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RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. 266 posts (4,104 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 aliases.


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F. Castor wrote:
De... bugging...? :-P

Those Paladins are exploiting some mighty system errors to teleport around and give themselves infinite Smite Evils per day. We gotta stop that!

And wow, I was just going to say what secondary sphere should I focus on (Destruction for primary one, OFC!), and I was about to ask if I should pick up healing. Fighting, should I pick up something to buff ourselves, if you're covering healing, skellies and debugging? Is the Alteration sphere good for that? Maybe protection? Enhancement so I can pseudo summon with Animate Object? Warp?

EDIT: Does the Scion of Humanity trait for Tiefling and Aasimar lets you select Human FCBs? That "any effect related to race" is a very broad description, and the fact that it says that "feat prerequisites" are effects only confuses me more D:

DM Darkness wrote:
Adahn_Cielo wrote:
(What kind of Devil was Tiadora, anyway?)

The kind that would have been really, really, EPICALLY unhappy to discover that she had an unwanted sister :P

To think, I had some amazing reveals planned for that campaign. Ah well. Such is life.


Regarding build and fluff, I should be able to put up something up this evening: I won't be taking the Magus dip until level 2 and 3 (I feel it's more appropriate to start with Thau), so it's no problem if you want to take time to think about the Cha thing. Even if we'll keep it as Int, II realized it's not that big of a deal, as most spheres scale with CL and I lose mostly on the concentration bonus from spell combat by having low INT.


Eldritch Scion and Sphere Magus aren't compatible, as they both replace spell combat: even if we made them stack, the fact that I would have to spend spell points to have the ability to spell combat is really rough. :/


Relatively grounded and practical, and I didn't say anything about what she was doing being a good idea. :P (What kind of Devil was Tiadora, anyway?)

Regarding the Cha thing, in support of my case, Charisma is a much worse stat than Intelligence: picking the second is definitely the best mechanical option (as there are a number of ways to make that count for some social skills), while the first has the advantage mostly in the fact that it allows efficient use of UMD.

DM Darkness wrote:

Adahn: let me guess, you're planning on taking the Master of Death feat, right? :p

Actually, I'm not sure! I definitely won't be able to fit in the necromancer talents, and I'm not even sure if I'll pick up the Death sphere at all. Right now, I'm fairly set in the Devourer Thaumaturge, maybe with a one level dip in sphere magus for spellcombat: about that, would it be okay if I used Cha for the Magus casting, too?I could go INT on the Thau side too, but I really like the Cha based crazy singer.

Speaking of which, flavour wise I think I'll go for a former Shelynite singer that has gone off the deep Khutite end and has been sent to Longacre to cover up her involvement in having barbed-wire fun with the wrong people (maybe getting someone killed?).
My previous Evil character was very grounded and practical: I'll go for affable Ax Crazy this time. :P


Oook, I think I've settled on a Thaumaturge (probably Devourer), using the Destruction/death spheres for damage and debuff, sprinkled with the Life sphere to keep everyone up and running.

Fighting Chiken wrote:
I'm thinking about porting over my previous HV character as a shifter (if we go with SoP). He'd be a beatstick/scout, but maybe that'd be redundant?

Well, a Shifter still has 3/4 CL. I'd suppose you'd pick Alteration stuff, so that can be used to buff others too.

And if everyone is doing damage, stuff dies faster: and dead things do no damage. Bam, proactive healing!

@Tirion: Holy crap those stats. SoP is fairly easy to learn, particularly if you pick one of the archetypes/classes with just a smidge of talents.


Reporting in!

1) and 2) Got it, will work on the background
3) If its the level the previous WotW campaign, I've no problems with it.
4) Zon Ku-thon! Zon Ku-thon! Zon Ku-thon! :P
Or daemons. Or Urgathoa, I'll see on the build first.
5) I think I'll go Charisma based, in fact! I just really want to try out Skilled Casting(sing), more than anything else. :P

Speaking of which, I'm obviously on board with SoP. I detest rolling for stats, but here we go!
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Eh, could go worse. By picking a race that gives a bonus to two scores, I should be able to build anything. I'm leaning on either someone that revolves around getting hurt to power himself up (like an evil Oradin-thingie, or maybe the Draining casting drawback?), or go for Skelemen summoner and go around with my cute little group of blood-drenched undead. They won't even pay taxes!

@Castor: The cool thing about SoP is that because the talents (the spells, practically) tend to be fewer in number but more flexible, some archetypes for the base classes and some of the SoP classes like the Mageknight get a few of them to complement their ability to beat people up. Spheres have much fewer trash options than the normal Paizo books, so picking something because it sounds cool and on theme usually works ("Oooh, debuffing darkness!","Oooh, utility illusions!", "Oooh, spawning anvils on top of people!").

Yup,as others said, it's mostly to keep themselves open if they want to make options to change stats in the future. There's nothing right now that freely allows you to switch Stat dependencies

...I mean, there's one, IIRC. In the April's fool document there's the Daring Hero prestige class that switches all of your initiating and class features to work on Cha, but out of the options in the book it's the least balanced one (if at all).

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Skinsaw Cultist (Book 4)
Here are the stats for the Skinsaw Cultists that make several appearances in the fourth book: the damage of the Skinsaw mask is alredy factored in the War Razor line.
By making them Sanctified Slayers instead of a Rogue/Cleric monstrosity, they are able to get almost all of the things they get in the book and then some. The cultist can still skulk around and disguise themselves, and now they pack a bigger punch with studied target and bane (both of which can be prepared in advance while they stealthily ambush the PCs), together with Outflank and Precise Strike to mince victims together. Courtesy of the human FCB, they picked some useful spells to ruin the PCs days like Litany of Sloth and Instrument of Agony: the DCs are low enough that the PCs won't be hit by all of them, but some will stick to inconvenience and hamper their tactics.

