About Aella WhitehallGear and Gold:
Wealth COIN PP: 0 GP: 21 SP: 0 CP: 0 Encumberance
Max Lift Overhead: 260 lbs.
GEMS Magic Items Weapons
Quarterstaff 2-handed, Simple Weapon | Cost: - | Weight: 4 lb.
Bastard Sword 1-handed, Exotic Weapon | Cost: 35 GP | Weight: 6 lb.
Greatsword 2-handed, Martial Weapon | Cost: 50 GP | Weight: 8 lb.
Longbow 2-Handed, Ranged, Martial Weapon | Cost: 75 gp | Weight: 3 lbs.
Heavy Wooden Shield Shield | Cost: 7 GP | Weight: 10 lbs.
Other Gear
Class: Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 1 - Favored Classes: Fighter, Paladin Alignment: Lawful Good Race: Angel-Blooded Aasimar (Appears human, mostly) Languages: Common, Elven Senses: Perception +3, Darkvision 60 ft. Initiative: +4 (+4 DEX) HP: 11
Armor Check Penalty: -3 w/ shield, -1 w/o shield Acrobatics (DEX)^ +3 Ranks: 0
* class skill
1st - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Feats Descriptions
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. Combat Trick: When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the benefits and the hindrances of that feat until the end of your turn, instead of until your next turn. COMBAT STAMINA (2 Points)
Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +1. Benefit(s): You gain a stamina pool. After you make an attack roll with a manufactured weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack with which you are proficient, but before the results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost. Special: Since you have a stamina pool, you can spend your stamina points to use any combat tricks associated with combat feats you possess. EXOTIC WEAPON PROFICIENCY (Bastard Sword)
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon with which he is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls. Special: You can gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of exotic weapon. WEAPON FOCUS (Heavy Blades)
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. Combat Trick: Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Weapon Focus bonus on attack rolls with a weapon with which you don’t have Weapon Focus. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. ECLECTIC (Paladin)
Prerequisite: Human. Benefit: Choose an additional favored class and gain either +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever you take a level in that class. If you choose a class in which you already have levels, the benefits of this feat are retroactive. ============================
Type: Outsider(Native), Humanoid(Human) Size: Medium Base Speed: 30 feet Languages: Common and a choice of Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan with a high enough INT score. Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5. Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Heal and Knowledge(Planes) checks. Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Aasimars can use alter self once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar’s class level). Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.) Scion of Humanity: Some aasimars’ heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype. Class: Fighter
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.” Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level. Character
Benefit: When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0. FAITHFUL ARTIST (Perform(Sing))
Benefit(s): Choose one Perform skill; you gain a +1 trait bonus on Perform checks of the selected type, and Perform is a class skill for you. SCOUT
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you.
Bandit Since you were young, you’ve been a member of one bandit gang or another. Benefit: Choose one of the following skills: Escape Artist, Intimidate, or Stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
Effect: Whenever you have less than half your maximum hit points, you are shaken. Appearance:
Aella is all of five feet tall with a petite frame. Her fair skin is a stark contrast to her silky, raven-black hair. Her eyes are an icy blue flecked with silver that seem to sparkle like star-struck sapphires in the dark from time to time. Even though her frame is well muscled, she doesn't look as strong as she is. While it's obvious that she is no child, it is hard to tell her age thanks to her youthful features and small stature. Others have assumed she is a young adolescent before and more than one vendor in a market has asked where her parents where. Aella laughs the gaffs off and generally has a good sense of humor and cheer about the whole situation. She wears a silver chain around her neck that holds three things on it. The first is her signet ring. The second is a holy symbol of Shelyn she had been given by her father on her twelfth birthday. The third is a simple charm, a circle that locks into the other two her sisters have and a reminder that they always have each other. Aella prefers practicality and comfort to fashion when expecting combat. She wears clothing that gives her a good range of motion and is rugged enough not to get ripped to shreds while adventuring. She wears dark, muted colors most of the time since they are less likely to give her away when scouting ahead. To that end, she perfers to wear armor that has either been dulled and colored to match the rest of her wardrobe or that can be hidden under her tunic. When in town, she still values comfort, but likes to dress nicely. Bright and striking colors that complete her eyes and hair are the order of the day here. Perhaps because of paranoia or just because she feels exposed without the extra weight, she likes to wear armor that can be hidden under or disguised as clothing.
