![]() If there are no objections. Rolling new skin. Race: 2d13 ⇒ (10, 7) = 17
![]() Gul wipes the blood with hand and flicks the gore to the floor. She smiles, Catching up to my last breath is harder than you think. Gul stares at him for a long time. She digs her vision into the pit of endless death. I understand you think you are irredeemable. You are not. I know a way to give you life again. This madness can end. And you can live again.. She offers her throat to him. I figure I can reroll a character(anything alive)as a skin. And our prisoner gets a beating heart. Your call GM ![]()
![]() OK You two. We are breaking the villagers into squads. You, Hivroth take four. You lead them and you protect them. Same for you Karudurk. Anything that gets past me or Kreza, you are the last defense. We can't have everyone run and scatter while outside. She pauses and looks at the rest of the villagers. Listen, We are going to survive this. Now I don't expect you to fight unless you have to. It can't hurt for you to look around for some weapons. She hands her Clapper to Karudurk. Now, give your spear to someone with no weapon. She looks at the villagers again. This is how we survive. We share everything. Swine: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Gul walks to Alcinoos. She realizes the satyr was driving boar through the woods. They don't farm themselves. They constantly purchase from nearby farms and then herd them to their onclave for fresh food. No one seems to know where they get their gold from. We'll need it to eat, but maybe it can really help us now. Gul says while tying the bell rope around the two hundred pound boar's mid-section. Now, knowing the trick. She avoids the trapped tiles. She leads the boar to the undead prisoner. She throws the rope over a rafter and hauls the squealing pig into the air. She ties it off, and swings the pig into the vampire's teeth. Upon a satisfactory ending of the blood letting, Gul dresses the pig. Ginger greedily eats the entrails. Go help search She says to Ginger. Cut and store the meat. She tells the villagers. So you. Are you ready to talk? she says to the vampire. ![]()
![]() Gul reads the note and sighs. She's a piece of work. Gul pats Kyrillosr on what she assumes is his shoulder. Don't let her turn you into her errand boy. She says hoping it sinks in. Gul looks at the remaining villagers and says, I guess I'm responsible for your safety by default. We'll let the other group go first. First let's get you organized. Any of you have combat experience? ![]()
![]() Uggg. It's hard to know in this game when you are in tactical mode, or freeform mode. Gul has no idea how to stop the trap, so she will stay away from now on, so no interrogation. Especially since it has to drink blood first. It's almost like you don't want me asking it questions...So if I need a roll to get out of the trap, Please see below 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 ![]()
![]() Kreza. leave the last one for interrogation. Gul makes her way to the prisoner and says in a threatening manner. You are going to answer all my questions, or me... Ginger growls and Kreza looms heavy. ...and my associates will make sure your ending won't be as swift as your friends. +1 acting on the Despoiler prisoners, +2 from Ginger. do I get +1 intimidate from Kreza? Parlay: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 6) + 4 = 11 ![]()
![]() Gul smiles a small smile, like an adult watching a child's tantrum. It was you I referred to not Kreza. Papa warned me that you were Lassiter's lap dog. It was you who led us into a trap. It was you who roused the villager's into a suicidal run at the undead. Kreza and I save them. And finally it is you who sows discontent when it it will be more important than ever to work as a group. I'm not the one they should fear, it is you. ![]()
![]() On her sixteenth birthday, Gul was called to see the Magistrate, Lontash. Her mind raced as she waited in his office. She fidgeted, not sure whether to sit or not. The Magistrate, she was told, was running late. The side door opens and the Magistrate enters. "Gulirk Ketodur." He says stressing every syllable. I am so happy you dropped by. He motions for her to sit and moves to the front of the desk to sit close to her. I'm curious, do you remember me? Because I Remember You. It's been a long time, about sixteen years. He places his finger to silence her lips. Oh, you were such a surprise. He watches her eyes. The first time I saw you, You were a two hundred and sixty pound bruiser of a man. I had assumed a mercenary. Your blood was rich. But you were something special. You glowed and gave off some kind of energy. You reconstituted in an orcan baby. Gul looked at him like he was insane. Lontash rips open his shirt and places her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beating. This is the reason for the war, and you and I are the only ones who know it. ![]()
![]() Gul watches Kreza's rock hard body move into action. His vascular fiery arms lift the scythe with ease. She can see the red hot mercury flowing within. Ok Ginger rip it to shreds she says as she whips the rope to knock the (third) blood sucker to the floor. (+1 Forward to acting on the third dhampir)
HS: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2) + 2 = 10
Gul points to the faceless one says. Finish that one. my fiery friend. Gul moves to the next closest. She tries to remember the safe tiles she had already crossed. DD(wis?): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 1 = 4 ![]()
