
AWED Zombie's page

11 posts. Alias of AWED.

Mr. Shiny = Mark "Slayer" Johnson. sorry i forgot.

"Someone help! The Temple of Pelor is being attack by them!" as the cleric looks around for help everyone else ignores him. What do you do?

Male Human Actor 2/ Mime 1/ Drag Queen 1

I am starting a play-by post D&D 3.5 campaign, there are 3 spots left,
you all will start at level 1

HIstory of the world-( i have a map currently being made, so when it is don't i will post it up.) The World is split into 2 lands and in the middle a tiny island. They used to say that the gods argued so much that the land split into 2. Sadly wars are going off now and peace is turning toward Chaos, it is hard to trust and you will never know who will be your friend or foe. The east land is full of forest and mountains where elfs and orcs are still battleing. In the center is the castle of Cren(named after a god) the west lands has more forest that is unnatural(Purple tree,blue grass) and the other part of it is full of desert. The Tiny Island in the middle is "land of the unknown" people who go there never come back.

(i will post more info soon and post what books you can use)

when you have your character cards all set and character backround e-mail it to me at finalfanguy@yahoo.com

In this thread, post what you think would be freaky to have in a campaign. ( Monster, NPCs, Pcs Ect)

One is a 30HD Colassial Pixie

i have a problem when i am running the campaign for Resident Evil in D20 modern. I have the problem with finding out what to do if my PCs get bitten by zombies? Should i have the PCs find "Green Herb" to stop the T-virus from spreading, or should i just say good luck and soon u will become the undead, or...should i the PCs find the Cure for the T-virus later on???