If you want them to have Craft Wondrous Items to make their own masks like the book says, switch Improved Initiative for it: however, you should probably switch some skill points around to give them some ranks in Spellcraft, or they won't be able to make them. At least, there's the exact same problem in their vanilla HR stablock: they don't have Deathwatch or any rank in Spellcraft. :/

Skinsaw Cultist, level 6:
Skinsaw Cultist
XP 1,600
Human inquisitor (sanctified slayer) of Norgorber 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 99, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses Perception +11
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 50 (6d8+22)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 war razor +8 (1d4+3/19-20)
Special Attacks bane (6 rounds/day), sneak attack +1d6, studied target +2 (2nd, move action)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
. . 5/day—copycat (6 rounds)
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
. . At will—detect alignment, discern lies (6 rounds/day)
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +8)
. . 2nd (4/day)—cure moderate wounds, hold person (DC 14), instrument of agony[UC], invisibility
. . 1st (5/day)—bane (DC 13), cure light wounds, disguise self, divine favor, expeditious retreat, litany of sloth[UC] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 12), daze (DC 12), detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light
. . Domain Trickery
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency (war razor), Outflank[APG], Precise Strike[APG], Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +9, Disguise +9, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +11, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +12
Languages Common
SQ monster lore +2, solo tactics, stern gaze +3, track +3
Other Gear mwk studded leather, mwk buckler, +1 war razor[ISWG]
Special Abilities
Bane (+2 / 2d6, 6 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane weapon.
Copycat (5/day) (Sp) Create a single mirror image duplicate
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Discern Lies (6 rounds/day) (Sp) Discern Lies at will
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) Domain (Trickery) Granted Powers: You are a master of illusions and deceptions. Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth are class skills.
Monster Lore +2 (Ex) +2 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Outflank Increase flank bonus by +2 if flanking ally has same feat. If you crit, ally gets an AoO.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.
Stern Gaze +3 (Ex) +3 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Studied Target +2 (move action, 2 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +2 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +3 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.

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As per the title, while reading trough HR to run it I was really dissatisfied with the choice of classes of 90% of the NPCs: given there were a lot of humanoid enemies, I expected a lot of variety, but instead a lot of them (particularly in the first part of the AP) are either a Rogue, a Fighter, or a Cleric. To spice things up I started working on rebuilding a lot of them, and I figured that I could share them with everyone here. I finished working on the Dottari guards for the first two books, and I'm almost done with the Skinsaw Cultists of book 3 and onward, together with the High Priest of Abadar as an Oracle and the Otyugh Cleric of book 2 for (possible) friendly NPCs.

Note: I'm using Path of War and Psionics from Dreamscarred Press in my game, using them for NPCs, too. I'll mark if I use it for any of the NPCs. For PoW, I'll only bother selecting only prepared maneuvers: it's way too complicated to add a set of other maneuvers that they probably won't use. :/
Herolab munches up the short description of some stuff, so some of that is rewritten by me.

Dottari Guards and Captains (Books 1 and 2, PoW)
I remade the vanilla fighter Dottari into Myrmidon Fighters: it doesn't change the flavor at all, but gives them new tanky toys to spice the combat, namely with the ability to assume a phalanx formation with their shields trough the Phalanx Lancer stance and by using Martial Power to get temporary HP. With the plus Iron Tortoise maneuvers, I aimed to give the idea of them being a unit trained to fight together, more geared toward outlasting the enemy and capturing them alive/dispersing them instead of just killing people.

To give them a little more relevance if the PC fight against them in the later parts of the books, I've also made stats for level 3 and 6 Dottari captains to add to the encounters to up the difficulty: they are built as Warlords focused on Golden Lion maneuvers, with their stance, boosts, and tactical presence there to help the file and rank Dottari.
They are supposed to mostly use PA, Martial Power is there as a feat tax for Imp.Trip and emergencies.

I still have to fix their noncombat equipment: I'm sure they'll have to have manacles on hand, but any idea for anything else? Maybe a Sap?

Dottari Guard, level 1:
Guardia Dottari
Human (Chelaxian) fighter (myrmidon) 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee heavy mace +4 (1d8+2)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks 1 angering smash, 1 iron shell, 1 phalanx lancer, 1 primal wrath, deeds (heroic recovery, man of action, unbreakable), grit (2)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Iron Will, Martial Power, Weapon Focus (heavy mace)
Skills Acrobatics +1, Intimidate +4, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Languages Common
SQ myrmidon maneuver recovery
Other Gear chain shirt, heavy steel shield, heavy mace, longbow, 63 gp
Special Abilities
1 Angering Smash (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Shield bash causes target to take -4 to hit anyone but you
1 Iron Shell (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Successful shield bash attack negates incoming attack
1 Phalanx Lancer (Ex) Use a two-handed weapon with a shield, and lock shields with allies to increase shield AC by +1 each
1 Primal Wrath (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: A forceful strike that suffers a -2 penalty to hit but adds +4 to damage, or +6 to damage if used with a two-handed weapon.

Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Martial Power -1/+3 Take listed penalty to attacks to gain listed temporary HP. They last until the next turn and you must declare to use this feat before you make an attack, like Power Attack. Counts as Combat Expertise for feat taxes.
Myrmidon Maneuver Recovery In order for the myrmidon to recover her maneuvers she must perform one of two actions. The myrmidon may recover a single maneuver as a standard action. She may also spend a full round action to recover her initiating modifier in maneuvers (min 2).

Dottari Guard, level 4:
Guardia Dottari
Human (Chelaxian) fighter (myrmidon) 4
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 40 (4d10+12)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +5 (+2 vs fear and compulsion effects, +1 vs. fear)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk heavy mace +9 (1d8+5)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 (1d8+1/×3)
Special Attacks 1 iron shell, 1 phalanx lancer, 1 primal wrath, 1 stance of aggression, 2 crippling strike, 2 enraging strike, 2 tactical snap, deeds (heroic recovery, man of action, ready for trouble, unbreakable, utility trick), grit (2)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Iron Will, Martial Power, Tactical Rush, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Weapon Specialization (heavy mace)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common
SQ armor training 1, myrmidon maneuver recovery
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk heavy steel shield, mwk composite longbow (+1 Str), mwk heavy mace, 63 gp
Special Abilities
1 Iron Shell (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Successful shield bash attack negates incoming attack
1 Phalanx Lancer (Ex) Use a two-handed weapon with a shield, and lock shields with allies to increase shield AC by +1 each
1 Primal Wrath (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: A forceful strike that suffers a -2 penalty to hit but adds +4 to damage, or +6 to damage if used with a two-handed weapon.
1 Stance of Aggression (Ex) Stance - While in this stance the disciple suffers a -2 penalty to AC and inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage per eight initiator levels on successful attacks
2 Crippling Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Melee attack that adds +2d6 points of damage and the enemy gains the bleeding condition.
2 Enraging Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Attack deals 10 extra damage, foe must make Will save or be forced to melee attack you at -2
2 Tactical Snap (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Successful attack allows free trip at +2

