
AFK47-1's page

1 post. Alias of Ilmakis.


Protocol Droid 1 |


AC 18 | HP 16/16 | F +4 R +8 W +5| Init +7 Perception|

About AFK47-1

Agender android (ancient) recluse sniper Operative 1
Common, N, Medium, android, Humanoid
Perception +7; Darkvision 60ft.
Languages Common, Azlanti, XXX, XXX, XXX
Skills Acrobatics +11, Arcana +4, Athletics +7, Crafting +4 , Computer +11, Deception +9, Diplomacy +2, Intimidation +2, Pirate Lore +11, Medicine +4, Nature +1, Occultism +11, Performance +2, Piloting (E) +13, Religion +1, Society +11, Stealth +13, Survival +1, Thievery +11
Feats Unconventional Weaponry (Aeon Rifle), Confident Actualization, Weakening Shot, Hair Trigger, Devastating Aim, Experienced Smuggler, Phreaker, Stunt Maneuver, Face in the crowd, Favored Disguise.
Str +0, Dex +4*, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items none; other Gear Advanced Aeon Rifle (cloudy blue rhomboid aeon stone), Nano-edge Rapier, Carbon Skin (commercial thermal capacitor), advanced battery, tactical datajack, Spell Gem (2nd level), commercial Holoskin, Hacking toolkit, Hygiene Kit, Infiltrator Toolkit, Medpatch x1.

Augmentations Hypernerves, Darkvision capacitors.
AC 21; Fort +8; Ref +13; Will +11
HP 53 Hero Points 1
Speed 30feet
Melee [1] Nano-edge Rapier +16 (1d6+0 P, Finesse, Deadly D8),
Ranged [1] Advanced Aeon Rifle +16 (2d8 F, Aeon, Caster, Tech)
Innate Spells
DC19 Token Spell
Frequency once per day
Trigger You are about to attempt a saving throw or skill check
Your utter confidence in your abilities helps you actualize your ambitions and push yourself to reach your desired goals. Roll the triggering check or save twice and use the better result.
AIM [one-action]
Requirements You’re wielding a ranged weapon that doesn’t have the area trait.
You take careful aim at a single creature that you are aware of, designating them as your mark. Until the end of your turn, your ranged Strikes against your mark using the required ranged weapon, deal an additional 1d4 precision damage, and reduce the circumstance bonus to AC your mark gets from cover by 1.
These benefits only apply if your mark is within your weapon’s first range increment. You can only have one mark at a time.
As your operative level increases, so does your ability to Aim. Increase the number of dice for the precision damage by one at 5th.
Operative Specialization
You specialize in slipping into a location, completing an objective, and extricating yourself without being discovered, often utilizing stealth tactics, cover identities, disguises, or spy tech. Whether you’re an assassin getting close to your target, a spy gathering sensitive intelligence, a grifter out to dupe your mark, or a thief casing the joint for your next job, you’re good at blending in and avoiding notice. You’re trained in Deception. You gain a skill feat for Deception.
Exploit: You’re adept at taking your foes by surprise. You can Aim at targets that are unaware of you as a free action.
If you successfully Strike a target who is unaware of you, or has an attitude of friendly toward you, they become slowed 1 for 1 round. On a critical success, they’re stunned for 1 round.
GHOST TAP [two-actions]
You take a stealthy shot then disappear into the background.
Make a ranged Strike against a creature, then attempt a Stealth check to Hide. In an urban setting with multiple creatures, you can instead choose to make a Deception check to Hide. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to this check if the creature was unaware of you or has an attitude of friendly toward you.
Success If the creature could see you, you’re now hidden from it instead of observed. If you were hidden from or undetected by the creature, you retain that condition.
Failure You become observed.
Your gun is a part of you, and you’ve learned to reload while performing other actions. Whenever you Interact to reload a ranged weapon, you can also Step or Stride.
You’re fast on your feet, hard to pin down and able to better maneuver against foes who might try to pin you down.
You gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed. This bonus increases by 5 feet for every 5 levels you have beyond 3rd. Additionally, you gain the Tactical Advance action.
Requirements You’re not encumbered.
You dodge, roll, and weave out of danger, leaving no openings as you move across the battlefield. Stride up to half your Speed. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
You’re a highly skilled sharpshooter and never go anywhere without your gun. Your proficiency rank increases to master with simple and martial guns, and increases to expert with advanced guns. You gain access to the critical specialization effects for all guns for which you have expert proficiency.
You’re accustomed to working in urban environments and can move swiftly through the crowded cityscape. You ignore difficult terrain from trash and crowds, and greater difficult terrain from urban environment trash and crowds are only difficult terrain for you.
You draw your gun and take careful aim with the same motion.
You Interact to draw a gun, then Aim with that gun

