Plane), it grants the spiritualist the Skill Focus feat in two skills determined by the phantom’s emotional focus, unless the spiritualist already has Skill Focus in those skills. It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects; at 12th level, this bonus increases to +8.
Lastly, once per day, when the spiritualist fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, as an immediate action she can shunt that effect into the phantom’s section of her consciousness instead. When she does so, she is not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, the spiritualist loses the bonuses on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and the Skill Focus effects granted by her phantom, and can’t use this ability to shunt a mind-affecting effect into the phantom’s consciousness or manifest her phantom in any way. When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the phantom’s consciousness, spells such as dispel magic and break enchantment can be cast on the spiritualist to end the effect’s duration as if the spiritualist were affected by the mind-affecting effect. Etheric Tether (Su):
At 1st level, a spiritualist can force the phantom to manifest in an area around her by pushing the phantom’s consciousness though the veil of ethereal essence, allowing it to fully manifest in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. Whenever her manifested phantom takes enough damage to send it back to the Ethereal Plane, as a reaction to the damage, the spiritualist can sacrifice any number of her hit points without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the phantom. This can prevent the phantom from being sent back to the Ethereal Plane.
This tether is limited. When the phantom is fully manifested, it and the spiritualist must remain within 50 feet of one another for the phantom’s manifestation to stay stable with little to no concentration on the part of the spiritualist. The spiritualist can stretch the limited tether, but only when the phantom is in ectoplasmic form. When a spiritualist starts her turn and her ectoplasmic phantom is more than 50 feet away from her (but closer than 100 feet), the spiritualist must concentrate on the link as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity or the ectoplasmic phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and cannot be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. This concentration can be interrupted as if it were a spell. Treat this effect’s spell level as equal to 1 + 1 per 10 feet farther than 50 feet that the phantom is from the spiritualist (maximum spell level 6th). If the tether is interrupted or the check fails, the phantom immediately snaps back into the consciousness of its spiritualist master. If the ectoplasmic phantom is ever more than 100 feet away from its spiritualist, or the incorporeal phantom is ever 50 feet away from the spiritualist or outside of line of effect from the spiritualist for more than 1 round per spiritualist level the spiritualist possesses, the tether is automatically broken; the phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and can’t be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. Bonded Senses (Su):
At 2nd level, as a standard action, a spiritualist can share the senses of her manifested phantom, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling everything her phantom does. She can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her spiritualist level, but those rounds do not need to be consecutive. There is no maximum range for this effect, but the phantom and the spiritualist must be on the same plane. The spiritualist can end this effect as a free action. Bonded Manifestation (Su):
At 3rd level, as a swift action, a spiritualist can pull on the consciousness of her phantom and the substance of the Ethereal Plane to partially manifest aspects of both in her own body. When she does, she uses this bonded manifestation to enhance her own abilities while the phantom is still bound to her consciousness.