Armor Training 1 (Ex) Worn armor -1 check penalty, +1 max DEX.
Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Martial Power -2/+6 Take listed penalty to attacks to gain listed temporary HP. They last until the next turn and you must declare to use this feat before you make an attack, like Power Attack. Counts as Combat Expertise for feat taxes.
Myrmidon Maneuver Recovery In order for the myrmidon to recover her maneuvers she must perform one of two actions. The myrmidon may recover a single maneuver as a standard action. She may also spend a full round action to recover her initiating modifier in maneuvers (min 2).
Tactical Rush Move up to your speed as a swift action 1/encounter

Dottari Captain, level 3:
Capo Guardia
Human (Chelaxian) warlord 3 ( [PoW])
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 31 (3d10+9)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mwk bardiche +8 (1d10+6/19-20)
Ranged mwk longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks 1 encouraging roar, 1 hunting party, 1 pride leader's stance, 2 call to action, 2 defending the pride, 2 pyrite strike
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Combat Reflexes, Martial Power, Paired Opportunists[APG], Phalanx Formation, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Languages Common
SQ force of personality, gambits (sweeping gambit, unbreakable gambit), indomitable presence, tactical presence, warleader, warlord’s gambit
Other Gear mwk chainmail, mwk bardiche[APG], mwk longbow, 150 gp
Special Abilities
1 Encouraging Roar (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost - Until next turn, all allies gain a +2 morale bonus to all attacks and damage.
1 Hunting Party (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Make an attack, grant an adjacent ally an attack of opportunity against the same enemy.
1 Pride Leader's Stance (Ex) Stance: Initiator and allies within 20-ft gain a +4 morale bonus to saves vs fear and demoralization effects.
1 Vigilant Keeper Stance (Su) Stance: Enemy count threatened area difficult terrain
2 Call to Action (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Attack inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage, grant adjacent ally an immediate move action.
2 Defending the Pride (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost - Grant all allies within 60 ft. a +4 bonus to AC for one round.
2 Pyrite Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Strike inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage and moves an opponent 5-ft in a direction of your choosing.

Combat Reflexes (2 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Force of Personality (Ex) Add CHA to Will saves
Indomitable Presence Allies gain Die Hard feat and add your CHA to some Fort saves
Martial Power -1/+2 Take listed penalty to attacks to gain listed temporary HP. They last until the next turn and you must declare to use this feat before you make an attack, like Power Attack. Counts as Combat Expertise for feat taxes.
Paired Opportunists +4 to hit for AoOs if you and adj ally with this feat both threaten the target.
Phalanx Formation Allies don't provide soft cover to opponents when wielding a reach weapon.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sweeping Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts a successful trip maneuver against an opponent.
Tactical Presence (Ex) Grant bonuses to nearby allies
Unbreakable Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts to succeed on a Fortitude or Will save against an extraordinary ability, maneuver, power, spell, or spell-like or supernatural ability.
Warleader (5 rounds, 3/day) Gain a bonus teamwork feat; share teamwork feats with allies
Warlord’s Gambit (Ex) Regain maneuvers by taking risky actions

Dottari Captain, level 6:
Capo Guardia
Human (Chelaxian) warlord 6 ( [PoW])
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 58 (6d10+18)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4
Defensive Abilities battle prowess
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mwk bardiche +11/+6 (1d10+6/19-20)
Ranged mwk longbow +8/+3 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks 1 encouraging roar, 1 pride leader's stance, 2 call to action, 2 defending the pride, 2 pyrite strike, 3 circling the prey, 3 golden commander stance, 3 kill the wounded, battle prowess
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+12 trip); CMD 21 (23 vs. trip)
Feats - Custom Feat -, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Martial Power, Paired Opportunists[APG], Phalanx Formation, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common
SQ dual boost, force of personality, gambits (brave gambit, sweeping gambit, unbreakable gambit), indomitable presence, rallying presence, tactical flanker, tactical presence, warleader, warlord’s gambit
Other Gear mwk chainmail, mwk bardiche[APG], mwk longbow, 150 gp
Special Abilities
1 Encouraging Roar (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost - Until next turn, all allies gain a +2 morale bonus to all attacks and damage.
1 Pride Leader's Stance (Ex) Stance: Initiator and allies within 20-ft gain a +4 morale bonus to saves vs fear and demoralization effects.
2 Call to Action (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Attack inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage, grant adjacent ally an immediate move action.
2 Defending the Pride (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost - Grant all allies within 60 ft. a +4 bonus to AC for one round.
2 Pyrite Strike (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Strike: Strike inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage and moves an opponent 5-ft in a direction of your choosing.
3 Circling the Prey (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Boost: Grant all allies within 60-ft a free 5-ft step.
3 Golden Commander Stance (Ex) Stance: All allies within 30ft. of your position may gain flanking if they are adjacent to an ally when engaged in melee.
3 Kill the Wounded (Readied, 1/Encounter) (Ex) Stance: Target of this strike takes an additional 2d6 points of damage on attacks made upon him by allies.

Battle Prowess +1 (Golden Lion) (Ex) Gain combat bonuses while in stance of chosen discipline
Brave Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts to make a successful charge attack against an opponent (if the character has the ability to make multiple attacks at the end of a charge, the initial first attack must be successful for this gambit’s success).
Combat Reflexes (2 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Dual Boost (1/day) Initiate two boosts with the same swift action
Force of Personality (Ex) Add CHA to Will saves
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Indomitable Presence Allies gain Die Hard feat and add your CHA to some Fort saves
Martial Power -3/+6 Take listed penalty to attacks to gain listed temporary HP. They last until the next turn and you must declare to use this feat before you make an attack, like Power Attack. Counts as Combat Expertise for feat taxes.
Paired Opportunists +4 to hit for AoOs if you and adj ally with this feat both threaten the target.
Phalanx Formation Allies don't provide soft cover to opponents when wielding a reach weapon.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Haft Strike Take a -2 to AC for a round to hit adjacent with a reach weapon.
Rallying Presence Allies add your CHA to some Will saves as a morale bonus
Sweeping Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts a successful trip maneuver against an opponent.
Tactical Flanker (Ex) Use CHA mod for flanking bonus
Tactical Presence (Ex) Grant bonuses to nearby allies
Unbreakable Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts to succeed on a Fortitude or Will save against an extraordinary ability, maneuver, power, spell, or spell-like or supernatural ability.
Warleader (5 rounds, 3/day) Gain a bonus teamwork feat; share teamwork feats with allies
Warlord’s Gambit (Ex) Regain maneuvers by taking risky actions

