Full Name |
Agun Glengrim |
Race |
Dwarf |
Classes/Levels |
Wizard 6 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
64 |
Special Abilities |
Darkvision 60 ft.; Arcane Bond (Amulet) |
Alignment |
This field left suspiciously blank |
Deity |
Agun Glengrim |
Languages |
Dwarven, Common, Elven, Draconian, Terran |
Occupation |
"Student," Pariah |
Strength |
9 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
19 |
Intelligence |
19 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
6 |
About Agun Glengrim
HP: 57
AC: 15 (Touch: 11 / Flat-footed: 14 / Giants: +4 or Huge or larger: +2)
SAVING THROWS (+2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities)
Fortitude: 6 / Reflex: 3 / Will: 6
CMB: 1 / CMD: 12 (+4 vs. bull rush and trip)
Initiative: +5
BAB: +3 (+2 vs. uncivilized humanoids)
Telekinetic Fist: +4 vs. touch AC / 1d6 per highest spell level available
Appraise 9 (11 for precious metals and gems) / Fly 8 / Know. Engineering 7 / Know. Lore 11 / Know. Planes 11 / Know. Warfare 7 / Linguistics 11 / Profess. Mining 7 / Spellcraft 12
Scribe Scroll / Improved Initiative / Toughness / Eschew Materials
Heavy Pick, Heavy Crossbow, Cold Iron Dagger, Summoning Ritual Stone, Hat of Disguise, Ring of Jump, Knock Wand (14 charges left), Cure Moderate Wounds wand (5 charges used), 3x Cure Light Wounds potions, 2x Cure of indeterminate strength, 6 pearls, rope
SPELLS (* for favored class and % for cross class)
0 (4 per day / DC 13)
All of them except Enchantment/Evocation with the exceptions of %Charm Person, %Dancing Lights, %Daze, %Ray of Frost, %Sleep
1 (4 per day +1 Transmutation spell / DC 14)
Alarm, %Burning Hands, Color Spray, *Enlarge Person, *Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Mage Armor, %Magic Missile, *Magic Weapon, Prot. from Evil, Shield, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement
2 (4 per day +1 Transmutation spell / DC 15)
*Bear's Endurance, *Bull's Strength, *Cat's Grace, Detect Thoughts, %Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Invisibility, *Pyrotechnics, *Rope Trick, %Scorching Ray, Web, *Whispering Wind
3 (3 per day +1 Transmutation spell / DC 16)
*Fly, Ray of Exhaustion, *Haste, Dispel Magic