Full Name |
Tom Tom Boom |
Race |
Construct |
Size |
12' |
Strength |
26 |
Dexterity |
26 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
10 |
About AI Mecha Suit
<<< Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy
Lyra Anna Fitzroy In her Tech Suit image 1
Lyra Anna Fitzroy In her Tech Suit image 2
Lyra Anna Fitzroy In her Tech Suit image 3
Lyra in her present Bio form is not that strong, so to make up for it, she made a Cohort, Mech suit, that helps the team. Think of it as a walkeding tank. With a massive sage level railgun, used for taking out Structures and not smaller Melee combat, more as a bulldozer for large battles. It has foot holds and handels in the back so That Arlo can hold on when she flies. Top flight speed is 10' a second, Poor manraviulity.
HP 100/100 + [Temp 60/60 Fats healing 10r]
AC 10+8A+8Dex+4NR-1 size ~AC 26/17/23
Hardness 20 Adamantium
DR3/ Adamantium
Mech Body Types Agile
Starting Statistics
Str 28 Dex 28 Con -- Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10
Size Large; Speed +40 ft, Flight 50'.;
AC +8 armor dex +8 -1 Size;
Combat Melee: [Multi Attack]
2x TH [+12] Unarmed attack x2 (2d8+8+3) Adamantine Ignores hardness 20; Reach 10 ft; [Counts as Magic] DMG Type {B}
2x TH [+7] Wing (secondary) x2 (2d6+8+3) Adamantine Ignores hardness 20; Reach 10 ft; [Counts as Magic] DMG Type {S}
TH [+12] Body Slam/ Structure sunder CDM +34 DMG 6D6 Ignores hardness 20, [used to brake down barricades and walls]
Combat Ranged:
Weapon Affinity ranged; HW Siege Weapon Slots 1 LARGE
HW Siege RailGun 100lb size large, 2H [1BP = 5 Shots]
TH+25 1 shot per round, DMG[10d6+6] [x5 Crit 18/20] Range Increment 800' [Piacing, Sonic Shockwave, Blast] Slow firing/Ignore hardness 20/line of attack
If round hits a soft target, the cavitation waves created a shock wave air effect dealing 1d10 DMG to all objects with in 10' of the rounds trajectory. This is sonic damage blast effect, as such dose not work in airless environments.
*This is a unique weapon and can only be used with the AI Mecha Suit. As the power and targeting systems are linked to it and can not be disconnected.
*PIERCING:- Adamantine rounds/ Ignore hardness 20
*LINE of ATTACK - every object in the line of attacks takes Damage unless hardness 20+ stops the round.
*SONIC DAMAGE - on impact everyone with in a 60 Area must make a DC23 roll or be defended for 1 round.
*SHOCK WAVE - When hitting and passing throw and object, everything with in 5' each side of the line of attack takes 1D10+1 Sockwave DMG, AS FORCE DMG.
*Use in Liquids, if fired in liquid range is 1/6 but damage is x2 V cavitation effect.
Blast:-Area effect,
1:Improved Unarmed-strike[Combat]
4:Improved Sunder[Combat]
5:Weapon Focus[Combat] [HW Rail Gun]
6:Improved Critical[Combat][HW Rail Gun]
A construct possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
No Constitution score. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty).
Low-light vision.
Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Immunity to disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (see the creature’s description for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. Constructs can also be healed through spells such as make whole. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
A construct is hard to destroy, and gains bonus hit points based on size, as shown on the following table.
Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any weapon mentioned in its entry.
Proficient with no armor.
Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
Mech Enhancement
Intelligent Vessel: [+0BP]
The mech is able to be controlled by AIs in a manner similar to a robot, gaining the aggregate template when it is so controlled (even though it is not a robot). The Mech does not, however, gain the benefits of any feats that the AI possesses. The mech starts out controlled by a base AI with 10 in all of its mental ability scores and the ability to speak one language the pilot is capable of speaking. If the pilot is not inside the mech, the AI can cause the mech to act on its own, taking a full round’s worth of actions each round.
