Undead Monster

Adam Howat's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription after #20.

Thanks to all the staff and contributors at Paizo for many good products and good times. I may return someday.

Naturally, a guy described as "the greatest evil mankind had ever known" (Gazetteer p. 38) is going to sound a bit intriguing, even if it is an exaggeration. Plus it's a cool name.

So, are there any other "official" details about the Whispering Tyrant currently? Powers he had beyond those of a typical high-level lich/wizard? Noteworthy minions still on the loose after his defeat? Does he have any direct influence over the area around Gallowspire? How exactly was he imprisoned? And is there anything else cool about him that I wouldn't think to ask with the minimal information I've got?

Also, although the Tyrant himself sounds much too scary to use directly in anything but a very high-level game, I'm interested in ways to incorporate his influence. (My upcoming campaign will probably spend a fair amount of time in the Lastwall/Ustalav area.) It sounds as if plenty of his undead creations are still around, and perhaps some nearby orc tribes still think back to the glory days when he led them to establish a pretty massive empire. Does anyone (Paizo staff or otherwise) have some other ideas for how the Whispering Tyrant might affect a campaign, without it being entirely about him?

Thanks much.

I have a very basic question about the Linnorm Kings: Are they, in fact, actual linnorms? Or is that just the rad name that they chose for themselves?
Of course, any other info about them would be appreciated, too. Thanks.

Pathfinder #1 makes brief mention of aboleths and their possible connection to rune magic and the fall of Thassilon, as well as their creation of other monstrous races like the faceless stalker.
As someone who may soon use aboleths to some extent in a Varisia-based campaign, I wondered what other information might be available (or upcoming in future products): Where do aboleths reside now? Do they rule an aquatic or subterranean empire unknown to the surface races, or are they far less numerous today? Do they indeed practice a form of magic that resembles that of the Runelords? (This is by no means an exhaustive list of the questions floating about in my brain right now, but I wanted to keep this relatively short.)
Thanks in advance for any info.