Starfinder Society: Ethical Anthropology

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Please note - This blog includes some real-world critiques and history references that shape why some Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society scenarios feature the narratives they do. This blog also has some spoilers for Starfinder Society Scenario #1-13: On the Trail of History. The major spoilers are hidden behind a spoiler tag, but there are some thematic spoilers in the blog’s main text.

Good? Read on!

When I first participated in Pathfinder Society, one of the selling points was that the Society was a league of archaeologists—just like me! Granted, the Pathfinders are sword-swinging, spell-slinging scallywags who tend not to show much respect for their host cultures, all while endeavoring to find the most exciting treasures in pursuit of fame and public acclaim. Fortunately, that’s not how real archaeologists behave, right?


The answer’s complicated. While the fields of modern anthropology and archaeology have come a long way, there have been and still remain plenty of valid critiques. Anthropology students learn about the rather cavalier excavations of the 18th and 19th centuries (and in some cases into the 20th and even 21st centuries) that celebrated impressive finds while destroying irreparable context; the prejudiced lenses through which early, predominantly white, anthropologists studied unfamiliar cultures; and the ways in which biased studies and unrefined processes erased swaths of archaeological evidence, downplayed (or misinterpreted) other societies’ accomplishments, and shaped foreign perceptions and policies in a way that othered and hurt the people studied.

Through exposure, we also learn to parse the ways in which popular culture like Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider highlight the destructive and treasure-hunting elements while largely ignoring the delicate research that forms the foundation of archaeology. This “pulp” archaeology is a mixed bag. On one hand it builds excitement for travel and archaeology. On the other hand, it glorifies the violence, looting, destruction, and egos that have caused so much damage. No matter how loudly one shouts “This belongs in a museum,” it won’t repair the wreckage a pulp archaeologist leaves in their wake.

So that’s a lot of baggage tied up in anthropology, and by extension, that baggage is an element that the Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society alike inherit. When we tell stories about studying Thassilon, sneaking around the remains of Shory cities, or recovering a lost relic from Sarkorian ruins, we’re tapping into that same pulp archaeology context. And those are moments that invite self-reflection. Is my character understanding this culture filtered through the character’s (or my own) perspective? How does this unfamiliar culture view my daring swashbuckling deeds through their ancestral lands, and will my chronicle of this adventure feature my voice or theirs? Should I have cast fireball into that room decorated with millennia-old murals? And y’know, sometimes the answers are “But there were zombies” and “I’m an adventurer,” and one of the big reasons we play tabletop roleplaying games is to be awesome by using our PCs’ class abilities.

As the lead on the organized play campaigns’ creative content, though, I’ve made it my business to weave in some of the big questions and controversies from the past centuries of anthropology. Fortunately, from a strictly narrative perspective, these questions and controversies make for some excellent stories; there’s little denying that pulp archaeology’s exciting. But the PCs’ actions also have consequences, and I do hope that the dilemmas we include in scenarios are an opportunity to empathize and tackle tough choices while in a safe environment. And at the end of the day, even if the in-world Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society aren’t good-aligned organizations, they sure as heck don’t surrender their moral compasses when in the field.

And that’s the bet that Thurston Hillman and I took more than a year ago when we brainstormed Starfinder Society Scenario #1-13: On the Trail of History. The adventure involves the PCs traveling to a distant planet to solve an important mystery, and the investigation ultimately leads to contact with the planet’s native sapient life forms: izalguuns, six-limbed beings believed to be quite primitive and simple by the few scientists stationed on that world (and also izalguuns are appearing in the upcoming Starfinder Alien Archive 3). But not only do the izalguuns have their secrets, but they also present a choice during the adventure.

A large green alien with a quadruped-like lower body, humanoid torso and wide head raises one hand as if in greeting.

Illustration by Graey Erb

[Deeper spoilers and consequences for “On the Trail of History”]

The izalguuns are one of the species that left the Scoured Stars system untold generations ago, fleeing the supernatural force that inhabited that system. Although once very sophisticated technologically, the izalguuns settled on this new planet, purposefully chose to live simpler and more secretive lives, and now use their advanced technology in more subtle ways. While the izalguuns are amenable to helping the PCs solve the mystery that inspired the adventure in the first place, this people wish to live in peace and solitude.

That creates quite the conundrum to academics like the Starfinders. On one hand, honoring the izalguuns’ wishes costs nothing. On the other hand, such an advanced and previously under-appreciated alien species represents a bonanza of academic renown for the enterprising ethnographers willing to publish their findings about the izalguuns anyway. At the end of the adventure, the PCs have to make that choice: respect or glory? If the PCs choose to respect the izalguuns’ wishes, that’s great, but choosing to out the izalguuns’ secret existence to the galaxy earns the PCs a special and lucrative boon on the scenario’s Chronicle sheet!

