![]() I'd also recommend Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms setting. They have some cool steampunk stuff. I know that you have Fallout and Borderlands in mind visually, but we were once going to try a a Gunslinger (Stephen King, not the APG class) Campaign and we were going to use the Iron Kingdoms book for a lot of stuff, though not the whole setting. Also, while not dystopian, Earthdawn has a lot of ruined cities claimed by vegetation and rediscovered magic. I alway loved Earthdawn. Monte Cook's Numenara might be worth looking at too. Post Apocolyptic but not in the usual way. Lost tech. Long stretches of Waste. ![]()
![]() I use to have a Druid subtype based on cleansing and rebirth that centered on forest fires. I had been reading about redwood trees and how they need forest fires to thrive(their bark is resistant to fire: fire kills pests that eat the tree, it removes dead parts of the tree that it can no longer feed and replenishes the surrounding soil). ![]()
![]() Alright, I was busy with some crazy work stuff the past few days. This is what I have so far. Racial Breakdown by Continent Spoiler:
Continents & Regions: Racial Breakdown
Vinmarden: Lava Dwarves
Raoshi: although, in reality, they can be found randomly (about 1% of dwarves) in any significant dwarf population. But must are found in Thuzalin or Vasterhelm, the two largest Dwarven countries/city-states. Anakletos: Dustlings
Shadar: Smoke Elves
Shangotl: Sandstorm Dwarves
Shaal, the Halfling Shape shifters (the Startide Plains) World spanning: Blue-ringed Elves (Orod)
It is far from complete but it was all I had time for this week. ![]()
![]() I agree about the Viking dwarves. That was where I came up with this idea' from page 2: Grimhelm, A rare Dwarf surface city. And Vasterhelm: A giant under city of the Dwarves, built under a glacier, kept from warming and calving by enormous runes carved into it, with sea tunnels that boats sail through to gain entrance to a harbor/port with a ceiling of blue ice. I can envision Dwarven longboats sailing into tunnels in a glacier, with them pounding on drums. I am not sure if they have ever been done, but mixing Vikings and Dwarves is an idea that is just begging to be done. ![]()
![]() Browman wrote: Perhaps the western edge of Vinmarden? I can add a mountain range along that coast. Sounds good. As far as the name Far Shadar vs. old Shadar...Well, I was just trying to add a bit of flavor. In my head, I could hear the denizens of one of the other continents talking about Far Shadar, off across the sea... But I am not married to the concept. ![]()
![]() Cool. I can definitely see a continent called Vinmarden, with countries and regions like: Country: Hjelm
Hjelm is a country of deep fjords, surrounded by a vast forest known as the Sleepingmarch Wilds, a dark, unexplored region of werewolves and shadow fey. Sound alright? ![]()
![]() I'm updating this thread as much for myself (like keeping notes) as to get feedback, at this point. Anyway, borrowing heavily from the Freeport materials that I recently purchased. And I am debating expanding the underworld of the city, which I have renamed Krakenport for the Setting. I want to expand it in a pretty big way. These are the two options I am considering: 1) A cavernous Undercity with giant stalactite structures (hollowed out and made into structures) hanging over an Abyss, with rope bridges, etc. ruled by the various criminal empires. 2) A Shadowport, entered by certain clandestine gates, one that mirrors the geographic structure of the city exactly, but is populated by an entirely different set of people (could be including Fetchlings and Wayangs, ghouls, wraiths, vampires as well as high level humans and humanoids). Any thoughts? ![]()
![]() I hope I didn't get too gonzo with some of the ideas! like the floating islands that are chained to the ground and the Diamondback Medusi. I have to tell you that I am really enjoying this! I've been working on my own Homebrew Campaign Wurld concurrently, and this has actually helped. They both have two completely different flavors. And if an idea comes to me that is a little too dark, I put it in mine. If it's kind of High Fantasy, I put it into this World Building Group project. I wish we could recruit more people, though. ![]()
