Clone Mask

AAhne's page

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Into the Maw’s Lillianth seems like a wrecking ball. Of course, she’s a melee punisher. But what I like best is that she is a “brilliant tactician” with 18 intelligence. She’s had enough time on her hands (I count six) to think about how to defend her territory. She has a nice set of at-will spell-like abilities. Here’s some of the things she could do for a tactical advantage:

>make dozens of blade barriers to funnel attackers

>patrol her area with project image for advanced warning and hit-and-run blade barriers

>telekinesis 375 pound hunks of lava out of the pool to make walls, traps, or rough terrain. I’m thinking about having her add five feet of ill-supported walkway around the edge of the pool.

> given time, she could make crude objects from hardened lava. Flyers may pause if they see giant open-bottom cages hanging from the ceiling over the pool (telekinesis to pull a pin and drop a cage).

Did anyone else give her special tactics?

Better even than the Alaskan Bull Worm, Gary the Snail made his appearance in the waters off the Isle of Dread. He has the stats of a roper but with a big spiral shell.

The party was cruising along on its way to Scorpion Island when the ship's wheel gave a jerk accompanied by a wood crunching noise from the back of the ship. Gary was mostly submerged, trying to disable the ship's rudder. Only his eye-stalks poked out above water.

I assumed it was 40 feet from the rear of the ship to the water, so whoever looked down was within range of all six strand attacks. He pulled two characters off the deck before they started jumping down to him.

2d8 strength damage is a bugger when you're trying to swim in armor. Spell resistance 30 keeps the spell casters from ruining a good water fight.

The party ended up killing Gary, but now they're paranoid about evil, intelligent mollusks.

At the end of Tides of Dread, Vanthus rubbed his shadow pearl on his bleeding forehead, was struck dead, and dropped the pearl. A PC monk caught it and now is the proud owner of a bloody shadow pearl, which seems to be as dangerous as being the owner of a hand grenade missing its pin.

So, if the shadow pearl gets a good shock (equivalent to being dropped on the ground) it'll go off. Does it ever reset?

I was thinking about having it disarm once Vanthus's blood dried, but it'll be more fun to leave it open ended.

How did your PCs store/dispose of the bloody shadow pearl?

My players are about to try and run the pirate blockade in SWW, and I'm wondering how the ship to ship combat went for anyone else. If I was the players, I'd start lobbing fireballs at the pirates. Since they have 8hp each, it just takes one fireball to convince the (remaining) pirates to retreat.

Also, how much damage does a ballista do?

How did you reintroduce Rowyn in Sea Wyvern's Wake?

My party is getting ready to search the ship, and when they search the hold I want to give Rowyn a chance to dance and charm someone before combat. I'm thinking of having her pretend to be a plaything Avner smuggled in with the hay for his horse. She'll say that she's why Avner argued so strongly for his own room.

Anyway, when discovered, she'll explain in a thick accent that she's here to "shake it for Avner. Like this..."

It should give them another reason to be chapped at Avner.