![]() Messy=At least one really gross description per attack. I mean absolutely disgusting. So bad that Quentin Tarantino would say that he won't film it because it goes over the line. The orc grits her teeth as the dwarf tries to rouse the villagers into certain death. She almost can't believe his stupidity, but then she remembers something that makes that belief very easy. Dwarves were almost extinct at one time. Continual inbreeding had had a detrimental effect on the races intellect. As the dwarves minds become more addled, their capacity to reproduce became more and more precarious, as aiming and hitting the target became more and more problematic. Fortunately, the Machiavellian Prince Rainar saw a use for the dying race. They would be bred as fodder for dangerous dirty jobs on the battle field, like looking for mines. To get the dwarves numbers up, He instituted a breeding program, where the women were dressed as sheep, the average dwarven male target of amorous feelings, and nature took it course. The regiment was known by the acronym RETARDs (Regimental Engagement Tactics and Remote Detonation) SL: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8 Gul felt the satisfying crunch telegraphed through the pyrite. She can feel Ginger get anxious at the over head headless. Settle. The orc points to the dais. Leap. Ginger takes a bond and uses her tentacles to assist Gul. DD: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 1 = 8 Ginger uses her keen senses to assist Gul, while she evaluates the prison. DR: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 4) + 3 = 13
The orc drops the club and she frees her whip and key fob. She puts the key in the lock and says to Kreza, That's two you owe me. You can pay one back immediately. Save my Papa. The orc can't wait for the vampires to go up like kindling. ![]()
![]() Do you think Midas could create without applying law to chaos? A contract is the same., It is the difference between civilization and anarchy. You created the contract. You set the terms. And we entered into a promise. Breaking it, is to spit into the face of Midas. A sin. Only an animal can ignore it's past. Only a fool can think he can talk away his responsibility. Break the contract if you like, but it does not mean you can escape the shame that you so readily heaped on my father. ![]()
![]() As will through action can change the future...in this place, the past is just as malleable through will alone. Gul knows that intent can be divined in both cases. Lassiter's boots prove that LASaROS knew we were walking into a trap, and said nothing. And Kreza knew we were walking into a trap to free the elemental and said nothing. Betrayers! Papa was right Gul Fights for her life, starting with the closest vamp. h/s: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 ![]()
![]() Funny you should ask. You see the squid on our dwarven friend? He's imitating a god these days. Gul and Ginger slowly walk down the hall. All while avoiding the shackled prisoners. Gul gets very close to Kreza ear. Forcing herself to ignore the searing heat, She whispers into the ifrit's fiery ear. GM: You know far too much, and I know you are not what you appear. Keep my secret, and I will keep yours ![]()
![]() Muirkhom Garathal wrote: Ya'd be workin' wi' a lot'a gold, least 'nough ta make a body as big as yerself, Or much, much, much bigger. Thinks Gul. He's no longer pure, boss. Suffering has robbed him of his innocence. Gul looked at Kreza with compassion. What exactly is your relationship with Lassiter? ![]()
![]() Gul looks at Papa with ashamed eyes then back to Kreza. She remembers the first machine that the gnomes built for the village. A terraforming mechana designed to create and maintain aqueducts, roads and farms. The dhampirs were beyond such considerations, but the living needed the infrastructure to not only survive but thrive. The mechana was powered by a battery carried by the refugees of the gnome-orc war of attrition. The pilots complained the mechana would act on its own intermittently. Gul had wondered, or more precisely worried, that the battery had a suffering conscience entity within it. One night, under the cloak of dark, Gul did something to end her concern. She stole the battery and broke open it's seals in the deep forest. She readied her pet and weapon. Kreza and Gul first meet, and a slave is freed. She kept silent, as rumors and speculation buzz about thieves and enemies among the gnomes. She looks back at LASaROS. You trapped a conscience elemental. What is wrong with you?!? Free him immediately! Assuming that the dias has a pentagram type holding magic ![]()
![]() Gul examines the statues, but does not know enough about human religion or history to ascertain their significance. She judges the ifrit with squinted eyes and a defiant stance. You're certainly well informed for someone trapped in a vault. It makes one think that you are not trapped at all. It also makes one think you are responsible for the fire outside. As you seem to know me, It seems only fair that you tell me who you are. A situation that begs for a DR roll DR: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 1 = 6 ![]()
![]() Gul concentrates and throws her hand out and a bright orb winks into existence and sails down the corridor. It comes to a soft rest and hovers. SM: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 1) + 1 = 8
Just for fun
The massive granite building is often thought to be an old temple re-purposed by the gnomes. Lemongrass theorizes that the buildings purpose was a museum, now stripped bare. Inside is a massive workshop with gnome sized permanent scaffolding surrounding the perimeter. The center full of tools massive and small waiting for creative hands. And resources waiting for imagination. ![]()
![]() You're right about the fire and the village, but we are inches away from capturing a elemental. A boon that we should not ignore. The orc walks to the stone door with the pyrite clapper in hand. She tells the others to stand back as she takes swing after swing at the obstruction. Whack a door: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9 +1 to acting on the state of the fire Almost forgot about a village building request Lontash Magistrate Residence/Office The granite building is ornate and expensive. The source of such wealth for the village is never talked of, even in private, as if the villagers are keeping some dark secret. In the foyer, a pair of marble stair cases curl up to a landing on the second floor opposite the entrance. The vaulted ceiling ending in a windowed dome gives a person the sense of culture and importance. The floor black onyx tile reflects the light like a mirror. The first floor is filled with rooms for administrative and dignitary functions. The second floor is residence for Lontash's family and thralls. ![]()
