
Acavna's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for thistledown.


Radiant Oath

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I run a Cosmic oracle, which had (and still has) the mildest downsides to being cursebound. As a pure caster, I don't care if I'm enfeebled and easy to be moved around. But it used to come with floating off the ground and a bit of DR. Used to take Vision of Weakness, Advanced Revelation, Divine Access (Cosmic Caravan), and Rogue dedication for linguistics (It's dumb that people who came through the Thassilon time jump don't have starting access Azlanti).

Still taking Vision of Weakness (basically no change) and Rogue dedication. Not sure if Advanced Revelation for Interstellar Void is worth it. The spell is... ok. Divine Access for my domains... I'll probably drop.

So all told.. I have more spells, and lose my DR. But the cosmic part feels like it lost a lot of flavor.

Radiant Oath 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Losing your god is devastating. If any of you want to talk about it we can have lunch.

Radiant Oath

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To the "how do you react" question:
4 years ago I made a ganzi oracle of Acavna. She was in Thassilon when it time bubbled. When she came to the present day, she discovered that not only had her goddess sacrificed herself to save the world, but 10,000 years later barely anybody even remembered her.

So yes, she was devastated. She wound up with the pathfinder society as they knew the most about Azlant. She would tell people "Call me Acavna" as an act of remembrance and tried to spread word of the moon goddess. While she was a bit of a trickster before the time jump, that has been buried under overwhelming grief in the present. After 3 years of game she had recovered enough to start sometimes using her own name (Phengos) and her trickster side was starting to re-emerge, but it's still slow going. The big aids to this were actually her ganzi tail randomly grabbing things and presenting them to her, and a some time travel games inside and outside of org play that allowed her to talk with my starfinder grief councilor character.

Art of Phengos/Acavna: First set, second set.

Radiant Oath

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"Um... hi. Please call me Acavna. She may be. gone. But I can at least keep her name alive."

This is my new Cosmic Oracle; a priestess of Acavna - the Azlanti moon goddess. Character came through the New Thassilon time jump and just found out about what happened 10,000 years ago. Is going to be grieving for quite a while.

"Well, I'm a Ganzi, and was adopted into Acavna's church when I was young. So, yeah, the big round horn and tail are a bit different than most folks; and the skin I guess. But the runes are from the spell-works I was doing in Thassilon when... things happened."