More Premiumer Than Ever Before!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Last week I promised that we’d have a blog showing off the premium figures coming out in next month’s Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens set of prepainted plastic miniatures from WizKids. Unlike a normal set, which comes with a single premium figure (or scene set) that’s directly tied to the purchase of an entire case of minis, this set features not one, but two different premium products.

First we have a double offering of Huge dragons in the form of an Adult Black and Adult Red Dragon. These figures are massive for their bases and really push the limits of what a Huge miniature (what a glorious oxymoron) can be. Check these puppies out!

They’re not even the only dragons in the set! We couldn’t stop with just these two Huges, so we threw in a Large Green Dragon as well, in the rare category.

The second premium offering coming with this set is the Thieves’ Guild Premium Set, a standalone premium set that was originally supposed to be the sole premium this summer. We’ve heard fans’ feedback that some prefer scenery over monsters as well as the folks who said the opposite. The only way, it seemed, to make everyone happy was to do both. So we did.

Illustration by Richard Suwono

The Thieves’ Guild is full of dungeon dressing befitting any secret guildhall of a city’s most notorious criminals. The set includes such pieces as a trapdoor with removable ladder; a weapon rack; two training dummies (one for picking pockets covered in tiny bells and the other a more traditional sparring dummy); a door and chest both covered in various types of locks to perfect one’s lockpicking skills; a satchel of thieves’ tools to lay on any table or floor where a rogue is hard at work; a loot sorting table and loot sack’ a card table with chairs (note the Harrow suits on the cards!); and a corpse-covered shrine to Father Skinsaw, the aspect of Norgorber focused on murder. My favorite part of the altar setpiece isn’t the eerie, translucent purple flames rising from the braziers but rather the fact that the wall behind the altar is removable, allowing for it to hide a secret passage or cache filled with even more gruesome and terrible things!

Because we couldn’t release a thieves’ guild without putting at least one thief out to populate it, we also included the Thief Guildmaster in the City of Lost Omens set as a rare Medium figure.

Even the most secure and secret thieves guild needs someone or something to guard it, though. And for that, we present the Skinstitch, a Large rare figure based on the creature from the Pathfinder Bestiary!

That’s it for this week’s previews, folks! I’ll be participating in PaizoCon Online beginning tomorrow morning, so if you’ve got additional questions feel free to stop by the convention’s Discord server and seek out my AMA thread. I’ll do my best to address mini-related queries there. Also, make sure to catch a few seminars or live-play streams on or get a “seat” at one of the hundreds of virtual tables running Pathfinder and Starfinder games through Sunday.

Until next week—when I’ll show off the many potential player character figures in the set (one for every ancestry in the Advanced Player’s Guide!)—stay safe, enjoy PaizoCon Online, and roll high.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
Grand Lodge

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Sweet baby jesus!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Cannot find the Skinstitch in the bestiaries 2E... Anyone know the book/page? Thanks!

Did see it in 1E Bestiary 4

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber



They can join all of the others on my shelf.

I need dragons too. Especially huge ones. :)


These look wonderful.

I am glad I have the subscription. lol

Great sculps on the Dragons

As many dragons as I already have, these two will gladly be added to the pile.

I do miss the brown ridge of spikes the 1st edition red dragons developed as they got older, but both sculpts are still very nice.

Dark Archive

Yoshua wrote:

Cannot find the Skinstitch in the bestiaries 2E... Anyone know the book/page? Thanks!

Did see it in 1E Bestiary 4

Maybe it's a derivative of the Flesh Golem?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Yoshua wrote:

Cannot find the Skinstitch in the bestiaries 2E... Anyone know the book/page? Thanks!

Did see it in 1E Bestiary 4

That design is from 1e Bestiary 4 as you said

sweet, now I can finally re-base the H&M „Huge“ Black Dragon to a large base where it belongs.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Another preview and another collection of reasons to buy this set. Awesome.

I hope WizKids makes a set (3+) of the archery targets in a Deep Cuts or similar set, as well as the table accompaniments.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Anyone else getting an Absorbaloff vibe from the Skinstitch?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really want to like the Thief Guildmaster however, it appears she has a bow and quiver on her back but no straps over her shoulder and around her body to hold them in place. Poor sculpt design if that's the case.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The huge sculpts are fantastic. That said, I'd rather see new huge models that haven't been issued before so we aren't winding up with duplicate huge red and black dragons from prior sets.

Please give us unreleased huges, there are so many available to choose from!

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

If we subscribe to 1 case do we get to choose which premium?

Usually when there's multiple premiums you get one if each.

The Adult Red and Black Dragons come together as a pair in a single box.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are two premium sets for the "City if Lost omens" set:

-Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens Premium Figures - Adult Red & Black Dragons

-Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens Premium Set - Thieves Guild

Considering that some people want creatures, some want scenery and some want both, it might be possible to opt for only one premium?

I like all revealed minis.
Will i find it great that there is a mini made for an old Bestiary 4 creature (skinstitch), it looks like it will be seriously undersized again, looking like a medium sized mini on a large base.

Today we should get the renders for:


-Aasimar Redeemer (planar scion)
-Tiefling Adept (planar scion) 
-Dhampir Wizard (Dhampir) 
-Changeling Exile(changeling)
-Duskwalker Ghost Hunter (planar scion)

Pictures of the actual minis for three of them are already online on Wizkids official product page.

Are you sure they are of the same sort, Marco?

I thought the case incentive was exclusively the Dragons. They may both be called "premium" sets but I didn't think we'll be getting the Thieves Guild as an "incentive" with a case.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought the Thieves Guild was its own separate thing

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It would be nice to find out exactly what subscribers get with a case this time around. I want both premium items and want to be sure that I don't double order either one.

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Yeah this line is what had me confused as a new Case Subscriber:

"Unlike a normal set, which comes with a single premium figure (or scene set) that’s directly tied to the purchase of an entire case of minis, this set features not one, but two different premium products."

It implies they are both tied to the purchase of a case but the FAQ doesn't really address what having two means for ordering. Whether you get both, choose, or it is random.

I sent an e-mail to customer service but they are likely backlogged as well.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Neither premium is directly linked to buying a case, but case subscribers will get a discount on purchasing one or both premiums along with their case (or later). We'll be clarifying this on the store pages in the next day or two.

When you say they aren't directly linked, does that mean we can buy either of them without getting a case?

That's different from past practise, isn't it? (When you couldn't buy the case incentives standalone until the following case subscription became available).

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Steve Geddes wrote:

When you say they aren't directly linked, does that mean we can buy either of them without getting a case?

That's different from past practise, isn't it? (When you couldn't buy the case incentives standalone until the following case subscription became available).

These are no longer "case incentives." WizKids has been releasing premium sets like spell effects and dungeon dressing not tied to a booster-based release for a few years now. These are just the first ones for Pathfinder. Think of them as Iconic Heroes sets rather than case incentives.

Cheers, Mark. I knew that but thought that was in addition to case incentives rather than instead of them.

Does that mean there is no longer an optional 75% discounted item with each case?

I had assumed there was no way that such a steep discount would apply to both.

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