So, the message is to…sell out foreign cultures for money and academic tenure?

No. Choices have consequences, and scenarios have reporting notes. Remember those check boxes that the GM fills out when reporting played scenarios on We examine that data to help shape the campaign’s stories and future scenarios. When Thursty and I devised this scenario, we agreed that the izalguuns would make for a good playable PC race in Starfinder. I also convinced him that this would be a good opportunity to see whether the Starfinder Society would be as upstanding as First Seeker Luwzi Elsebo would hope.

So, we formed a pact. In 2019 I would check the reporting data and write a blog about ethical anthropology and On the Trail of History. If the reporting data showed the Starfinders had revealed the izalguuns’ existence to the Pact Worlds in order to profit off the discovery, scores of academics would travel to that planet to study the izalguuns and violate the boundaries the izalguuns had established. The izalguuns would know that the Starfinder Society had betrayed their trust and forswear dealing with the Society ever again. On the other hand, if the Starfinders respected the izalguuns’ wishes, there may come a time that their more adventurous kin would want to explore the galaxy and join the same organization that showed such integrity before.

That’s right: the reporting data would determine whether or not izalguuns would ever be a playable race in Starfinder Society.

[The Results]

You made us proud.

A very clear majority of groups reported respecting the izalguuns’ wishes by keeping their culture and technology a secret. More than a year later, the first izalguuns have traveled to Absalom Station in the wake of the Society’s victory at the Scoured Stars, and these aliens are joining the Starfinders ranks even now.

Beginning on August 28th, the street date for Starfinder Alien Archive 3, izalguuns will be an always-available playable race in the Starfinder Society campaign! As always, you’ll need a copy of the book in which they appear, as they’ll be appearing in the Additional Resources list.

And to answer a likely question: yes, this is the type of event we might repeat in the future, but probably not for a while longer, and probably even then it would take a slightly different form. Does that mean you should be exuberantly ethical in all of your choices in Starfinder Society? Certainly my inner anthropologist would love that, but I encourage you to play awesome characters of diverse backgrounds and with diverse perspectives because that’s part of what makes the game fun.

Over the course of the Starfinder Society campaign, the team’s enjoyed including more opportunities to review reporting data, incorporate players’ ideas and PCs into the stories, and overall encourage a more “living campaign” feel. Seeing this particular story to its conclusion has been especially exciting, and we’re equally excited to consider how your choices in this adventure might affect future scenarios.

If you’re interested in exploring more archaeological themes and controversies, I encourage you to check out the following adventures. Their spoiler tags include modest spoiler information, so peek at your own risk!

[Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-14: Faithless and Forgotten, Part 2: Lost Colony of Taldor]

This scenario tackles the way in which nation states have sometimes used archaeology—either by funding expeditions or by creatively interpreting independent findings—to reinforce their own dominance or historical narratives. Cheliax hopes that the Pathfinders will conclude the adventure site was once a Taldan colony, reinforcing Cheliax’s claim to the surrounding territory.

[Pathfinder Society Special #8-99: The Solstice Scar]

This story’s premise begins with a “civilized” expedition stealing a sacred relic, believing it more important that the relic be kept in a museum rather than remaining in the hands of its “primitive” creator culture.

[Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-08: Birthright Betrayed]

Calhadion Vernisant’s leveraging historical connections to fuel his own political career is less immediately archaeological but is nonetheless an illustration of how underhanded individuals can reinterpret and re-present the past in order to further a modern agenda.

[Pathfinder Society Special #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm]

One of the tough realities of archaeology—and to an extent anthropology as a whole—is that ancient sites don’t always wait around to be found. When a large building project or impending environmental shift means that an area might never again be accessible, it calls for salvage archaeology: a speedy triage of the sites and accelerated excavation to recover and preserve as much information about the doomed sites as possible. In the case of the Hao Jin Tapestry demiplane, the whole place is quickly collapsing, and part of Season 10 is based on the principles of salvage archaeology.

[Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-14: Debt to the Quah]

No matter how professional the organization, there are invariably some bad actors. This adventure addresses the academic and ethical abuses performed by a Pathfinder in Varisia. His destructive exploration, desecration of bodies, and outright misrepresentation of the culture that built the site in question haven’t just wrecked an important tomb; he’s also threatened future expeditions by offending the local cultures. And like in the real world, someone has to repair those bridges and offer reparations.