Coming Up
-Skinsaw Cultists
-High Priest of Abadar
-Otyugh cleric

-Luculla Gens as a Mesmerist
-Lorelu as a cardcaster Magus (I know I'm going to have problems with this one <.<)

Razcar wrote:
Adahn_Cielo wrote:
*I will probably axe completely their public recognizance by Barzillai in book 2: it creates waaaaaay more problems than it's worth. I'll definitely have Barzillai thank the Ravens publicly for "defending the city while its benevolent Lord Mayor was indisposed", but not by summoning them personally.

I will jettison this scene as well. It feels like the writers thought it was time for some BT/Ravens quality time about around here in the campaign, which I agree should happen. But this is not a good way to do it. And there's no way my players will walk around town bragging how a Chelish naval captain is now in their debt, so that will not be public knowledge. Maybe they'll leave some calling card at the Vex site, to gather support. And maybe they will do the same at the Holding house to make Barzillai seem incompetent. But there's absolutely no way they would agree to meet him for him and his flunkies to try to suss out who/where they are.

But there's a need for some Barzillai screen time here. Maybe I'll do like you, have him make an appearance him only, with dozens of inquisitors moving around in the crowd, looking for the PCs. Maybe I can offer a chance for the PCs to plan for some V for Vendetta-like heist to make him look bad... when the Chelish flags unfurl behind Barzillai on the balcony they'll have Silver Ravens on them.

Instead of a special occurrence, I was planning for Barzillai to make frequent public appearances from his balcony to "greet his beloved subjects", until he starts the ritual behind the scenes and is out for a few weeks: I hope to give my PCs an hunch that something was going on in that period, and I like that it gives Barzillai more screen time and build up him as someone full of himself on a power trip.

...That, and I have a collapsible stool that I fully intend to put to use as a "balcony" during his speeches. <.<

Speaking of foreshadowing, I'd keep Blodsoriette some way or the other, too: I think that having something related to the Soul Anchor before book 5 is important to avoid feeling like it pops out of nowhere later on. I'm debating to even add another minor outsider antagonist that remembers parts of his Kintargan life in book 3, too...

I'm preparing to run HR, and I've really liked the AP, but I agree with LittleMissNaga on most NPCs and the "ooooops, everyone knows about you bits": I don't see what's wrong with Wex, though. He's supposed to introduce the Slasher trough Balgorrah early, to avoid plopping Manghvune out of nowhere in book 5, and giving a reason to have the Skinsaw after the PCs to give a little more enemy variety.

Speaking of which, if there's one thing that I really hate about the AP, particularly the first 3 books, are the NPCs' classes: seriously, why is everyone a Rogue, Fighter, or Cleric?! Hell, you have at least 2 instances of Rogue/Clerics when there are a number of archetypes of Divine classes that do exactly that without the multiclass! I have to rebuild most of the NPCs in the first books because I doubt my players will have fun fighting Human Fighter #23, and I don't have fun running them, either. I think I'll make a thread tomorrow posting what conversions I came up for now, so we can share them if anyone else had made some changes: like LittleMissNaga said, I need to make Lorelu a cardcaster magus.

I'm prepping HR right now, and I had mostly the same problems: I'm not sure if my player too will go as heavy as yours in keeping a low profile, but they're definitely a cautious bunch, and making everyone know who they are and whatnot (with NPCs showing up knowing they are the head of the rebellion and where their base is, looking at you Sargaeva) even if they take pains to hide them feels like would inexcusably invalidate their efforts.

First thing I'm doing is that unless they flaunt it, the fact that the PCs are the leaders of the rebellion won't be found out: maybe reaching the point that they are known as powerful members of the ravens, but not that they are the leaders.* Connected to that, I'm making their notoriety score more connected to how much the government know of their operations and less about how famous they are: with low notoriety in book 3, anyone in the city will know that the Silver Ravens are working in the city and are responsible for X and Y (but not for Z and W), but Thrune and the Dottari would be in the dark about their methods and stuff like that.

I am, too, also changing how they obtain their missions (I know they hang on an hook as soon as they see one, so I'm not worried that they'll miss something): Setrona has links with either the Bellflower Network or the Milanites, and she comes to the PCs with the express deal of "save my cousin and I convince him to work with you"; probably my PC will look at making contact with the Milanites by themselves, either by their own idea or after an ally advises them; they hear about Elia Nonnes, an official of the Chelish navy, poking around about the Ravens; etc. Y

*I will probably axe completely their public recognizance by Barzillai in book 2: it creates waaaaaay more problems than it's worth. I'll definitely have Barzillai thank the Ravens publicly for "defending the city while its benevolent Lord Mayor was indisposed", but not by summoning them personally.

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QuidEst wrote:
Martyr also gives up Divine Grace and swift-action LOH, if I recall. Fortunately, the bleed damage is only one per round.

Noooo D:

Oh well, Tortured Crusader sounds cool for Oradins, at least. Being WIS based should open up the option of using Shaman instead of Oracle for Life Link.
Edit: Also, thanks for the infos, Rysky <3

Speaking of Paladin, a little more info on the Martyr? Does it trade out Lay on Hands? What bardic performances he gets?
Hoping here it works well with Oradins. D:

Edit, kinda ninja-ed: Hhhm, so Tortured Crusader still gets LoH, but can only use it in himself? That's sounds neat!

I may be mistaken, but doesn't the *event that you have in the spoiler* happens at the exact end of the AP? Switching gods after that would bring you no disadvantage, as it'll happen after the AP has ended. Why not just be a Cleric of Brigh or some such?

Alternatively, bite the Cha penalty and make and Oracle of an appropriate mystery. Metal, perhaps? I think Kobold press did a Clockwork mystery, too.