![]() Unless there are objections, I'm going to try and wrap up so that we can camp Muirkhom Convo May I suggest that the necklace icons you created, are for those here and now. I would wear one. I'm sure the gnomes would. I'm sure Imazael would if only to ease your mind. She said. I just wonder if I'm feeding his delusion, or he is feeding mine. Imazael Alone Convo Gul comforts Imazael in her arms. She sings to her while rocking her. We better get back, before they send a search party. With that, they return to camp ![]()
![]() Muirkhom Convo Pyrite. Interesting. Gul had lived long enough to know that everyone had internal logic. There were always reasons for what they do. Even if those reasons seemed delusional, the delusion still had internal logic. She needed to find out more, Tell me master. Wouldn't be easier to give out pyrite as a sacrament, thus freeing the innocent from madness? Imazael and Papa Convo The orc sighs heavily at the additional weight of responsibility on her back. Another pet of Imazael that I'll have to feed and love Come along Myxis. The orc grabs the gnome and places her on Ginger. We're heading to the bell tower. Trust Ginger's senses. Foraging: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 Imazael Alone Convo Gul looks at Emma with sadness at her obvious suffering. Sweetheart, your suffering is whats keeping your soul alive. I wish that I could take your burden, but all I can offer is my love. ![]()
![]() Yes, I was adding meat to the bare bones of Kyrillosr bond with Gul. Mostly for fun...It's your bond though and can make up anything you want as to how it got there. Edit: I ate the otter baby too in my version. I was just giving the child back to Kyrillosr (As Kyrillosr requested). Now Gul's waiting for the Mother cursing apology. ![]()
![]() Gul grabs some ceremonial furs she'd seen earlier. She grabs the last of the wine from a villager who was in mid tug. The orc gives the villager a scowl that says 'say something. I dare you.' Gul gives Imazael her hand, and let's the dhampir lead her. Gul knew the woodcutter was mercurial. Her moods often slip from hot to cold and cold to hot. It was part of her charm. Something about Imazael's cold blood also contained a fire that Gul found fascinating. However, the half vampire did nothing without satisfying some personal need. The idea that Imazael might have an ulterior motive did not bother the orc. Gul only cared that she was able to spend time with her. Reaching the tower, Gul lays the furs for a comfortable bed. The orc lounges in the fur and slowly shakes the bottle at Emma. Stories? Gul smiles and invites her into her arms for a snuggle and chat. I have stories. Do you remember when we fought those devil trees that tormented your brother's indentured servants? The farmer's daughter was driven to suicide. Your brother offered to turn the girl, and you nearly took off his head. You were full of righteous anger that day. Rhistel and I fought with you. It was the first battle for both of us. do you remember us tending to each others wounds that night? ![]()
![]() Gul turns to Muirkhom and hands over the Oculus. If we don't get more light, you might need this to see. The scout is about to turn away, then hands over the Shield cast iron lid (+1 armor, clumsy, 2 wt) You are more frontline than I am. Take it off my tab should you find it acceptable. Gul cocks her head and says, Doesn't Midas fill gold with his inner glow? She ventures no further with the holy man. It was interesting how dhampirs blood crystallizes into red sand upon their death. She looks down on the desiccated corpses. Gul borrows Imazael's ax for only a few moments. The orc hacks off the dead's limbs and throws them on the fire for fuel. ![]()
![]() Villagers conversation... Oh and take lid for hand, and whip in other. And wear bracelet Gul tosses the wine to them one after another. Faith cannot be bartered for. She shoots a look at LASaROS, only to look back at the villagers. Faith only has value when it's tested. It gives you strength, when all you feel is weak. It gives you hope, when doom is all you see. It is a beacon of light in the darkness. Gul places her hand on the table and says, Do as you will. I only ask you have faith that My request is for your safety as well as my own. I only ask that you trust in me. Trust that I will do all in my power to make this world whole again, for all of us. Laying down some wisdom: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 Imazael conversation Imazael did you wwant to establish your bond by remembering a secret of my origins :) Gul smiles I'm fine sweetie. She takes the offered hand. This seems like a good place to camp...as long as Muirkhom agrees. Where's your psycho brother? ![]()
![]() Gul listens and almost laughs at LASaROS. I didn't say you weren't useful, but you need us more than we need you. The scout searches the area with Ginger helping. Hey. she says to the un-enthralled villagers. Take these oak tables and block the entrance. Gul bows to Muirkohm. I recommend that we sweep the rooms as a unit DR: 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 1 + 2 = 9
![]() The orc feels herself fall. The floor was cold. She could feel it. The smell of her blood fills her nostrils. A sense of well being rushes over her. She could sense herself moving, but by will alone. The grey succumbs to light. People. Hundreds of them. They mill around her. She has never seen them before, but all of them seem so familiar. What looks like a dark skinned human witchdoctor walks by. Your not supposed to be here. Another in a white coat and wearing items she could not identify. We are eternal. The orc is on the edge of an epiphany. Cruelly, the sense of well being is replaced with the real world. Cuckolded by the universe. Gul stands from the floor. She points at LASaROS. You are no god. I don't know what you are, but You are no god.