Join us next week as the organized play team previews the upcoming offerings.

John Compton
Organized Play Lead Developer

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Tags: Graey Erb Organized Play Starfinder Society
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Wayfinders 4/5

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Archaeology! Huzzah!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****


Dark Archive 5/5 * Regional Venture-Coordinator, Gulf

8 people marked this as a favorite.

As a guy with a degree in Anthropology before i started Engineering, I am happy to read this.

As a fan of a true Living campaign I am shrieking with delight!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

9 people marked this as a favorite.

[The Results]

Best thing I have read today^^

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That is awesome!

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I wish there was a "this is awesome and I love it" button to click on blog posts :D

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, good job. I hope someday we get a Pathfinder AP, focused on the archaeological and anthropological questions of the Society. For all its collect the artifacts themes, Shattered Star didn’t delve too deeply into that.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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One follow-up I'd like to emphasize here:

Coming up with these scenarios is a collaborate process, and Thursty and I spend a lot of time bouncing ideas around. The ethical premise behind #1-13 involves a fair amount of my input, but the blog above doesn't speak enough to how much this scenario played into the Season 1 storyline, which is very much Thursty's narrative. This scenario and many others wouldn't be the way they are without his work.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I really enjoyed this blog, and one of the things that help SFS feel "alive" are these kinds of ethical moments. :)

4/5 5/55/5 * RPG Superstar 2015 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

21 people marked this as a favorite.

When I got the outline for SFS 1-13, Thursty offered that I could submit PC race stats for the izalguuns on the off chance they became a playable race further down the road. I enthusiastically did so, having immediately fallen in love with the species, and then I dutifully held my tongue as the scenario hit the shelves and for months afterwards. To see that chicken finally come home to roost in this epic way is better than I could have hoped for! Thank you for this experiment, John & Thursty! I’m so excited to see izalguuns join the ranks of the Society!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the old, classic pulp adventures (or more accurately, their retro reincarnations like Indiana Jones or Johnny Quest). It had orientalizing baggage by the truckload, no argument here, but at the same time... there was this little spark of genuine interest in other lands and other cultures. "Look how cool the world is! Look at all these interesting places and interesting people!"

Seeing this made me grin, I'll say.

Anyway, this was a genius trick and I am legitimately impressed. Also putting a bunch of adventures on my to-read list, clearly.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Lost Colony of Taldor is one of my favorite archaelogy scenarios and I will play and/or run it whenever possible to help highlight the critical importance the field plays in shaping our lives, and the lives of those in the Lost Omens setting.

There is still and will probably always be controversy surrounding our favorite "destructive science". I'd love to see a scenario highlighting the issue with regard to contemporary far East Archaelogy given the political climate of the Dragon Empires. I could see several of the even Lawful and Good successor states seeing nothing wrong with refusing to protect or catalogue historical sites that don't help fit its narrative, in the pursuit of those artifacts that do.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is fantastic!

Very proud of the Starfinder Society players. ^_^

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Harumph. If they'd said they wanted to keep it quiet because they were hiding from someone that would have been one thing. But as it was they were the first society we'd seen advance as far as we knew it could go and then slide back. You see I have this hypothesis that all civilizations at some point will and already HAVE...

And the party stuffs him into his own bag of holding. Again. Today.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikhail Rekun wrote:
I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the old, classic pulp adventures (or more accurately, their retro reincarnations like Indiana Jones or Johnny Quest). It had orientalizing baggage by the truckload, no argument here, but at the same time... there was this little spark of genuine interest in other lands and other cultures. "Look how cool the world is! Look at all these interesting places and interesting people!"


Even when an adventure carries with it a bunch of problematic historical/cultural baggage, it can still convey a really powerful sense of wonder and spark curiosity that spurs further investigation. Fun stories do that. Exciting art pieces do that (for which I'm really excited about the upcoming Lost Omens World Guide books—have you seen those previews?!?). Strange characters do that. Those inspirations can last a lifetime, and I have no doubt that pulp adventure tales played a part in drawing me into formal archaeology training (and later into organized play).

Where we have to be careful is what other messages those pulp stories convey, as well as what longstanding associations they reinforce—especially when those lessons inadvertently "punch down" at groups who have been on the receiving end of those negative portrayals before. By vilifying or "othering" different groups, it's too easy to perpetuate harmful beliefs about their real-world analogues and alienate part of the community. RPGs are amazing tools for telling stories and learning. I'd much rather the lesson be "Wow, I'm seeing these people in a new and positive light" than "Huh, this portrayal confirms my subconscious biases."