Thank you everyone! Looks like I'll have to make a judgement call on that, let's hope things won't get too complicated.

"Drahliana wrote:

Dominated is powerful enough that if I managed to dominate a barbarian, I can confidently use him against his party, not waste that success by having him stand in a corner.

Making him attack the party would give him a save though: I agree that I'll probably go for that and just have a clean and cut "save every time you are attacking your friends".

Just wanted to try to understand what would happen if things happened like in the OP.

For once, not a Dominate Person thread on "in his nature" shenanigans. :P
My PCs are going to fight against a Brain Ooze, and I wanted to make sure I understand the rules right, considering Dominating people it's its whole shtick.

Suppose that our Ooze succesfully dominates the resident AM BARBARIAN: being a smart Ooze, it just tells him to go stand in a corner for the duration of the fight.
Suppose that then the ooze tries to zap the barbarian's brain with its tendrils: does the barbarian get a new save, and if so, when?

I'm guessing that he either gets a new save when he gets attacked (standing there being brain zapped is "against his nature", I'm guessing), or the previously innocuous "stand there" order has become a suicidal one, and so he has to ignore it: but how?

Ooooor I'm just missing a line that tells the effect ends on attack and I'm completely blind. <.<

Rysky wrote:
Melkiador wrote:
I hate the Empathy feat for Androids. You lose at least as much as you gain for the price of a feat. It really should have just been a free racial option.
Agreed 100% on all 3 counts.

Oooh, that's not all. Apparently Androids can't take levels in Occult casting classes because they have no emotions (even if their actually fluff says they've got stunted ones...), and Empathy is the only way to circumvent that. So, while Combat Expertise wins the feat tax Olympics by number alone, Empathy gets a special mention because it's a feat tax to restrict the access to five base classes.

So, how are people doing? I'm currently stuck on a boss...

Pontiff Sulyvhan, that I'll just call Sully from here on, has been giving me a lot of problems. :/
He tears trough my health in two hits, I can take two hit with my shield before he breaks my guard, and he has something like a 6 hit combo and a super fast poke. I've tried to parry him, but I can't pull it off as consistently as I did in the previous games. :(

I've progressed some more today, and offed the first Lord of Cinder.

Was a cool fight:
Well, Lords. The first part was a nice different spin on the Gank Squad boss of the game, with one of the watchers actually helping you, but the second felt like a watered down version of Lady Mariah from BB. :/

Currently in the are where shadram is, but only entered the building some 15 minutes ago.

I really liked the segment on the roofs. When I saw the two crossbowmen on the rafters I thought like Scavion "Aw, how cute, those undead are trying to pull and Anor Londo archers segment."...then got murdered by one of two ambushes. I swear, that part is like the Dark Souls version of Tucker's Kobolds. :P
And you can kill the giants inside of the Cathedral, they don't respawn. Or, at least, I killed one, have yet to find the second. For the mounting bleed, I discovered how to get rid of it by pure coincidence: it's caused by the attacks of either the leech-men or leech-hollows, and to cure it you have to pull out a torch. Maybe it's because they throw leeches at you and the fire scares them away?

In other news, I decided to ditch sorcery, and invested in some Faith for Pyromancy: until now, sorcery scaling has been abysmal and really unfun to play as, with big windups before spells even if they inflict less damage than correspondent Pyromancies. I really don't want to do like Bloodborne another time, where an Arcane build started picking up only in the late game and I played with several levels of wasted stats for most of the game.
Plus, in today's patch, a lot of stuff got buffed (mostly all of the Greatswords and some of the UGS): only two spells were touched, Soul Greatsword and Farron Flashblade, and I can't see a difference in the first and the second got slower, with the same damage as before. <.<

@Scavion: Yeah, the problem I had with that boss was

Spoilers for third boss:
After the third "easy" weakspot is busted, all the others are a pain to hit. In the end, I just said screw the gimmick, figured how to bait its charge attacks and just whacked onto the fleshy arm. <.<

By the way, you mentioned you're out of red eye orbs? I'm way behind you (just peeked into the spoilers and went no, I don't know the names of these ares), and I think I can already pick the full red orb: testing tonight. You have to...

How to get the red eye orb:
You have to get the five cracked orbs from the guy that's near the throne of Lothric in Firelink. After that, you have to get a Pale Tongue and kill a boss (I got mine from a corpse near the Fire Demon in the undead settlement). Then, get back to Firelink and the guy should be there again: he should give you a key that opens the gate with the elevator near the second Bonfire of the high wall of Lothric. Ride that down, kill the mob there, and you should get the orb.

Yah, I find shields useful when I'm exploring and area and walking around with it raised in case enemies try to jump on me, but I usually ditch it and iframe trough stuff when I'm against a boss or a tough enemy.

@shadram: You nailed the description of that boss.

Spoilers on second are and boss:
They took one (if not THE) most tedious boss of all the series, with hard to see tells because it's too f%!!ing big, made you do the gimmick 3 (maybe? Still have to take it down, but one egg bursting cut 1/3 of its health) times, and added a bunch of adds that you have to clear before fighting him. It's somewhat better than the Bed of Chaos, but that was a rushed, unfinished boss that I've always seen to be considered the worst in the series, so that's not much. <.<
I've really liked the design of that area, though: the branching level that converged later on was very cool, and both paths look like are significantly easier if you take them from the back. I was this close to the bonfire near the magic fat guy on top of the plank, but I used an homeward bone there because I was out of Estus and with a ton of souls, and didn't want to risk them by sprinting forward and getting killed. There was a big facepalm on my part when I came there from the other direction and realized I should just have run under the guy and would have found a bonfire. <.<

Should we spoiler stuff? As long as it's Firelink it's fine, but I think we should put spoilers for the first area and beyond.
Anyway, playing on PS4, so no performance problems: I've read around that you have to fiddle with settings and drivers a little, but after that PC works fine.

Anyway, cleared this afternoon the first area after Firelink and its boss, and swept trough almost all of the second and now at the second boss: sorceries got hit hard in this game compared to the first two. I mean, it's better than the first 15-hours in Bloodborne with an Arcane build, but still. :P

Speaking of BB, I really liked its faster paced combat, so DKS III combat is feeling a little clunky to me: though, I mostly chalk it up to not having found weapons that I like, and that now casting times take forever unless you invest in Dexterity (They changed a lot of stuff for the stats, in general).