WEAKENING SHOT [two-actions] FEAT 1
Requirements You’re wielding a gun.
You target a creature’s limbs or other appendages to weaken them. You Aim, then make a ranged Strike at your mark. If the Strike hits, the creature becomes your choice of clumsy 1 or enfeebled 1 until the end of your next turn (clumsy 2 or enfeebled 2 on a critical hit).

HAIR TRIGGER [reaction] FEAT 2
Trigger A creature within your first range increment uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action.
Requirements You’re wielding a gun.
You attempt a ranged Strike against the triggering creature.
If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Your well-placed shots inflict devastating wounds on your targets. When you Aim, increase the precision damage dice from d4s to d6s.

Prerequisites trained in Deception
You know how to get lost in a crowd and hide among it, moving like fluid within its ranks and losing yourself in the bustle. You can use cover from crowds to Hide and Sneak, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to your Stealth checks when in a crowd of at least 10 creatures and a +4 circumstance bonus to your Stealth checks when in a crowd of at least 100 creatures. Hidden creatures don’t count as members of a crowd. Halve the number of creatures required to get these
bonuses if you’re a master in Deception.

Prerequisites trained in Deception
You create a favored disguise that you can call upon at a moment’s notice. When you Impersonate, you can decide that the disguise becomes your favored disguise. If you have a holoskin (page 212) or can Change Shape, you can always adopt your favored disguise when Impersonating. You still roll Deception for the Impersonate check but count any critical failure results as failures instead. You can have one favored disguise and gain an additional favored disguise you can employ
at expert, master, and legendary proficiency in Deception.

Prerequisites trained in Computers
You’ve learned how to hack using traditional methods that are more convenient but often less secure, such as calling a data center’s automatic help line and entering a unique tone to access a connected server. You can use Computers to Disable a Device or Hack a system using any computer, comm unit, or terminal instead of a hacking toolkit (page 212). If you’re an expert in Computers and the equipment you use is at least 3rd level, you gain a +1 item bonus to Disable a Device or Hack.

Prerequisites expert in Piloting
Whether you’re a natural ace or a veteran pilot, you can push a vehicle to perform incredible stunts. Remove the reckless trait when you attempt a Stunt with a –1 penalty. If you’re a master
in Piloting, remove the reckless trait when you attempt a Stunt with a –2 penalty or lower. If you’re legendary in Piloting, remove the reckless trait from any Stunt you attempt.

Type cloudy blue rhomboid; Level 5; Price 1,600 credits
This deep-blue prism with cloudy inclusions is light as a
feather. Its resonant power gives you a +1 item bonus to
Acrobatics checks.
Activate—Fly Free [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency once per day;
Effect You gain a fly Speed for 1 minute equal to your Speed
or 20 feet, whichever is greater.

Magical enhancements to your nervous system grant you
uncanny reaction speed.
Activate—Engage Hypernerves [free-action] (concentrate) Frequency
once per day; Trigger One of your reactions would
trigger, but you have no remaining reactions; Effect You
immediately gain a reaction and use it in response to the
trigger. After using this reaction, you’re slowed 1 on your
following turn.