Student of the Canon Any critical failures on checks to Decipher Writing of a religious nature or Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths is a failure instead. When Recalling Knowledge about the tenets of the Temple of the Endless Step, a failure is a success and a success is a critical success.
Assurance (Athletics) fortune May take a 13 on Athletics checks instead of rolling.
Flurry of Blows 1 action flourish Make two unarmed Strikes. Apply multiple attack penalty normally. If both hit the same creature, add the damage together before applying resistances and weaknesses.
Wolf Stance 1 action stance May make wolf jaw unarmed strikes: 1d8 P damage, brawling group, agile, backstabber, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed traits. While flanking, wolf jaw strikes gain the trip trait.
Powerful Fist Unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage and take no penalty for dealing lethal damage.