Mithral Scarab

Elanna Elthiel's page

194 posts. Organized Play character for Llaelian.

Full Name

Elanna Elthiel


HP 26 | AC 19, Nimble dodge +2 | F +5 R +10 W +8 | Perc +8, darkvison, low-light vision, stealth +7 |


25 Speed | Hero points 1/3 | Active Conditions:


16625-2001 | CG Female Half-elf Scout Rogue 2 |








Elven Pantheon


Common, Dwarven, Elven, Undercommon



Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Elanna Elthiel


Elanna was born from an elven mother from the Seven Eyes tribe and of an half-elven father from the small troglodyte village of High Reach in the Kodar mountains and now in the newly created New Thassilon.
She spent her first three years with her mother Liane and her tribe, migrating through the caverns and tunnels deep under the Kodar ranges until her mother showed at her father’s door and dropped her, indicating she had to go on a long and deep reconnaissance down to the Underdark where her daughter could not follow her. Now was the time for him to take care of Elanna.

With her dark skin and almost white hair, her large gray eyes and her uncanny sight, Elanna was not easily integrated by the village children. Her father being a lone herbalist, tolerated for his healing gifts but feared for his curses, did not help her acceptance.

Despite that, these years were happy ones as her father Rhyshan, took good care of her, trained her in the ways of nature and taught her more esoteric arts. But he was also often out and about. So she spent most of her time alone or under the watch of her father’s familiar, a small bat called Rhys, wandering the woods and the tunnels through where her mother had left. But Liane did not come back in the next years and neither did any of the Seven Eyes tribesmen.

The first one to come of of the tunnels was an old weary looking dwarf in fancy but extremely worn clothes. Elanna was the first one to spot him and now about 15 years old, she challenged him. He identified himself a Helmuth Horchsten, precising he was peacefully mapping the caverns and had followed old elven signs to the village.

When the Pathfinder had sufficiently rested in the village and taken the road back to what he called civilization, he was not alone. Shadowing him for the first days then joining him was a fully kitted Elanna pressing him to teach her the ways of the Underdark so that she could one day track her mother and her tribe.

Appearance and Personality:

Short and wiry, with dark brown skin and almost white hair, Elanna protects her sensitive piercing gray eyes under a black mesh veil that she only takes out inside or at night.
Wearing fatigued brown leathers matted with green, brown and black, she carries herself with as much poise as she can, trying to mask her inexperience while keeping her ears open to any new things she can learn.
She is focused about experiencing the world that opened to her since she left her village. Her dedication to her goal is not blunted but the extensive training she went through has made her realize the world is way bigger than she thought.
Not used to human contacts, she is cautious with her words but quickly forgets that when she sets herself a task. Then she will try to use any angle she can, knowing the direct one is not often the best one.

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Bot Me!:

Elanna likes to takes the lead to scout, whenever the party is in natural environment or underground. She will take a back seat in cities and when dealing with people.
In combat, she tries use her surprise attack with her bow, before moving into melee. She will risk AOO or use one or two move actions to get into flanking positions.

Elanna's Saves


★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Arcana]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Athletics]1d20 +4 [/dice]
[dice=Cavern Lore] 1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Crafting] 1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Deception]1d20 +4[/dice]
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 +0[/dice]
[dice=Intimidate]1d20 +0[/dice]
[dice=Medicine]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Nature]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Occultism]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Perception]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Performance (Any)]1d20 +0[/dice]
[dice=Religion]1d20 +2[/dice]
[dice=Scouting Lore]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Society]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Stealth] 1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Survival] 1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Thievery] 1d20 +8[/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

◈ [dice=Shortsword]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=(Piercing / Slashing) damage]1d6 +4[/dice]

◈ [dice=Light Mace]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Bashing damage]1d4 +4[/dice]

◈ [dice=Dagger]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=(Piercing / Slashing) damage]1d4 +4[/dice]

◈ [dice=Short bow]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Piercing damage] 1d6[/dice]

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 16625-2001
Experience: 13
Gold: 33 gp; 1 sp; 2 cp

Training: Scrolls (0), Spells (0), Swords (3)

Society Item Minor health potion

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Major Factions
Horizon Hunter Tier 0; Reputation 13
Envoy's Alliance Tier 0; Reputation 2

Purchased Boons
Horizon Hunter Champion (Faction) (0 Fame)

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Nationality: New Thasillon
Birthplace: High Reach, small village in the Kodar mountains
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5’2
Weight: 97 lbs
Physical Appearance: brown skin and almost white hair, short and lithe with piercing grey eyes.

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Ancestry Half-elf
Background Scout
Class Rogue (Thief); Level: 2;
size medium traits medium humanoid human elf
alignment; CG deity Elven Pantheon
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Elven, Dwarven


Perception: 8 (2 +2+ 4) [E]
Special Senses: low light vision, darkvision


HP 26

AC 19 (+1 Leather, +2 Lvl, +2 T, +4 Dex)

Nimble dodge Reaction +2 Circumstance bonus vs triggering attack



Class DC: 18 [T]

Speed: 25

Shortsword +8/+4/0, Damage 1d6+4, P/S
Dagger +8/+4/0, Damage 1d4+4, P/S (Range 10 ft, damage 1d4)
Light Mace +8/+4/0, Damage 1d4+4, B
Shortbow +8/+3/-2 Damage 1d6 P, 60 ft, deadly 1d10

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: All simple [T], Martial: lhandcrossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, unarmed attacks[T].