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Orfamay Quest wrote:
T.A.U. wrote:

Pronouncing Kingmaker's names in Italy could be hard too. Especially because Castruccio is a very funny name for Italian speakers since it could literally means "castrated honey boy".

I had a very hard time as GM trying to make him appears as a threatening and powerful enemy to mine players.

A lot of games have issues with demon and devil names in Italian as well. Since one of our major sources for Hell is, of course, Dante's Inferno,.... well, can you really take these seriously as bad guys?

Alichino (derived from Arlecchino, the harlequin)
Barbariccia ("Curly Beard")
Cagnazzo ("Nasty Dog")
Calcabrina (possibly "Grace Stomper")
Ciriatto ("Wild Hog")
Draghignazzo ("Big Nasty Dragon"])
Farfarello (possibly "Goblin")
Graffiacane ("Dog Scratcher")
Libicocco (possibly "Libyan Hothead")
Malacoda, ("Evil Tail")
Rubicante (possibly "Red-faced Terror")
Scarmiglione (possibly "Trouble Maker")

I mean, I know I wouldn't use "Eviltail" in English as the name of a scary evil outsider....

More than their meaning, the Malebolge were meant as a ""comic relief"" in the Inferno: that's why their names are so goofy!

Also, if we're talking pronunciation, I always found they roll really well off the tongue, it's kind of fun to say the names out loud. :P

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Started with X: I'm in Europe, so I've always played the complete version that was in the HD remaster. Let me tell you, 12 year old me was super sad to not be able to complete some of the sidequests because the Dark Eons blasted him into oblivion. :P

Gameplay wise, though, I have to say that the best (and the one I'm replaying now) is the Internation Zodiac Job System version of XII. Let's put it like this: it's so good, it amply overweights the game's flaws like horrible pacing, huge variance in quality of the voice acting (I'm still trying to figure out if Fran's VA is bad or just super weird), and half of the main cast being there just because*. I highly recommend to try it if you can (I'm betting the HD version will come out, but my earlier prediction is late 2017 or something).

*Trivia time! Did you know that, in earlier concept of the story, Basch was supposed to be the main character, and that he was supposed to be inspired by Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story?

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Yeah, I don't think that works: they are still screaming, it's just that no one can hear them. It's like a "tree falling in the forest" thing.

However, OP, you're in luck: there's a spell that should work with what you want to do. Lipstitch sews their mouth shut, so I'm fairly sure that prevents them from screaming.

It's such a bummer that the sticky poison discovery comes so late: the game will be a PbP,it'll take me years to get to that. <.<
Anyone else has any input/experience? Is everyone here a Paladin that has to use "righteous tactics" or something. :P

PS: Suppose that I could convince my GM to allow th Eldritch Poisoned stuff to work with Discoveries: would it be a stronger contender then?

Oh yes, I know that Toxicant poison is good, but I wanted to use the new poison rules. :P

I was thinking about the dip again: what if I took a level or URogue to get easier Dex to damage (can't use Deadly Agility in this game D:)? I'll have an high dex, and Mutagen can up that even more: until I can pick up Celestial poisons, I can just stab people that are immune. :P
That would still cost me two feats, though: I guess that an Inspired Blade Dip would be cheaper, but if I'm going to use Snakebite (really can't see how I can pick up the Exotic Weapon Prof for Calistria's kiss) it's useless. I guess that, on the other hand, my Rogue levels would stack with Vivisectionist...

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Alternate titles:
Yes we Toxicant
Poison in itself is unknowable: a discussion on ToxiKantian philosophy

Good day Advice forums! I'm about to join a game where we're testing a huge number of the unchained rules (list below), with some slight changes. Because of that, I wanted to go with a poison based character, but I barely know where to start, considering that so much poison stuff came out recently! First, let me give you a list of unchained stuff that we're using:

Please read! Important additions to action economy and poisons!:
1) Classes
2) VMC, background and expanded skills
3) Unchained Crafting!
4) Revised Action economy: On each given turn, we get one free swift action! Separated swifts can be used with additional actions
5) Poisons: as written, but these two poisons have been converted. Possible to convert more.
Drow Poison
DC 13 injury
Dexterity damage: progression is Healty-Sluggish-Unconscious. No end state, frequency 1/minute per 2 minutes

Purple Worm Poison
Type injury
Save Fortitude DC 24
Track Strength
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect Healthy—Weakened—Impaired—Staggered—Immobile—Dead
Cure 2 consecutive save

6)Limited Magic ( D: ): overclocked spells can be used, but failure by 5 or more triggers wild magic.
7)Automatic bonus progression and scaling magic items: WBL has been reduced, but not cut in two two times.

I've got a 20 point buy and starting at level 3: the only things I don't want to change are that I want to make a Sylph, so going Dex based, I want to have an high-ish Int, and that I can't or want to be evil/whorship an evil deity, so no Norgorber/Urgathoa stuff.

I looked over my options and, as the title, I think my best bet is a Toxicant alchemist: Eldritch Poisoner looked great, until I noticed the part where I can't use discoveries with it (seriously, whose idea was that? <.<).
I was considering if I should pick Vivisectionist, too, to use one of the two Sneak Attack poison feats, or if I should stick with bombs to have a decent ranged option.

Beside from that, I'm really at a loss: the lasting poisons discovery lets me apply my toxin multiple times, making a rather unimpressive impression of Int to damage, but how can I up the DC of my actual poisons? I know I can stack inhaled/ingested poisons and throw a bag of them, but I was thinking that if I maintain my Drow Poison DC high enough I can use it a sort of Slumber Hex on a pointy stick. So far, I know these ways to up my DCs:
1)Powerful poisoning: is it worth to have the minimum 13 Strenght and pick this feat? How severe is the limitation in upping my DCs?
2)The two SA poisoning feats: one scales better, but can't push DCs up a certain point.
3)Snakebite Dagger: +2 to DCs woot!
4)Malignant Poison: high level, but awesome. It even lets me use onset poisons!