![]() It has been a productive and creative day for me! Some organizations, namely you asked for a Lycanthrope organization: Fenris Faction: A loosely aligned brotherhood of Lycanthropes. Caste based with Werewolves at the top of the caste system. The Order of the Wolf and Eagle: A group of Rangers and Paladins dedicated to defending the nighttime from the Undead. The main Chapter-house is in the northern city/stronghold of Hjelm. Hjelm could be situated in a great forest mountain region (think the Black Forest) infested with undead called the Sleepingmarch Wilds. The Port Ivory Company, headquartered out of Port Ivory in Djekis, a land of savannah and jungles, (Africa?)on the Miraz Sea. A large, multinational company that funds all manner of enterprises, legal and otherwise. ![]()
![]() Possible Pantheon Names: ??? Beleria- The Sun Goddess Zarkhas- God of Magic (Deceased, asleep or possibly lost?) Arai- God of Exploration and the Stars Keshtia- The Forge Goddess, preferred deity of most Dwarves Mezor- God of War Nemai- Nature Goddess (The World Goddess), and preferred of Elves Numos- God of the Sea Turog- God of the Savage Wild, preferred deity of Orcs and Ogres Tzor- God of Darkest Desires and Deeds Xaog- God of Monsters Shadzar & Shammet- Twin Gods of Sleep and the Dreaming Realm ![]()
![]() Ok. First off, I took some of these back (from myself) after someone asked for a list of fantasy names and ideas here in a different thread, and then apparently didn't care for them. I have added some ideas/suggestions to some names, others, I have nothing yet... Names:
Warringwater How about the kingdom or city of Skrymir on the Cormorand Coast? Could be something like GRR Martin's Aerie (sp?), only a city, rather than a keep. Maybe a city in a hollowed out mountain like The Devil's Tower... Asansolapur: I picture a kingdom something like Nepal/Tibet, resting in a series valleys in an enormous range of mountains,The Mountains of Twilight. Major cities of Asansolapur: Jeeling, Am-Nemil, Ghostivar... Yetis might be a second class, or even enslaved race. The Shimmering Waste: A gypsum desert, surrounding a Salt Sea, crossed by Halfling caravans and small ships. Doloon: Coastal fishing city, a fantasy version of Marseilles, situated on The Lantern Coast so named for the intricate paper lanterns that hang in all of the fishing villages. Zolder, Hidden city of the Gnomes Carnassium, City-State in the Echo Archipelago, famed for its colleges of Wizardry. Sazanne, The Eternal Empire: Capital, Enderban, famed for the Iron Empress and her legendary Midnight Guard, recruited from a rare, noble tribe of good aligned Rock Orcs. The Startide Plains where Mastodon herds still migrate and the ruined pyramids(think more Aztec than Eygptian)of an ancient empire can still be found. Grimhelm, A rare Dwarf surface city. VasterhelmA giant under city of the Dwarves, built under a glacier, kept from warming and calving by enormous runes carved into it, with sea tunnels that boats sail through to gain entrance to a harbor/port with a ceiling of blue ice. Hjelm, a northern human barbarian land? Tanglesands, a treacherous, monster infested desert, maybe populated by Medusi that are crossed with Diamondback rattlers? That would be a cool image, I think. The Medusi might attack with Summon Swarm, using swarms of Sidewinders... Thuzalin, possibly the name of an entire Dwarven kingdom? AzurumGnome city? The Psychai Archipelago a chain of islands floating in the sky, possibly anchored together and to the ground by ancient, titanic chains from a forgotten but advanced race/empire? Carzimur, land of spice trade and assassin cults. I picture something like the real world Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. Synankam Genabi Djekis The Sonorous Sea Xatandar The Plains of Shen-Logoth Wilderbar Skyos Sundergard The Swanstone Bayruz The Jade Sea Tammeroon Seram Ormudz Shar Alagos The Miraz Sea The Swordfish Isles ![]()
![]() Here's Part 2: Tskrym: Tskrym are nocturnal, fiendish Gnomes that were once employed as assassins for the Unseelie Court in the surreal Fey Realm. They are the stuff of nightmares.
Deep Orc:Infernal Crossbreed of Orcs and Dwarves, Deep Orcs are slightly smaller than normal and engineered to hunt Dwarves underground, on their own turf.
![]() Here is my next small batch: Shaal: Halfling Shapechangers, cousins to the Kitsune, that take the form of coyotes. Shaal are shapechangers with Halfling and shapechanger subtypes. Uses Standard Halfling Racial traits except that Fast Shifter replaces Fearless. Raoshi: Dwarves reincarnated from the souls of the greatest of Dwarven heroes.
Orod a.k.a Blue-ringed Elves: Leftovers of a horrible sorcerous experimental attempt at crossing Elves with the Poisonous Blue-ringed Octopus. These melancholy and xenophobic elves have pale, poisonous and translucent skin covered in blue circles.