Elizabeth Donnalee - Elizabeth is the one person who managed to worm their way past Aella's walls and get to know her. The two have been roommates since they started their training, and its hard to not like Elizabeth. The cheerful and, at times, too-energetic young woman tends to bring out the best in anyone she meets thanks to the respect she shows just about everyone. Those few that lose it, though, tend to lose it for good. Elizabeth comes from a family of ne'er-do-wells, and has a number of talents that most wouldn't expect out of the earnest knight-in-training. Her family left her for dead after a job gone wrong, and it was a knight of the order that took her in and helped set her on the path to being a good member of society instead of a thief. The Whitehall Family - As the heir to the head branch of the family, Aella has contacts in every major city and several smaller towns on trade routes. In the millenium since the family has gone from royals to business moguls, they have also spread all across Aurulia. Correspondance between the various branches keeps them all appraised of what is happening, and visits between them are not uncommon. The Whitehall Mercantile Company - Branches of the company are found almost wherever the Whitehall family is. Thanks to its longevity and the Whitehalls' reputation for honest and fair dealing, the company has connections that grant access to resources, information, and several important people. Thanks to the wines, ciders, perries, and meads the family makes being highly sought after for their quality among the upper classes, the company always has a way of getting the ear of someone for a few minutes if ever needed. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Isle - Mr. Donovan and his wife Vivian are the Whitehalls' main troubleshooters and negotiators. They've known Aella, Alba, and Astra since birth. The pair are shrewd negotiators and great judges of character, which is one reason they never got along with Narcissia. They have a soft spot for Issac's children, turning into a doting aunt and uncle when around them. Titus Cailean - Titus was raised by a small group of Caydenites that run an orphanage in the village near Castle Whitehall. He and Issac Whitehall became friends at a young age and that friendship had only grown stronger as they grew from young boys to young men. He joined the Church of Shelyn after finding himself more drawn to their teachings and was named chaplain of Castle Whitehall after Issac's father died. He's a tough minded individual and isn't afraid to speak his mind, which has lead to the straining of his and Issac's friendship in recent years. Aella doesn't know if he survived the attack that lead to her being transported to Sparo by magic gone wild. Alba Whitehall - The second of the three sisters. Alba is much like Aella in many ways, but where Aella is on the free spirited and whimsical side, Alba is a font of dauntless optimism. She is the one that ofter kept her siblings' moods up when they were feeling particularly lonely or down. Astra Whitehall - The third of the three sisters. Astra is similar to her sisters, but is more contemplative and thoughtful than her other sisters. She was the one that often planned the pranks they sometimes played and helped them to see the other side of arguments that they were in. Jacob Whitehall - Jacob is the elder son, though he is younger than his sisters by two years. He is a bookish sort that never could decide if his sisters' antics were annoying or endearing or both. While he is a kind-hearted boy, he often has trouble connecting with others and feels uncomfortable in large crowds. He had taken an interest in magic when Aella last saw him. Aaron Whitehall - Aaron is the youngest of Issac's children, a year and a half younger than Jacob. Unlike his brother, he's a gregarious, outgoing sort that prefers time outdoors sparring or hunting to spending time in a library with dusty tomes, at least not ones that don't have tales of heroes or chivalorous knights in them. When Aella last saw him, he had expressed interest in joining the Order and becoming a knight to go on grand adventures.
Description To most, Aella is a distant, if cordial, person. She keeps to herself more often than not, afraid of letting too much slip in the company of others. The front she puts up is difficult for her to maintain. Deception doesn't come naturally to her, nor does self-imposed isolation. The two years since being found in the courtyard of the Order's headquarters have been hard as she tries to keep everyone at arm's length and keep them from knowing the truth. Behind this wall is a young woman that loves to spin whimsical tales and suppose absurd hypothetical situations just to see how others would react. To her friends, she's affectionate, often hugging them to show her gratitude, love, and support. She enjoys trying new things and learning of other cultures and places. Most of all, she relishes the opportunity to meet new people and getting to know them. She likes cute, fuzzy critters, especially kittens and puppies, and often times it's her affection for such animals that leads her to break the character she's built up and let her true self show through even just a little bit. Because of the lie she lives, she often finds herself second guessing her decisions and wondering if she has done the right thing. Most of all, she finds herself worried about her sisters. She had joined the Order in the hopes that she could search for Alba and Astra while out on missions, but the past two years have ground on her as she worries more and more that she'll never find them. Myer-Briggs Personality Test
-What is your relationship to the gods and religion? I follow Shelyn. She's the one that I know the most about, though Uncle Titus told us plenty about some of the others, both good and bad. I feel the ones that preach hurting others or ignoring their pain aren't worth following. -What is your physical appearance, bearing, mannerisms, and quirks?