What poison do you advice me to use? I suppose Drow Poison is going to be my bread and butter, but I wanted to use all the other fun stuff like Intelligence poisons to screw spellcasters. What are the poisons that you've found offer a best quality/price balance?
Also, is any kind of dip worth it? I was thinking of something like the Daggermark Poisoner PrC, as my DM ruled that the quick poisoning ability let me doubles the daily progress in crafting poisons: it's a shame that the base Alchemist ability doesn't let me do the same thing. :(

Thanks very much everyone! Sorry if I didn't reply sooner, site has been unstable as hell this days. <.<

The Chessex battlemat looks really cool, but I'll have to order it somewhere: checked on Amazon over here (Italy) and it's hella expensive. Like, 5 times as much expensive. I'll see if my FLGS has one.
In the meantime, I think I'll go for the graph paper: that'll be easy enough to find.

@MeanMutton: Those 2.5D things are amazing. :O

Good day everyone!

After several months, I've finally managed to start GMing, and I'm now preparing to run a published module (Dragon's Demand) in about a week: I've been translating the thing, preparing blurbs and monster's stat sheets, et cetera.
However, as the title, I've been having a lot of problems with one aspects: namely, maps.

How in the Nine Hells do you do these things? D:
As I had the PDF, I thought things would have been easier, but extracting the maps and printing results in obviously minuscule maps, and chopping them up to a reasonable size results in maps in horribly low resolutions. Trying to adjust the contrast in Photoshop and trying to work Inkscape's vectorial-sorcery-mumbojumbo resulted in scalable maps, but the square grid almost completely disappeared.

So, should I do the maps over in a program (I've found AutoREALM and Dungeon Painter), dividing the thing in several pieces and printing it, or I'm missing a way more easier method to handle maps?

If third party is allowed, a Wilder with the Raging Surge is exactly what you're looking for. They literally enter rage (and so they make for good gish), and from there they can further empower their spells.

They have full caster progressio on paper, but consider that A) Psionixs spells tend to get less crazy than First Party ones and B)they get very few spells known.

Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:

Cool. Thanks Rysky! *thumbs up*

I'd like some details on Gyronna, Hanspur, and Kugress if there's any.

Gyronna is... unpleasant.... and Hanspur and his followers REALLY don't like Daemons.

Also, he haz Antipaladin code.

Kurgress' Obedience... I could have... so much fun with that.... I love it... It's more fun than Calistria's!

Getting a shot in the dark and guessing this is either:

1)In the morning, do a training montage while singing an appropriate theme song.
2)In the morning, do a training montage by wrestling naked and covered with grappler's grease with someone.
3)Both at the same time!

Ooooh, waking up with amnesia in an asylum? More than Torment, I'm getting some strong Sanitarium vibes here!

137ben wrote:

Now let's argue about the tiers of the Strange Magic classes....
I think the ethermancer is low tier 2. The author/owner of Interjection Games claimed that the Herald of the Void archetype pushes the ethermancer up to tier 1. He also says that the Herbalist is tier 1 (but I don't own that class so I don't know if I agree), and that no other Interjection classes are tier 1 (I agree based solely on those I have). I think all nine classes in strange magic classes (except for that one archetype) are in the tier 2-4 range, but where exactly the fall is something we can argue about....

I have had a lot of trouble pinning down the power of the Strange Magic classes, myself. I remember that the Ethermancer was definitely in the high 3-low 2 for me, too, and that the other two other Ether classes were around tier three, but all of the other classes in the book looked really weak to me: a lot of half-BAB classes without the power or versatility of full casters didn't ring to me.

I can't understand if it was me or not, because of the fact that they all are so complicated. :/
I wanted to open a thread about it since I read the book...maybe I should do so.

dtreth wrote:
Adahn_Cielo wrote:

Maybe this could be of help to people trying to download stuff: I managed to download a file (Bestiary, about 55 MB, middle-high in size of Paizo's PDFs) about 30 minutes ago: the whole thing took me about 20 minutes, but I'm chalking that up mostly to the fact that not many people are around at this time.

I'm writing this because during the process I got kicked out to the main page twice and my firefox crashed once, and I got my PDF about 8 minutes after I reopened the window after the crash: considering that that looks like too short a time for the queue, I suspect that you don't get booted out of the queue after you crash/get back to main page/whatever. For those still having problems getting their stuff, I'd say try to keep clicking once a minute, queing a single file, and keep trying on the same file even if you get sent back to main page.

I think getting kicked back DOES lose your place in the queue, but I have three whole files now making sure to click the link once every 5 minutes, so as not to get kicked.

You think so? Seems really weird that it took only so little for me, then.

Bummer, I thought that could have helped someone, but it seems I just got lucky. :/

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Maybe this could be of help to people trying to download stuff: I managed to download a file (Bestiary, about 55 MB, middle-high in size of Paizo's PDFs) about 30 minutes ago: the whole thing took me about 20 minutes, but I'm chalking that up mostly to the fact that not many people are around at this time.

I'm writing this because during the process I got kicked out to the main page twice and my firefox crashed once, and I got my PDF about 8 minutes after I reopened the window after the crash: considering that that looks like too short a time for the queue, I suspect that you don't get booted out of the queue after you crash/get back to main page/whatever. For those still having problems getting their stuff, I'd say try to keep clicking once a minute, queing a single file, and keep trying on the same file even if you get sent back to main page.

To add to the Mesmerist, I find it useful to think it as the eleventh hybrid class from the ACG: it plays practically like a Bard/Witch hybrid.
Throw around mind-affecting effects all day, with some way to circumvent it for immune enemies, but instead of getting better SoS to seal the deal and more control they get medium BAB to whack things decently and a number of minor buffs to apply. I haven't gotten a look at the recent options that came out for them, but I feel that Mesmerist, Psychic, and Occultist are the better classes of the bunch of OA.

Moogles? I remember them missing from XIII, tough.

Lathiira wrote:

Earlier games opened up the PCs to a sandbox earlier in the game than later games. For example, you couldn't truly go wandering around in FF X till halfway through the game, upon reaching the Calm Lands, and more when you get your airship. FF 13, not till you were 3/4 of the way into the game.

I haven't played enough of the old Final Fantasy to make a comparison, but I don't know if you can say that the recent ones open the world later on.

XII opened up more than half of the map and a lot of high level sidequests about 10 hours into the game (post Tomb of Raithwall): the game was awesome from that point of view.
While it's kinda a corner case because it is a direct sequel, X-2 opened up all of the world from the start. It seems that they're going for a open-worldish style for XV, too.


