Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

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Spell Combat - Questions

Bring back weapon bond / weapon call

Spell Shield Arcana

Magus Arcana, Close Range, I'm a little confused

Magus rules with stun lock

Overall Impressions?

Arcane Spell Failure

Two-handing with Spell Combat

Feat: Extra Magus Arcana

Using Arcana Pool on ammunition?

Scrolls and Spell Combat

Magus Favored Class Ideas?

For the Sake of Proofreading Only

Mixing touch spells simultaneously

Yay! Dip-friendly!

Dual-wielding with Spell Combat is possible

Do you still accept new arcana suggestions ?

Counterstrike question

Something I Just Thought Of

Spell Combat and Missed Touch Attacks

What spells can be used with spellstrike?

Magus Touch Spells

Why doesn't Spellstrike grant an extra attack?

Spell Combat, Wand Wielder, Metamagic rods?

Prestige Classing the Magus

Pool Strike usable with Spellcombat?

Spell Blending, Picks?

Magus makes an awesome switch hitter

Spell Combat and 5' steps

Can someone clarify spell combat?

Starting Wealth?

A few Q's about Arcane Pool duration between first level and fifth level

Silent / Still / Quicken / Maximize / Empower Spell Arcana

Power Attacking with two hands and still benefiting from Spell Combat

Magus -> Arcane Trickster?

Scorching Ray and Combat Magic


Two-Weapon Fighting Magus still viable

Does spell pool let you add metamagic to prepared spells?

Twilight knife a must have?

Wand Wielder bypasses Spell Combat restirctions?

Off-List Casting and Familiar

Suggestion: Arcana Limited 1 / Day Also Get a Point Cost for Additional Uses

I approve

Broad Study should be better...

Monk + Magus: Can I enhance my fist?

You do realize

Thoughts on spell combat, arcane pool, and the new magus

Using Spell Focus with Spellstrike

To Hit Bonus, TW, and Magus

Spell Blending

Arcane Pool Vs Magic Weapon spells

Arcane Pool + Arcane Strike

The Pool Powers: Naming gone wrong

Greater Pool Spell - I don't like it

Medium and Heavy Armor + ASF%

Still Confused, Re: Broad Study

[Fix Proposal, Clarification] Spellstrike

Supernatural Abilities & the Magus

Broad Study still unclear

Spell Combat at Higher Levels

Wand Mastery

Maneuver Mastery Arcana

Dispelling Strike Arcana

Spellstrike: Melee Attacks and free attacks

Critical Strike / Close Range / Spell Strike

Ultimate Magic Playtest - magus

Spell list

Pool Spell Clarification

Spellstrike wording still confusing

Concentration Checks

Wand Mastery Clarification

Close Range Arcana

New Magus: List of Changes I Spotted and Initial Thoughts

Good Job on The Magus

Playing "catch up"...

Kudos in general


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