
Aislian's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


I kinda wonder if there is a common gag item each year. Like the FUS RO DAH helmet or like the knee seeking arrows and such.

Man, I would be super pumped to make it anywhere in this contest but especially as a 1st timer I just can't wait to get some good feedback!

EDIT: I just hope they don't go easy on the feedback, if I am gonna get rejected I would love to see something that would help me make a real improvement next time around.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Heh, now I have an image of a bag of marbles that gives protection from mind affecting effects. Once a save is failed they disappear.

Love the 'losing your marbles' reference. I watched Hook again recently and this has been all I can think about haha.

This is really making me hope that the entire Top 32 list is like marbles or types of tobacco. Stick all of em' in a bag together and have a grand old time.

Thanks for the thanks! My submission was not only my 1st entry but my first post on the forums! I have loved Pathfinder for a while but never really gotten involved in the community. I guess this is as good an opportunity as any to jump into the community!