![]() The Timeline is workable. All it needs are some other major events, that don't revolve around the constant invasions. Possibley, the rise and fall of a couple of kingdoms or Empires. And I understand you probably already plan on that, so, don't take that as a criticism. It wasn't meant to be! After all, it's just your initial effort. I can't wait to see it more fleshed out, as well, because then I will be able to better flesh out all of the Sub Races and start piecing in where they belong in the scheme of things. As to races, I am glad you like them! You gave me another idea as well, so I am planning on another Sub Race for each Race. But each one is going to have a very different flavor/mechanic than their original race. An example of this is the current one I am working on: A Halfling/Kitsune-like thing that revolves around Trickery and can shape change into a Coyote. Still fleshing it out, though. Also, possible reincarnated Dwarf/Samsaran things called Raoshi. ![]()
![]() I get that. But, at the same time, it would make sense for them to start settling in places that feel comfortable to them. I could easily see Lava Dwarves settling in a region of high earthquake/volcanic activity (Maybe an even more active analog to the Pacific Northwest-type place). Rain Elves might fit there, due to the temperate rain forests. So, while they most certainly can be found anywhere, there are places that large groups would eventually feel more comfortable settling. I am confused, map-wise, though. Which one are we using? ![]()
![]() I have to add that I wasn't keen on the idea of Core Races modified 'Elementally', so to speak. But the more I worked on it, the more I was digging the concept. I kind of like the idea of Sandstorm Dwarves, which I think would be good fit for the Nomadic Dwarves concept that someone mentioned earlier in the thread. I am also partial to Phase Gnomes and Tidelings. ![]()
![]() Ok, here's what I have so far. It isn't very refined yet but I got a couple of neat ideas (I think). I tried to make them a bit more...racially 'tailor-made' so that a Fire Dwarf and Fire Elf have very different abilities, making them completely different concepts... Dwarf Sub Races Lava Dwarf (Dwarf with Ifrit Ancestors) ; Energy Resistance (Fire), Relentless (replaces Stability) Sandstorm Dwarf (Dwarf with Sylph Ancestors) Whispering Wind (replaces Stone-cunning),Breeze-Kissed ( replaces Hatred) Dusk Dwarf (Dwarf with Fetchling Ancestors); Shadow Blending ( replaces Stone-cunning), Skilled(Fetchling) (replaces Greed) Elf Sub Races Smoke Elf(Elf with Ifrit Ancestors) Shadow Blending (Fetchling)(replaces Elven Magic), Skilled(Ifrit) (replaces Weapon Familiarity) Rain Elf (Elf with Undine Ancestors); Hydrated Vitality (replaces Elven Magic), Energy Resistance (replaces Weapon Familiarity) Storm Elf (Elf with Sylph Ancestors); Energy Resistance (replaces Elven Magic), Storm in the Blood (replaces Weapon Familiarity) Halfling Sub Races Darkling (Halfling with Fetchling Ancestors); Emissary (replaces Weapon Familiarity), Subtle Manipulator (replaces Fearless) Dustling; Stone in the Blood (replaces Halfling Luck), Energy Resistance 5 (acid) (replaces Weapon Familiarity) Tideling; Amphibious (replaces Weapon Familiarity), Terrain Chameleon (replaces Fearless) Half Orc Sub Races Rock Orc; Granite Skin (replaces Orc Ferocity), Mountain Born (replaces Intimidating) Hush Orc; Whispering Wind (replaces Orc Ferocity), Like the Wind (replaces Intimidating) Ember Orc; Fire Starter (replaces Orc Ferocity), Wild Fire Heart (replaces Intimidating) Gnome Sub Races Lightning Gnome; Storm in the Blood (replaces Obsessive), Energy Resistance (replaces Illusion Resistance) Phase Gnome; Shadow Blending (replaces Illusion Resistance), Spell-like Abilities (disguise self, etc.) (replaces Gnome Magic) Mist/Fog Gnome; Nereid Fascination (replaces Keen Senses), Acid Breath (replaces Gnome Magic) A couple of thoughts: 1) I didn't bother with Half-Elves. I almost didn't bother with Half Orcs. I could do without them, or make Half Elves. Or you could rationalize why there is one but not the other. 2) I didn't give them Regions/Geographic origin points yet since I haven't seen map yet. But I can always go back and do that later once I know more. 3) I didn't do Ability Score adjustments yet. I am not sure if I should keep the original Core Race Ability Mods or the Elemental Ability Mods or make a Frankenstein-Ability Mod. What would you prefer? ![]()
![]() Other things that are coming to me: Asansolapur: I picture a kingdom something like Nepal/Tibet, resting in a series valleys in an enormous range of mountains,The Mountains of Twilight. Major cities of Asansolapur: Jeeling, Am-Nemil, Ghostivar.... Yetis might be a second class, or even enslaved race. The Shimmering Waste: A gypsum desert, crossed by Halfling caravans. Doloon: Coastal fishing city, like a steampunk version of Marseilles, situated on The Lantern Coast, so named for the intricate paper lanterns that hang in all of the fishing villages. Zolder, Hidden city of the Mountain Gnomes, a hardier, more serious breed of gnome. Carnassium, City-State in the Echo Archipelago, famed for its colleges of Wizardry. Sazanne, The Eternal Empire: Capital, Enderban, famed for the Iron Empress and her legendary Midnight Guard, recruited from a rare, noble breed of good aligned Orc with dark blue skin known as Cobalt Orcs. The Startide Plains, where Mastodon herds still migrate and the ruined pyramids(think more Aztec than Eygptian)of an ancient empire can still be found. And that's all I have for now.