About Akadi TanaNeutral Female Human (Mwangi) Medium STR: 12/14 (+2magic)
HP: 51
FORT: +3 | REF: +4/+5 | WILL: +8 Longspear: +10; 1d8+4; x3Crit; Reach, Brace
Skills 64 ranks
Spellcasting saves 10+spell level + Cha Mod
Spirit: The Bear(Neutral Strength):
Spirit Bonus: +3 Attack and Damage Seance Boon: +2 on STR checks to break an object Spells: 1st Enlarge Person; 2nd Aspect of the Bear Compulsion: Bestial: Behave like an animal giving in to hunger and anger Lesser Power: Paws: 2 primary claw attacks dealing 1d6. Intermediate Power: Massive: Gain benefits and drawbacks of Enlarge Person (increasing claw damage to 1d8) *Greater Power*: Enormous: Grow 2 size categories, gaining +4Str, -4Dex and additional 5ft reach (claw damage 2d6) Spirit: The Cricket (Good Dexterity):
Spirit bonus: +3 AC and Reflex Seance Boon: +2 on saves vs entangle, stagger and paralysis Spells: 1st: Expeditious Retreat; Longstrider. 2nd: Grace; Protective Spirit Compulsion: Wanderlust - take opportunities to explore exciting new places. Lesser Power: Quickness: +10ft movement speed, ignore difficult terrain Intermediate Power: Treasure at the End: +1 to hit and +2 dmg when attack on same round as moving. *Greater Power*: Celerity: Movement and speed bonus increases to 10xspirit bonus (+30) Spring Attack bonus feat. Spirit: Demon's Lantern (Evil Dexterity):
Spirit Bonus: +3 AC and Reflex Seance Boon: +2 Sleight of Hand Spells: 1st: Dancing Lantern; Faerie Fire. 2nd: Mirror Image; Twisted Space Compulsion: Indirect: Engage in convoluted indirect plans involving tricks and traps rather than taking the direct approach. Lesser Power: Fools Lantern. Summon a Wisp a tiny creature resembling a ball of light from a dancing lights spell as a std action with unlimited duration. Has AC12 and if it takes any damage it dies in a burst of light dealing 4d6 dmg (Ref DC17 for 1/2). Can only have 1 Wisp in existence at a time. Intermediate Power: Wisp Shield: When Wisp occupies my square attacks against me suffer 20% miss chance. If attack misses due to this the Wisp is killed. *Greater Power* Wisp Walker: Move action change form to appear as Wisp, may chance places with Wisp when do so. Spirit: The Desert(Good Constitution):
Spirit Bonus: +3 Fort, +9 max/current hp Seance Boon: +2 saves vs disease and environmental heat/cold Spells: 1st: Remove Fear; remove Sickness. 2nd: Remove Blindness/Deafness; Remove Paralysis. Compulsion: Over reliance: Even when you can do something yourself prefer to have an ally assist or take care of you. Lesser Power: Bond of Reliance: Std action bond up to 3 (+self) characters together. No two of which can be more than 30ft apart. At the beginning of a bonded creatures turn they can transfer up to 3 damage from another bonded to itself. Creatures with Fast-Healing or Regeneration may not enter a bond and if a bonded creature subsequently gains these abilities it is ejected from the bond. Intermediate Power: The Deserts End: When remove a hostile condition from an ally or ally removes hostile condition from you. The recipient of the removal gains +3 on attack rolls, damage rolls and saves until end of next turn. This does not work if condition was inflicted by an ally. *Greater Power*: Water in the Wastes: Standard Action touch willing target suffering from nonpermanent, noninstantaneous spell or affliction which I am not also suffering. Roll a Save against afflictions original DC, on success remove affliction, on fail gain affliction as well for remaining duration. Spirit: The Rakshasa (Evil Intelligence):