For the spiritualist to use this ability, the phantom must be confined in the spiritualist’s consciousness; it can’t be manifested in any other way. During a bonded manifestation, the phantom can’t be damaged, dismissed, or banished. A spiritualist can use bonded manifestation a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her spiritualist level. The rounds need not be consecutive. She can dismiss the effects of a bonded manifestation as a free action, but even if she dismisses a bonded manifestation on the same round that she used it, it counts as 1 round of use. When a spiritualist uses this ability, she must choose either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. When she makes this choice, she gains all of the abilities based on the form she chooses and her spiritualist level. Ectoplasmic Bonded Manifestation: When a spiritualist uses this ability and chooses ectoplasmic form, she gains an ectoplasmic shield that protects her without restricting her movement or actions. She gains a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class; this bonus applies to incorporeal touch attacks. The ectoplasmic shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. At 8th level, the spiritualist also sprouts a pair of ectoplasmic tendrils from her body. Once per round as either a swift or a standard action (spiritualist’s choice), the spiritualist can use one or both tendrils to attack creatures within her melee reach (using the attack bonus and damage dice of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom) or to manipulate objects. She can even use that action to have one tendril make an attack and the other manipulate an object, as long as that object can be manipulated with one hand. At 13th level, the phantom’s ectoplasm clings to the spiritualist like a suit of armor. This grants the spiritualist a +6 armor bonus to AC without imposing an armor check penalty, an arcane spell failure chance, or any reduction in speed. At 18th level, the spiritualist can take a full-round action to attack all creatures within her melee reach with her tendrils (using the attack bonus and damage dice of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom). When she does, she rolls the attack roll twice, takes the better of the two results, and uses that as her attack roll result against all creatures within her melee reach. If the better attack roll threatens a critical hit, the spiritualist chooses one target that she hit to confirm the critical hit against. The other attacks that hit are considered normal hits rather than critical threats. Incorporeal Bonded Manifestation: When a spiritualist uses this ability and chooses incorporeal form, she becomes shrouded in a haze of insubstantial mist, granting her concealment against ranged attacks. At 8th level, the spiritualist can better affect incorporeal creatures with melee attacks; her unarmed strikes and melee weapon attacks are treated as if they had the ghost touch magic weapon special ability. At 13th level, the spiritualist can take a standard action to become invisible (as the invisibility spell) until the start of her next turn. At 18th level, the spiritualist gains the incorporeal subtype and a fly speed of 30 feet (good) while using this form of bonded manifestation. Spiritual Interference (Ex or Su):
At 4th level, whenever a spiritualist is within the reach of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom, she gains a +2 shield bonus to her Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on her saving throws. She doesn’t gain these bonuses when the ectoplasmic manifested phantom is grappled, helpless, or unconscious. A spiritualist within 30 feet of her incorporeally manifested phantom receives a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. This bonus is a supernatural ability and does not apply if the phantom is unconscious. Detect Undead (Sp):
At 5th level, a spiritualist’s connection with the Ethereal Plane becomes so strong that she can use detect undead at will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her spiritualist level. Phantom Recall (Su):
At 6th level, as either a swift or an immediate action, a spiritualist can call her manifested phantom to her side or back into her consciousness. This ability functions as dimension door, using the spiritualist’s class level as the caster level. When the spiritualist calls the phantom in this way, the phantom appears adjacent to the spiritualist (or as close as possible, if all adjacent spaces are occupied). When the spiritualist uses this ability to call the phantom back to her consciousness, she can activate bonded manifestation as part of that action, but doing so costs 1 extra round of bonded manifestation. The spiritualist can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every 4 spiritualist levels she possesses beyond 6th. Calm Spirit (Sp):
At 7th level, a spiritualist gains the ability to use calm spirit as a spell-like ability once per day. At 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the spiritualist can use this ability an additional time per day (to a maximum of 4 times per day at 19th level). See Invisibility (Sp):
At 9th level, a spiritualist gains the ability to see many things normally hidden from sight. She gains the ability to use see invisibility as a spell-like ability once per day, with a duration of 10 minutes. Fused Consciousness (Su):
At 10th level, a spiritualist always gains the benefits of bonded senses when her phantom is manifested. She also gains the skill ranks and bonus to mind-affecting spells granted by the spirit's emotional focus (see page 80), even when her phantom is manifested. Lastly, she can shunt the effect of a mind-affecting effect into the consciousness of her phantom as the shared consciousness ability even when the phantom is manifested, but doing so causes the phantom to immediately retreat back into the spiritualist's consciousness. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Emotional Focus: Hatred
Ectoplasmic Form When the spiritualist manifests her phantom in ectoplasmic form, the phantom gains the following additional abilities:
Emotional Focus: Hatred
Incorporeal Form When the spiritualist chooses to manifest the phantom in incorporeal form, the phantom appears within 30 feet of the spiritualist as a ghostly apparition. It gains the incorporeal subtype (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 301), including a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma modifier. Since it isn’t an undead creature, it takes no damage from holy water or positive energy. Unlike other incorporeal creatures, an incorporeal phantom can’t attack corporeal creatures, except to deliver touch-attack spells using the deliver touch spell ability. An incorporeal manifested phantom can make slam attacks against other incorporeal creatures as if it were in ectoplasmic form. |