Acrobatics +8 T
Arcana +6 T
Athletics +4 T
Cavern Lore +6 T
Crafting +6 T
Deception +4 T
Diplomacy +0 U
Intimidate +0 U
Medecine +8 E
Nature +6 T
Occultism +6 T
Performance +0 U
Religion +2 U
Scouting Lore +6 T
Society +5-6 T
Stealth +8 T
Survival +6 T
Thievery +8 T



Ability Score Summary:

Str 10
Dex 18 ABCF
Con 12 F
Int 14 BF
Wis 14 CF
Cha 10

STR 0, DEX +4, CON +1, INT +2, WIS +2, CHA +0


Ancestry Feats and Abilities

Special 1st: low-light vision
Heritage 1st: Elf Atavism : Cavern elf (darkvision)

Skill Feats

Background: Forager FEAT 1. GENERAL SKILL
Prerequisites trained in Survival.
While using Survival to Subsist, if you roll any result worse than a success, you get a success. On a success, you can provide subsistence living for yourself and four additional creatures, and on a critical success, you can take care of twice as many creatures as on a success.

Each time your proficiency rank in Survival increases, double the number of additional creatures you can take care of on a success (to eight if you’re an expert, 16 if you’re a master, or 32 if you’re legendary). You can choose to care for half the number of additional creatures and provide a comfortable living instead of subsistence living.

Multiple smaller creatures or creatures with significantly smaller appetites than a human are counted as a single creature for this feat, and larger creatures or those with significantly greater appetites each count as multiple creatures. The GM determines how much a non-human creature needs to eat.

1st: Terrain stalker (Rubble) FEAT 1. GENERAL SKILL
Prerequisites trained in Stealth.

Select one type of difficult terrain from the following list: rubble, snow, or underbrush. While undetected by all non-allies in that type of terrain, you can Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy at any point during your movement. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren’t actively Searching or on guard.

2nd: Continuous Recovery FEAT 2. GENERAL SKILL
People treated with Treat wound are only immune to it for 10 minutes instead of 1 hour.

General Feats

Class Feats and Abilities

Sneak Attack
When your enemy can’t properly defend itself, you take advantage to deal extra damage. If you Strike a creature that has the flat-footed condition (page 620) with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a ranged weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d6 precision damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown melee weapon, that weapon must also be agile or finesse.
As your rogue level increases, so does the number of damage dice for your sneak attack. Increase the number of dice by one at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels.

Surprise Attack
You spring into combat faster than foes can react. On the 1rst round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you.

Feat 1st: Nimble Dodge (Reaction)
Trigger A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker.
Requirements You are not encumbered.
You deftly dodge out of the way, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack.

Feat 2nd: Scout Dedication
You are a highly skilled scout, capable of providing your allies a timely warning of any danger. You gain the Scout's Warning ranger feat. When you're using the Scout exploration activity, you grant your allies a +2 circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls instead of a +1 circumstance bonus.



Combat Gear: Short sword, Dagger, Light Mace, Shortbow, 40 arrows, Leather armor

Magic Items: -

Other Gear:
Backpack -
Bandolier (Healer's Tools) 1
Bedroll L
Belt pouch -
Belt pouch -
(10×) Chalk –
Climbing kit 1
Compass –
Crowbar L
Flint and steel –
(2×) Rations (1 w) 0.2
Minor health potions (*2) L
Repair Kit 1
(50×) Rope (foot) L
Sheath –
Soap –
Thieves' tools L
(4×) Thieves' tools, replacement picks –
Waterskin L
Winter Clothing L

Bulk: 4# (Encumbered at: 5; Maximum at: 10)

Coins: 32 gp, 8 sp, 2 cp.


PFS 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail (PbP Gameday IX, 2701293)
4 XP, 4 Reputation (Horizon Hunters), 5 AcP, 14 g 4 s

PFS 1-02 The Mosquito Witch (Chadius 2E Games, 2703453)
4 XP, 4 Reputation (Horizon Hunters), 4 AcP, 14 g 4 s

PFS 1-Q13 Falcon's Descent (DM Deevor PF2 Games, 2700510)
1 XP, 1 Reputation (Horizon Hunters), 1 AcP, 3 g 6 s

PFS 1-03 Escaping the Grave (DM Watery Soup Outpost IV, 2703279)
4 XP, 4 Reputation (Horizon Hunters), 2 Reputation, 6 AcP, (Envoy's Alliance), 14 g 8 c

Chronicle Boons:

PFS 1-10 Tarnbreaker Champions
PFS 1-02 Cryptid Scholar