I've decided to go with the Shelynite Raging Wilder, probably later dipping one level of Slayer/Fighter/Warlord(probably the latter): those LE guys oppressing the people are gonna get glaive'd. *.*

@Choon: Every time I hear Strix, I can't help but think of this guy (Rick and Morty spoilers warning)

@thenine: Spellslingers are very cool, but the way I've seen them played is to dip one level of Spellslinger to get the magic gun stuff, and then take another caster class to use those on them. Arcanist is probably the best one if you want to be a "wizard with a gun": it's the most thematically consistent, and while losing one level of casting hurt it's better than having 4 opposition schools. D:
Witch is technically the most powerful option to spellsling, but it plays practically identical to a standard one: you just shoot the Save spells trough the gun, but because they don't have blasts you won't get to fire explosive fireball rounds. :(

IF you'd like more to shoot explosive magic at people than be a standard gun mage, you have the option to jump trough much less hoops: just get Gun proficiency/one dip into a gun class, and then go Eldritch Archer magus. That way you can spell combat/Spellstrike with your boomstick!

Now that I look at it, writing that way wasn't clear: I'm deciding if I want to go the buffer or summoner route, the "/" was meant as "or", sorry. <.< (If those two could have been put together it would have been a little crazy :P)

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*Waves at Mamushka and Rysky*
I went back and forth on a character concept, before I realized I had an old character that, with a bit of a rewrite, would be perfect for Hell's Rebels. I can rewrite her. Better. Faster. Less angsty. *.*

Basic concept is a Tiefling Evangelist/Herald Caller Cleric of Shelyn, Diva in Training background: will get to work straight away!

By the way, anyone wants an Alkenstar boon for Pew-pewing for trading? A VMC or extra combat feat would be super cool!

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

I am not inclined to allow 3PP stuff because I don't have easy access to it and I'm not familiar with it.

I understand if you don't wanna use them because you aren't familiar with them!

On the other hand, if the access to the rules was the main problem, all (well, 98%) of the DSP stuff is on the d20. That was the main reason I proposed that. :P

I'll see if I'll make something.

Would you be open to allow 3PP stuff? Nothing exceedingly exotic, I was only thinking about DSP stuff (Wilder with a dip into Warlord, to be precise).
Maybe giving up the two boons to pick that up?

Any notes on your GMing style, or player expectations?

Oh, and also...
Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 17
Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 7

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I agree with Grond here: the Antipally list is not the Pally list. While the second has solid buffs all around, and I wouldn't switch it out, the Antipaladin list has a lot of debuff spells that enemies can save against: even full casters need to pump their major stat to avoid enemies to save against them, and as an Antipaladin you won't have CHA that high.
And Dread Vanguard is Amazing: I've been playing with one in a WotW game for almost a year now, and the buffs he throws around are really useful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You'll love Baccano! then: I think it does everything Durarara!! does, but better. In particular, it gets the whole "interchanging characters" thing up to eleven.
On the other hand, don't hold up high expectations for Durarara!! season 2. :/

Personally, this season I've been really surprised by how good One-Punch man is (just watched episode 10 right now): I had gone in with low expectations both on the animation and plot/characters, but the latter have proven decent and the former is top notch. I wasn't planning to follow anything but Owarimonogatari (that has been awesome as expected), but OPM got me hooked.

Eh, in August GW2 has started splitting from NCSoft (all mentions of NCSoft were removed from the EULA change with the new expansions): however, there are other reasons I would not recommend GW2, and I'm saying that as someone that has been playing since release, with being on and off the game for the last year or so. Anet has terrible inter-studio coordination and ability to plan, as their knack for switching to "the new shiny thing that we will focus on from now on and won't abandon in 3 months like with every other system we made" has shown time and again.
Add to that that a lot of historical developers have left, the terrible developer-player communication, and inter-class unbalance that has been going on for years, and I'm very skeptic about the future of the game.

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
I will, she sounds fun.

Veronica is cool.

Cass is better.
Lily's writing is an apotheosis of the (super)human spirit.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I think that you're downplaying Cayden's genuine nature and humanity by a lot. Considering that most of the other deities are wind and ocean personified/a former human that saw into forever/tentacled monsters disguising as a naked elf(Headcanoned since I've read it from Gorbacz some time ago), and that even the ascended gods are guys that monked so hard they became gods, being relatable to people both IC and OOC is a huge character trait.

There's this post by CalebTGordan that does a good way to tell why Cayden is good.

CalebTGordan wrote:

Cayden is more than just the god of alcohol, as many have pointed out here already.

He is a god of choosing your own fate, of not being owned by anyone else, of being your own person, or being content with yourself.

He is the god of people who fight for worthy causes, of the lone sword wielding and good hearted scoundrels, and the adventurously curious explorers who go and do just because they can.

He is the guy at the bar who everyone loves not because of some fake image he has built but because he deserves it. He really would start a fight with that guy who is harassing the pretty server girl. He truly would buy a drink for those who are down on their luck, celebrating something special, or just because your new and he likes you. And he knows your name and makes you feel special even of you only met him once. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, fight by your side if no one else would, and is there just at the time you need him most in your life.

He may not be lawful or have a restrictive morality system. He may not behave himself the best, or make the smartest decisions. He certainly doesn't have a problem with picking fights and chasing tail. But he is altruistic, joyful, and trustworthy.

As for the alcohol, I look at it like someone posted above. He isn't the god of alcohol poisoning, of dangerous alcoholism, or of alcohol abuse. He knows when he has had enough, and cautions his followers to know their limits as well. After all, alcohol can loosen you up and help the celebrations move in fun directions, but it can also push you to be so far off your game that you can't function. How can you fight for the freedom of others if you are held bound by alcohol's grasp? Or how can you expect to fight when you are so drunk you can't hold a blade to save your life, literally? No, alcohol is more of a symbol. It frees you of your inhibition, just like how he expects his followers to free others from shackles.

Remember that stories that become legends are often exaggerated. It is possible that he wasn't nearly as sloshed as the legends say he was. In reality, he may have drank just to his limit, just enough to free him of any doubt or worry he had about the test. When he came from the test a god, he was surprised at the fact that he succeeded and not the hung over confused god that people make him out to be. Only he knows, and I see him as the type of person who lets the legends grow as they are told.