
A Lys's page

62 posts. Alias of spinningdice.


HP 11/22 | AC 13 | Init +2 | Perc +3 | Darkvision | Fire Resistance |

About A Lys

CG Tiefling Level 4 Alice

STR 10
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 15

HP: 22 (7+5+5+5)
AC: 13

Speed: 30

Rapier: +4; 1d8+2 Piercing; Finesse, Silvered
Dagger: +4; 1d4+2 Piercing; Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/60)
H-xbow: +4; 1d6+2 Piercing; Ammunition (range 30/120), Light, loading

Proficiencies +2
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapier’s Shortswords.
Saves: Dexterity; Charisma; Constitution;
Tools: Thieves tools
Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics*, History, Perception; Persuasion; Stealth

Languages: Common; Infernal, Halfling, Elven.

*Paid for training

Racial Traits
Hellish Resistance: Resistant to fire damage
Infernal Legacy: Following spells cast with Charisma
Thaumaturgy cantrip,
3rd level: Hellish Rebuke 1/day as a 2nd level spell
5th level: Darkness 1/day

Exasperation: In times of unusual stress may become Exasperated 1/real hour. GM rolls 1d4 on Exasperation Table.
Level up Table:
84: She knew to curtsey at all times, like this and so she did. Advantage on Charisma Rolls / Reaction checks when dealing with the upper classes.
47: Falling down wells really improves the hand-eye coordination… (new skill proficiency - Stealth)
16: Alice was then reminded of something she’d noticed. (new saving throw proficiency - Constitution)

Background: Sage
Researcher: When you do not know a piece of information, you may recall where to find it.

Equipment 483gp
Trinket (97) a tiny mechanical spider that moves when not being observed
Trinket (06) a chess piece made from glass (a red tinted queen)
Black Ink, Quill, Small Knife, Letter.
Hand Crossbow
A mysterious Potion that makes me grow inconveniently large or small.
Leather Armour
Thieves Tools
Explorer's Pack. Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin, the pack also has 50 feel of hempen rope.

Upgrade Rapier to Silvered (100)
Studded Leather (45)
2x Daggers (4)
40 crossbow bolts (2)
Bag of 20 caltrips (1)
Flask of Holy Water (25)
2x Potion of Healing (100)

Bag of Holding
Immovable Rod
Broom of Flying.

Training in Athletics (250)

Lys was from the village of Soren, out in the middle of nowhere. Nothing much ever happened in Soren, it appeared on maps, but had no real presence in the world. Disasters always seemed to avoid it, few travellers saw any reason to visit and few people saw any need to leave. For her first 16 years Lys was a normal girl, the librarian’s daughter - loving to spend time with books and read some of the more fantastical stories. She had a toy mechanical spider that had never worked, her father gave to her as a present when she was tiny, it never worked, but Lys swore that crawled around with her when they went on “adventures” around the local farms.

Life in the village changed the day of Lys' 16th birthday, she received a mysterious gift containing a chess piece of red glass and signed only with the word “Remember”. The next day she awoke with a strange appearance and the mysterious fortune of the village started going downhill.
Everything started happening to the little village, strange weather patterns, creatures coming up from the mine and the strangest collection of folk coming to visit, not all at once of course, but after at least a decade and half of peace and quiet the townsfolk were perturbed.
It was not long before the young girl was accused as the cause of all this chaos, and hedging their bets they sent her out into the world (properly provided for of course)...

Lys appears much as a human girl in her late mid-to-late teens, with red curls and fair skin.
Three abnormalities strike anyone looking at her properly.
The first is the small horns protruding from her skull - though even upon noticing the oddity you may be inclined to think them ears - similar to cats when flattened and defensive. Of course they don’t replace her human ears, so why would she have two sets anyway?
The second are her eyes, they are luminous shade of green and pupils are slightly oval, like a cats.
The third are her teeth. Lys smiles with her lips firmly shut and usually talks with a small mouth unless in a temper, because her teeth are much pointier than a human's, her canine’s longer and her back teeth designed for tearing, rather than crushing.

Stealing a Painting
Lys looked at the painting, it was of herself, but not of herself. It was a clearly a cat, but there was something of the look of Lys about it, it had her curious eyes, her curious teeth and her curious ears... no they were horns, on Lys at least, on the cat they were obviously ears.
It looked smugly self-satisfied, I hope I don't have that expression, I've precious little to be smug about thought Lys to herself, with a frown.
"Well I suppose if one must do a thing, one must do it correctly.", after the attendant walked past she glanced around, pulled out her knife and cut the painting from it's frame - after all, it was the image she was after - not the value of thing, she pouted a bit, it was still too big to conceal on her person. Oh how bothersome. She rolled the painting up bound it with string, always carry string and you'll never be bored and threw it out of the window, onto an odd little patch of False Chanterelle, nestling in among the woodchips.
Moments later an innocent little girl walked out of the museum just as shouts and alarm sounded behind her, she gave them an innocent smile as they searched her and then walked around the back of the building, picked up the a painting and continued on her way.