Grau Soldado

Adam Fletcher's page

18 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.


"Oh, I'm only a teaching assistant. I teach history, by the way."

"Oh, I've got plenty of hypotheses. There's just no way of telling if they're right. It could be an EMP, but who would set one off out here? It could be the Mayan apocalypse, but that's not for another fourteen years. It could be the regular Apocalypse, but I'm waiting until I meet a few good Christians until I rule that out. It could be a solar flare, it could be anything. You get what I'm saying?"

"Go ahead, come in. I'm Adam Fletcher, I teach down at the university. We just got here ourselves, actually. So, make yourselves at home."

Adam is shocked to his feet and steps towards the door, holding his book in front of him like a crucifix. "Depends, who's asking?", he yells back.

"Good plan. Well, I'll just head into the other room, light a candle or two, give you two some privacy, etcetera." With that, Adam heads to the other room and lights a candle, tactfully ignoring any noises from the other room.

Adam picks up a dog-earred book from the table and tucks it under his arm. "I'd rather not stay the night. Only so long until Rat comes along and decides to steal my stuff. Well, there are some cans of food in the kitchen, can opener's in the second drawer. I'll go grab some blankets."

Seeker, permission to have an old pocket-watch that may or may not still work, depending on you whims?

"Just another group of people trying to survive the apocalypse. Same as everyone else." Adam stands back and spreads his arms, attempting to look as calm as possible.

Let's see if Presence+Persuasion can get him to back down by appealing to his higher nature. 5d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 1, 4, 1) = 25 Three successes.

Intelligence+Composure: 6d10 ⇒ (8, 3, 5, 9, 8, 10) = 43 Five successes. Waiting on who he is before I do any more.

Tommy Butcher wrote:

"Hi". "Tommy Butcher", Tommy says reluctently stepping away from Glenda's warm embrace and extending his hand. "Pleased to make you acquaintance.

Tommy realizes then what Glenda said, and momentarily pays absolutely no attention to what Mr. Fletcher is saying. He had only dreamed that she might have feelings for him as well.

After a pregnant pause then Tommy explains that they are getting ready to head back to the clinic, to see if Glenda's parents have arrived, and to check on his patient.

"Good to meet you. Adam Fletcher." He shakes his hand.

"That's on Highland and Broadway, isn't it? Mind if I tag along? My house is on the way, I'm just planning on picking a few things up."

Is his house on the way? Let's say it is.

A man wearing a jacket over a dress shirt and slacks leans into the room. "Hey, just reminding everyone to go over to one of the fires if they plan on staying here any longer. Don't want anyone freezing to death." He pauses and looks at Tommy. "Wait, you don't look like one of the students. Mind if I ask why you're here?"

Sorry for not posting for a while. So, now that there's another PC nearby, willing to say I've been in one of the side rooms talking with people for the past few hours?

"Well then, I'll stay here and make sure we don't all kill each other. See you later Hollis." Adam pauses. "Wait, you know where Professor Williamson lives, right? If nothing else you might be able to bum a few cans of beans from him."

Even after Hollis leaves, Adam continues to sit at the desk thinking. How long will this last? Can they hold out that long? Doubtful, if this lasts longer than a few days and the food in the cafeteria starts to go bad. How large an area is affected by whatever this is? Will the national guard show up tomorrow? Will they actually help, or attempt to cover this up? If it's the latter, the only way three people keep a secret is if two of them are dead...

"Hell if I know, Mason. This whole thing just doesn't make any sense." Adam takes a seat at one of the desks and rubs his temples. "It could be an EMP, but why would they use one here of all places? There are dozens of possible mystic explanations, but none of them actually fit with what seemed to happen. I guess there's just more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy." Adam makes a poor excuse for a laugh and sighs.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore wrote:


A few folks close by seem to pay Adam some heed. The seem to move toward him. About 12 people, two of which you know from classes seem to be listing to you now you can hear them talking panic in their voices "Whats going on?, what was that? have we been attacked?" one of the woman speaks up "It could have been a nuke, maybe we just saw the after shock"

"Well, it could be. It probably isn't, but we just don't have enough information to know what that was anyway. Now, how about we all get out of this rain and figure out what to do next?"

"Everyone, calm down! If a nuke went off, we'd see something more than a flash of light! No need to trample anyone!"

Persuade+ Presence, to hopefully calm everyone down: 6d10 ⇒ (5, 10, 2, 2, 8, 8) = 35 At least 3 successes: 1d10 ⇒ 3 So, 3 successes.

Adam rubs his eyes and attempts to figure out what just happened. "Alright, can't be a nuke, I'd be dead right now if it was. End of the Mayan calendar? No, that's in 2011. Armageddon? Could be. Doesn't explain the car not working though." He sits there for a moment before concluding that there's nothing more he could do here and steps outside and yells at anyone else outside.

"Hey! Any of you have any idea what just happened?"

Stats are done. I know Occult probably isn't going to be that useful, but the first time I played the character he was basically a Call of Cthulu character. Anyway, questions:

Do you have family?
-Yes, both parents and a sister.
If so where are they?
-All of them still live in Massachusetts.
Are you dating?
Do you have a hobby?
-When he died, Adam's uncle left him three things: His lucky pocket watch, a love of history, and books on the occult. A lot of books on the occult. Yeah, he's done other things, but he'd rather curl up with a book than go out on the town any night.
Where did you grow up?
-Dartmouth, Mass.
Where are you living?
-Currently, in an apartment near the Hazard Community College.
Do you have friends that might make interesting NPC's?
-Professor Williamsson, who he spends most of his time working under. He's a good teacher, but he is a bit odd. They say he used to work at a more famous university(no one really says for certain), but he just started ranting to his class about the upcoming apocalypse one day and got fired.

Of course, all of that's liable to change.

Thanks, I should be done with my sheet now.

EDIT: Wrote a background now.

Speaking of which, I just need to pick a few more random secondary skills and write a background.