Strength and Dexterity Bonus: Starting at 5th level, the mech gains a +4 enhancement bonus to its Strength and Dexterity scores. At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +4.
Weapon Affinity and Weapon Slots: Various mech body types are designed for certain types of weapons; this is called Weapon Affinity and affects the types of weapons a mech can wield. Any standard weapon (such as a longsword, crossbow, or even firearms such as pistols, revolvers, or shotguns) can be converted for use by a mech, though the weapon must be crafted in a size that the mech can use with its weapon slots. There are three types of affinities a mech can have: ranged, melee, and heavy. Ranged weapons include things like bows and one or two-handed firearms, while melee weapons include swords, hammers, axes, and similar weapons. Heavy weapons include grenade launchers, rail guns, rocket launchers and similar weapons; the pilot of a mech with Weapon Affinity for heavy weapons is treated as having Exotic Weapon Proficiency (heavy weaponry) as long as they are piloting their mech. A mech’s weapon slots are specially designed to seat a broad array of weaponry; one weapon slot can accommodate a single Medium or smaller sized weapon. A mech must have sufficient slots available and a weapon must be slotted for a mech and its pilot to wield it, unless otherwise noted. Multiple slots can be combined to fit larger weapons; two weapon slots fit a Large weapon, three slots fit a Huge weapon, 4 slots fit a Gargantuan weapon, and 5 slots can fit a Colossal weapon. Mechs never take inappropriately sized weapon penalties with slotted weapons. Attacks with slotted weapons are made using the pilot’s full base attack bonus, though they do not receive additional attacks for a high base attack bonus. If a mech attacks with a natural attack or unslotted melee weapon (such as a biped mech with the Arms enhancement), the mech takes a -5 to all attacks with slotted weapons.
*HW Rail gun. {See Lyra PC sheet}
BP (Battery Points): [BP24] Starting at 2nd level, mechs gain a small pool of energy they can use to charge technological weapons and devices. When the mech activates a technological item or weapon, it may choose to have any consumed charges come from its battery pool instead. A mech restores battery points to its pool at a rate of 2 per hour.
5th level Advancement [+1BP hour]
Flight: The agile mech grants its pilot a fly speed of 40' feet with Good maneuverability.
Hover: [1BP min]
The mech can halt its movement while flying, allowing it to hover without needing to make a Fly skill check.
Turbo Thrusters: [+1BP hour]
The mech increases their current fly max speed [100' a second = 70 miles per hour] when cursing like this a mechs maneuverability is reduced to poor.
Cerebral Reinforcement: [+1BP min]
The mech extends the following construct features to its pilot while they operate it: Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns and phantasms).
Shielded Cockpit: [+1BP min]
The mech extends the following construct features to its pilot while he operates it:
Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
Force Field Unit [+1BP Hour] [THP 60] [Field Fast Healing 10]
Once active, the device generates an invisible and intangible field of force around the target. The force field blocks solids and liquids, but not Force or light (Including light/Force based attacks). While a force field is active, the user gains a number of temporary hit points that varies depending on the force field’s power. All damage dealt to the wearer of a force field is subtracted from the temporary hit points it grants first. As long as the force field is active, the wearer is immune to critical hits (but not precision-based damage, such as sneak attacks). A force field has fast healing that replenishes its temporary hit points at a fixed rate each round, but if the force field’s temporary hit points are ever reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and can only be reactivated when fully recovered. Force fields are automatically reduced to 0 hp by disintegration effects. A force field can be deactivated as a free action.
Chameleon Suit [+1BP 10 min]
Type H; Weight 15 lbs.; Max Dex +6; Penalty 0; Capacity 50; Usage 1BP charge per 10 minutes
This suit surface consists of millions of ninites. When powered on, a chameleon suit analyzes its environment and generates digital camouflage. The wearer gains a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks and can hide in plain sight (as a ranger in his favored terrain).