Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Paizo make Dungeon Masters better

Favourite Recurring Article

Humor Me, What happened?

Issue 348 and 342 Halloween versus April Fools

Polyhedron! to replace Dragon / Dungeon?

Abinadi's Review of Dragon 355

Hat's off to Paizo!

Issue Containing Revivify Spell?

Seven Saintly Domains

Paizo needs to publish a new magazine for players!

Giant Slug question, Dragon #355

Core Beliefs... Heironeous???

Issue #360?

At last, I know why the issues are running behind!

D&D ICONS leaving us

First Volume of The Dragon, Issues #1 - #7

Monster parts as reagents

What Greyhawk Desparately Needs!

Concerning Article Queries already submitted

I figured it out...

A quick question

Will PDFs of Dragon / Dungeon still be available?

Farewell old friend

Dex based Fighter... er, swashbuckler

Question for Nick Logue re: Dragon 355's Eberron issue

Question about subscription transfers


Savage Tide extras...?

Are you getting _your_ Dragon magazines?

Ziggurat Con in Iraq

Using Monster Smarter

Suggestions for Articles I'd like to See

More Special Issues Please

Review of Issue 354

Way of the Shackled Beast

S.O.S.: Where did I see these two articles?

iDragon - The Shackled City or Age of Worms

Dwarves of Greyhawk

Correspondence editors?

Review of #355

Dragon Art and Maps

Subject of Recent Volo's Guides

New Dragon back issues now available in PDF format

Any chance we could see the omitted playlists?

Dear Great Green God, I'd like to see...

Cthulhu Mythos for 3.5ed D&D

Modrons in #354! I love you guys!

Expanding upon soulknife feats in Dragon #341

Seasonal prestige classes

Article request: combat system & battlemaps

Sucros Reviews 354

Find the Monty Python's Spamalot Hidden Grails!

Underused Monster Niches...

Diplomacy (Dungeon 144)

Small request for the Demonomicon and Faiths articles

Dragon #354 Web Enhancement?

Eberron and Forgotten Realms Content

What is happening in Cormyr

No free Zogonia!

Demons in the Flanaess (GreyHawk)

Science Vs. Magic

Free RPG Day - Get Involved!


Ancient PC's - Thanks Eric!

How do I find more info on MACEcon?

Shadow in the Dark

Where's my Zogonia in 354?!!

Complimentary copy for writers?


Rejected Query

Core Beliefs = Kord?

Channeling touch spells through weapons.

Dragon 354 - Shadowrun column

A story in Dragon Magazine around 1990ish

Rouge feat

Elder player

Magic Items in the party? (repost)

Erik Mona is a Stud!

Class Acts: Iconic Paths

Clarification required regarding the Worghest (DR350). Please.

Core Beliefs--- Lloth

New loumarras

List of Dragon inserts?

Greyhawk Articles!

Dragon Covers and Chainmail Bikinis

STAP Players!!!!

Love for our friendly neighborhood Dukes of Hell?

Is there a feat to give you access to non-class skills?

"Atheist" class

heraldry article-which issue?

Demonomicon Issues

Greyhawk Specific Prestige Classes

Morale Checks when the chips are down

Class Acts: The New World Order

Mech Campaign setting in Dragon Magazine

High (...and late) praise for World Serpent articles

Review of issue 353

Suggested Ecology Add-on: Killer Creature Combos

bayonet rules?

Dragon #290 just made me cry. Greyhawk style.

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