As much as I like my hair, most people notice my eyes first, though. I guess when you have black hair and icy blue and silver eyes, it's kinda hard to not notice them first. Had one of the other members of my class start writing sonnets about them to try and woo me. I wasn't interested, and besides, he had a half-dozen other girls he was trying to seduce. I'm not exactly worldly, but he wasn't exactly subtle. I guess I'm pretty graceful, and I walk like someone from the upper classes, which is a bit of a problem since I'm supposed to be an orphan that had gotten a job that got her off the streets when she was young. I just pass it off as how I am, but I think a few of the others are starting to get suspicious. When I'm bored, I fill my journal with sketches and drawings of things around me or that I've seen. I've filled up a few journals with more drawings than notes, sometimes to the instructors' dismay. If I can't draw, I start to hum. If I can't do that, well. Standing at attention for a long time can be a bit like torture for me. People who've heard me tell stories or jokes often say that I'm a little odd, but that's okay. I don't mind being odd. Though, that doesn't happen much now. I tend to keep people from getting to know me. I figure it's better that way. After all, if they don't know who I am, they can't be a target for Mother Dearest. What? Oh! No, that's not Momma. That's my and my sisters' step-mother. I'm not sure which of us started calling her that. -Do you have an easy way with strangers?
-Do you play well with others?
-What draws you to the life of an adventurer?
-Do you identify with a particular animal or element? if so, why?
-What do you find creepy?
-What specific goals do you have, if any?
-What secrets do you have?
-What does someone else know about you that you do not?
Narcissia knows that I and my sisters have celestial blood in our veins and that it is stronger than it has been in centuries. Huh? Uh... what just happened? -Do the ends justify the means?
Answer the following as your character would-
-Compassion, or Justice?
-Love, or Fear ?
-Obedience, or free thinking?
-Pride, or Greed?
-Group, or Individual?
-What is Right?, What is wrong?
The Last of the Royal Line of Erewyn When the Dread Lich Morzoth swept in from the northern mountains of Aurulia and began his bloody campaign of conquest, Queen Rhionna, the monarch of Erewyn, the Everbright Kingdom, could see that her kingdom could not stand against the onslaught. She sent out emissaries and letters, pleading with her neighbors to band together, but they all refused. With little other choice she prepared to fight and delay army of undead while her subjects fled to safer lands in the south. To lead this expedition, she called on her cousin, the Duke of Whitehall, and tasked him with leading the evacuation along with most of the knights and militiamen that had been mustered. Tales and songs of the brave stand taken by the Kingdom of Erewyn ring out from taverns and market squares even now, but as brilliantly as they fought, as brave as they were, they all died. With the death of Queen Rhionna, the only surviving royals were the dukes, duchesses, and their families that fled south. The survivors of Erewyn fought with a ferocity that was unmatched by the other armies after they regrouped in the foothills of the southern mountains and fought inch by bloody inch to reclaim their homes from the ravenous horde. They would volunteer for the most dangerous missions and bravely stayed behind to fight a retreating action whenever the main host lead by the order was repelled. Their bravery cost them dearly. One by one, the royal lines died as their leaders and scions were killed doing what had to be done so that their comrades would have hope and live to fight another day. By the end of the war, after the defeat of the Dread Lich Morzoth, the only royals to survive were the few survivors of the Whitehall Family. They lead their battered and bloodied subjects back to the ravaged land that had once been their beloved home, the Everbright Kingdom. They dreaded what they would find at the journey's end, however. Too often they passed through the blasted and hellish landscape that had once been prosperous and wealthy kingdoms and the charred husks of once vibrant towns. To their surprise, they found that where the Kingdom of Erewyn had stood was still beautiful, with verdant forests and amber fields. Even so, rebuilding the ruined cities and villages was a herculean effort. The surviving Whitehalls poured out what remained in their depleted coffers to help fund the rebuilding. After years away, they came back to their ancestral home, expecting to find a ruin that would always be a reminder of what had befallen their beloved kingdom. What they found was a gleaming castle with their standard flying high and snapping in the breeze. Dwarves of the Ironmug Clan, grateful for the aid that the family had given them in the final battles of the war had rebuilt the castle in secret. To this day, there is a stone carving in the entry hall of the castle that proclaims:
The Whitehalls, Vinters and Merchants
Their business grew well beyond their ability to maintain in short order, leading to a small village forming around the small river that flows through the land. Many of the villagers are employed by the Whitehalls to tend to the groves of fruit trees, hedgerows of berry bushes, fields of grapevines, and stacks of beehives. Others tend to the pastures and fields that keep the village fed and the remainder help maintain the tools provide the other goods and services that the rest need. As the demand for their vintages spread, the Whitehalls began to trade in other goods to help fund the trips to deliver their wines and meads to the markets that clamored for them and pick up the spices, goods, and raw materials they needed to maintain their business that they could not grow or find near their home. Soon, transporting their vintages became secondary to the trade that they were able to engage in thanks to their connections. Thanks to this, branches of the Whitehall family can be found in every city and regular correspondence helps the distantly scattered members of the family keep in touch and know what is going on. Patrons of the Arts
Instead of hording it away or festooning themselves in whatever gaudy fashion sweeps through the upper class in the current season, the Whitehalls have turned to being patrons of artists and those that would help make their communities better. More than one orphanage or halfway house had been built thanks to their generosity in the cities of Aurulia. As a result, the family has become friendly with the faiths of Shelyn, Cayden Cailean, Desna, and Sarenrae. A few of the family's scions have joined those clergies over the years, and Shelyn stands next to Iomedae as one of the gods the Whitehalls pay homage to on a regular basis. Shelyn for their hope in the future, and Iomedae in remembrance of their past. Despite their connections to the church of Iomedae, few of the Whitehalls have joined the Order, with the last being three generations ago. The family's desire to stay out of politics and the increasingly corrupt dealings involved have remained as strong as ever. The Tragic Tale of Issac Whitehall and his daughters
Issac met Anna, his wife and mother to his only children, while on his way to Valen with a special delivery of wine. She was just a tavern wench and he had done his best to appear as little more than another driver of guard. The two of them hit it off and after a few days in town while some of the horses were re-shod and some of the caravanners that had fallen ill from a poorly conceived game to prove who had the most hardened cast-iron stomach recovered, Issac learned that Anna was all but a slave to her employer after her father had ran out on her. She was hardly the only one in this situation, and Issac, being a noble man, confronted the man and paid the debts owed in full. All of the now freed people took him up on his offer to travel with the caravan and settle someplace else where they and their families could start anew. As they wound their way to Valen, most left at some small village or a town surrounded by farmland and scattered copses of trees. Anna, however, stayed with Issac as they became friends, then something more. On their return to Castle Whitehall, a wedding was planned and held with Issac's best friend and Castle Whitehall chaplain, Titus Cailean, presiding over the ceremony. The villagers rejoiced and a festival was held that lasted for days as the reserves of wine, mead, and cider were heavily reduced. Anna proved to be as kind and loving as her husband, with many of the nearby villagers receiving small gifts of treats and sweets from her whenever holidays or festivals would roll around. Gifts made all the more special since she would help make them herself. It seemed that, despite the gathering storm to the south as tensions rose and food prices climbed higher, the idyllic lives that the people in and around Castle Whitehall so cherished would continue as two years after their marriage, Issac and Anna Whitehall announced that Anna was with child. It was a cold and bitter winter that year. Anna fell ill and despite all the healers and clerics did for her, it became clear that Anna would likely die as she gave birth. The midwives had learned that Anna had more than one child in her womb, and were not surprised when she gave birth to first, then another girl. What did surprise them was the third of the triplets who came out shortly after her sisters. Anna lived long enough to name her daughters and hold them in her arms. After she kissed them on their heads and laid her weary head back on the pillows, she breathed once, again, then her last. The wind howled outside of the windows, the only sound as the sun set and began longest night of the year, and the long night of Castle Whitehall. Issac