Acrid Sharpburn's page

No posts. Organized Play character for IceBear4334.

Grand Archive ** Venture-Agent, Minnesota—Eagan


I have a quick question. What do I do if I am missing a map for society play. I am running intro to shattered sanctuaries and I am thought I had the tavern multipack but I don't. Is it ok to use a substitute like Haunted house of example? I unfortunately don't have anything to draw the map on otherwise I would do that.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Grand Archive

I am currently running iron gods for some friends. They are currently playing a Rogue, monk, wizard/technomancer, and a barb (who is a kasatha). I'm pretty new to the whole quest design thing and thought I would get some suggestions for some easy level 5ish side quests for them to do. I have an idea for a cyber monk monestary and I have no idea how to implement it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.