Spirit Bonus: +3 on all skill checks Seance Boon: +2 on Intimidate checks to influence attitude Spells: 1st: command; Forbid Action; Murderous Command. 2nd: Control Summoned Creature; Lesser Geas; Marionette Possession Compulsion: Domineering: Seek to impose will on others, forcing them to do as I say. Lesser Power: Exploit Dominion: When successfully Intimidate to influence attitude influence lasts 1d6 hours instead of 1d6x10 mins. When a target fails save against my compulsion spells or abilities it receives -2AC vs my attacks, skill checks and on saves against me for duration of compulsion. Intermediate Power: All Are Slaves to the Rakshasa: Swift action Intimidate check as if to influence attitude against a single target of one compulsion I'm about to cast/activate. On success target suffers -3 on their save. If target fails Rakshasa gains 1 influence over me. *Greater Power* Puppetmaster: Std action move any willing ally in LoS as they had spent a move action using any of their forms of movement. Control is not fine: target auto-fails any Acrobatics and Fly checks if DC greater than 10. Spirit: The Owl (Neutral Wisdom):
Spirit Bonus: +3 Will saves and Concentration checks Seance Boon: +2 Heal and Knowledge (Nature) Spells: 1st: Natural Rhythm, Speak with Animals. 2nd: Blessing of Courage and Life, Speak with Dead. Compulsion: Harshly Pragmatic: Don't allow sentiment to cloud judgment. Accept deaths of the few to serve the needs of the many. Lesser Power: Cull the Weak: learn condition of creatures as if using Deathwatch except creatures are 'fragile' when below 1/4 hp and fighting off death when below 1/2. Gain +3 attack and damage against any foe detecting as fragile. Intermediate Power: The Herd Grows Stronger: When opponent with at least 1/2 my character level in HD to below 0hp Owl counts as Strength Spirit until beginning of next turn. *Greater Power* The Bonds of Life: Gain Lifesense to 30ft, when detect living creature with lifesense also learn their condition as if using Status Spirit: The Unicorn (Good Charisma):
Spirit Bonus: +3 - Seance Boon: +2 on checks to aid another Spells: 1st: Timely Inspiration; Saving Finale. 2nd: Gallant Inspiration; Heroism Compulsion: Overly Generous: Find it difficult to resist giving something to someone, when you know they seek it for nonevil ends and I can provide it. Lesser Power: Fortuitous Aid: +5 instead of +2 when aid another (ignoring other abilities that alter this bonus). Aid another bonus lasts for 3 rounds or until I aid that ally again or until the ally uses the aid bonus 3 times. Spells that end bardic performance can be used to end Fortuitous Aid on an ally. Intermediate Power: Paired Aid: When using Fortuitous Aid on an attack, also add +3 dmg to attack, when using for AC also grant bonus to saves against that foe. *Greater Power*: Timely Aid: Can use Fortuitous aid as an immediate action, but only lasts for one use. Spirit: The Liar (Evil Charisma):
Spirit Bonus: +3 - Seance Boon: +2 Bluff checks Spells: 1st: Charm Person; innocence. 2nd: Reckless Infatuation, Suggestion Compulsion: Obsession - Guided by destructive passions obsessing with desire of that which I want but do not possess. Lesser Power: Seductive Lies: +3 DC of Charm and Compulsion Spells and effects. If a creature has a helpful attitude and would be attracted to female humans, becomes 'infatuated' gain +3 to all cha and cha-based checks against infatuated creatures. Intermediate Power: Do it for Love: When using charm on infatuated creatures don't have to make opposed Cha check to convince it to act out of the ordinary. Though can't issue obviously harmful or suicidal requests without an opposed check and convincing argument. When using Suggestion all suggestions made in the name of love that aren't obviously harmful acts are treated as very reasonable. *Greater Power*: True Lies: Constantly under the effects of Innocence though this effect is not a spell and leaves no aura. Anything you say counts as true for truth-telling magic (e.g. Zone of Truth or Discern Lies). Gear:
Necklace of Adaptation4500Belt of Physical Might (STR/DEX) +25000Headband of Mental Prowess (INT/CHA)5000Boots of the Cat1000+2 Ghost Touch Longspear Silver Dagger8305 22 Chain Shirt +24100Handy Haversack2000Potion of Heroism750Potion Lesser Restoration300Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1) *3150Trail Rations (30)15Waterskin (full) *33Outfit, Cold Weather8Outfit - Hot Weather8Outfit Travellers1Bedroll0.1Blanket0.5Small tent10Silk Rope10Everburning Torch110 1709 gp