was devastated by the loss, losing much of his zest for life. Though just into his late twenties, he seemed a man almost in his twilight years. Many of the castle's servants began to worry and wonder if Issac would soon go to meet his beloved wife. The huntsman went so far as to demand that he and his son go with him when Issac prepared to leave the castle, ostensibly on a winter hunt. He had seen the look of a man ready to end his own life before, and the look in Issac's eyes worried him. As the spring came, Issac left with a caravan, promising to return. Despite the worries of many of the villagers, it was one he kept. With him came a woman that he claimed was his new wife, a woman named Narcissia. This scandalized many of the villagers who had not yet finished grieving for Anna, and many felt it was disrespectful, though a few that had lost loved ones before their time understood better that it was not disrespect but a desperate need to fill the hole left behind that likely drove Issac's actions. Narcissia's arrival, however, only signaled a deepening of the night in Castle Whitehall. Issac's three daughters, Aella, Alba, and Astra learned early in their lives to avoid their step-mother. The woman spared no love for them and took pleasure in reminding them that they had killed their mother with their birth. She likely would have crushed them utterly if not for the efforts of Titus Cailean. Uncle Titus, as the triplets knew him, helped bolster their flagging spirits and taught them of his Goddess, Shelyn. He also taught them of music and art, which to his delight they took to. He taught them of their mother's kindness and often took them out into the village to meet other children and play with them. Issac, though he tried to be a good father and hang onto the man he had been, grew more and more distant. Soon, all that was left of him was his work. He had grown cold and aloof in the years after he brought Narcissia back with him. Even when his sons, Jacob and Aaron were born, he seemed to have no joy in his heart, and he withdrew into managing the business that his ancestors had built to shut out the rest of Castle Whitehall. The brightest spots in the gloom that had fallen over the castle were Anna's three daughters. Thanks to Titus' influence and efforts, they grew into cheerful young girls that charmed and delighted the castle's staff, often getting up to some antics or playing some game. When they were old enough, their brothers joined in, unleashing pandemonium in the castle's halls when they got a little too rambunctious. Sadly, the night would grow deeper still. Fights between Narcissia and Titus grew as the children became adolescents. Narcissia wanted to send Aella, Alba,and Astra away, but Titus refused. The volatile relations between them deteriorated and came to a head as the girl's fifteenth birthday neared. The argument was enough to break Issac from his work and he snapped at them both. Titus left the castle, fuming with anger, returning the next morning after a night spent in the village and away from Narcissia. Later that week, one of the acolytes brought Titus a disturbing bit of information. She had found a letter that laid out a plan to get rid of Anna's daughters and take control of the family's fortune and land, a plan that Narcissia had been working on for years, apparently. Titus, knowing of the danger the girls now faced, and suspecting that his old friend had been magically helped into turning into a recluse, made plans of his own. It was late one autumn night that Titus enacted his plan. He spirited Aella, Alba, and Astra out of the castle and traveled with them to a small fishing town on the coast. While it was nothing to speak of, the town did boast of a harbor and it was often that ships from or heading to Bradensbrook could be found moored and taking on supplies. He thought if he could get the girls to the branch of the Whitehall family in Sparo, then they would be safe. Titus' plans had been found out, however. Chaos erupted in the inn that he and the girls were staying in as darkly robed figures attacked with magic and blades. There was an explosion of arcane power, and everything went black. Aella woke alone in a bed in the infirmary of the Order's headquarters. No one had known how she appeared, bloodied and battered, in the courtyard near the fountain that immortalized the heroic deeds of the order's founding members. There was no sign of anyone else, not her sisters and not Uncle Titus. Aella told them what had happened, keeping details as vague as she could as she heard Titus' warning echo through her head. She had been in an inn when strange people in dark robes attacked. Something went wrong as far as she could tell, and there was a flash of light, then blackness. Knowing that her step-mother would be looking for her, Aella gave them a false name and asked to join, knowing that it was likely the only way she could find her dear sisters and Uncle Titus.