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A Real Human Being's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 25 posts (106 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber


Looking for 3-5 players to join a weekly campaign on Monday nights (7pm EST). The campaign will be played either on MapTool, OpenRPG, or Roll20 depending on the preference of the players. No VoIP utilities (Skype, Vent, etc.) will be used - this game will be purely text based.

The basic character creation rules can be found at the website (still under construction) here:

We will be playing every week with one small caveat... After the first two weeks a second GM will be stepping in to run a completely different campaign depending on the style of campaign the players enjoy. We will then start a rotating schedule - one week will be Kingmaker, the next will be the other campaign. This is designed to prevent GM burnout which happens far too much in online campaigns for my taste and also to allow the GMs to get to play for once.

For now, I'm just looking for character concepts for the KINGMAKER adventure path. You can download the free Player's Guide to the KINGMAKER Adventure Path on Paizo's website for more information on the campaign and the setting.

KINGMAKER's first book will have the PCs exploring - once we reach the conclusion of "Book One: Stolen Lands" a message board/forum will be launched to handle the running of the kingdom in between sessions so that the actual session play will focus on the characters.
Either respond here or send me a private message if you have any questions or to submit a character concept. Necessary information for character concepts are:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Class:
Short (one-paragraph) history:
Short (one-paragraph) personality:

You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.