Fortunately, we have great authors, developers, editors, artists, and graphic designers who can give everything additional scrutiny, and as a company and as a community, we're always on the lookout for how to make our products more accessible and conscientious. A big part of that's by amplifying diverse voices. Because for every story we look at and say "Hmm, maybe this isn't the kind of narrative that's appropriate to tell anymore," expanding the cast of authors introduces us to another three types of stories we would have never thought to tell.

Long story short, there's a lot that pulp narratives have done to inspire players, GMs, and gaming in general. And as the industry matures, it behooves us to examine the stories we have been telling, understand where we could be better, bring in new storytellers, and make our adventures even better for an ever-expanding community.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.

A few other scenarios that play into anthropology themes:

Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-12: The Twisted Circle:
This adventure plays up the difficulties of performing ethnographic research in dangerous circumstances, especially when it's so easy to make assumptions about that culture and come away with the wrong impression.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-14: To Seal the Shadow:
I really love the premise of this adventure. It's a delightful opportunity to perform participant observation, which is an anthropological/ethnographic practice of observing a tradition by being a part of it. Being invited by wayangs to perform a key role in one of their annual festivals is a major privilege, and the Society's understandably thrilled to send the PCs to learn as much as possible.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

heads out to corner the market on Ratfolk Belts...

Does this mean we can get confirmation on how to pronounce the "uu" in Izalguun?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Does this mean we can get confirmation on how to pronounce the "uu" in Izalguun?

I've been pronouncing it ih-zal-GOON, though I make the double-O sound a little deeper.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I don't play PFS, or Starfinder, but this blog post was riveting. I believe Paizo is doing fantastic work in their products and spearheading a revolution in narratives and settings, and I definitely want to see more of this - less punching down and more scenarios where ethics and social awareness have important roles.

Congrats for your willingness to tackle difficult but important subjects again and again, folks, and thank you for the best adventures around ;)

Richard Lowe wrote:
I wish there was a "this is awesome and I love it" button to click on blog posts :D

Just had to quote this to give my +1.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Does this mean we can get confirmation on how to pronounce the "uu" in Izalguun?
I've been pronouncing it ih-zal-GOON, though I make the double-O sound a little deeper.

well I guess this has to be a character now...

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Netherlands

John Compton wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Does this mean we can get confirmation on how to pronounce the "uu" in Izalguun?
I've been pronouncing it ih-zal-GOON, though I make the double-O sound a little deeper.

Ah I went for ih-zal-GUN, but that's probably just the English/Australian way I talk.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Hargrave wrote:

Ah I went for ih-zal-GUN, but that's probably just the English/Australian way I talk.

Ih-zal-GUN for sure mate.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hooray! Go starfinders!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 * Contributor

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That's exactly the sort of development I love to see in these storylines! Not only do the characters' actions have impactful consequences, but they're COOL consequences that are fun thematically and mechanically. Story evolution from choices? Fine. Story evolution that also gives new options for players? Great!


Loved the blog!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love the kind of care you are putting into making certain the starfinders are not fedora wearing Independent Wrestlers *winking emoji* and this result is fantastic. The emphasis on changing story narrative allows us to still be inspired (I have a Flash Gordon based character) but find new stories to tell rather than rehashing old ones. making it much more exciting to me on that alone. The other societal goods are a wonderful bonus but you can see where my passion in role playing lies.

Also I have some Pitfall Jones stickers for you to put on your dartboard.

Grand Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

As an anthropology student, this post has genuinely gotten me misty-eyed. I've spent over a decade using role-playing games to express and represent cultures past, present, and novel, and my long-running PC is a pathfinder, anthropologist, and archaeologist above all else. This is exactly the kind of game I want to play. Honestly, thank you.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

16 people marked this as a favorite.

First off, I want to thank our community for being so amazing about this! I distinctly remember when John and I conceived this "test" in the office, we mentioned it to a few people and were told: "Oh, well they'll all be jackals because there's a mechanical benefit to it."

In that light, it's nice to see how the result turned out.

Also, I can't let John hog ALL the spotlight with this one, so maybe let me add one more tiny spoiler, since you've all been such an upstanding community.

A Fun Spoiler:
I've just finished an outline that takes us back to visit the izalguuns. Should be super interesting, since they'll be an always available species by then!

1/5 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

It says something when (in PFS1) my previously dumb as rocks barbarian turned Scarab Sage immediately goes into an archaeological site and starts taking 'all the notes'. 1. Because you'll never know what you might learn. 2. If you can't figure it out and you have the notes and documentation, someone ELSE may be able to figure it out. 3. If you break it, you may NOT be able to fix it. Ever. Again. 4. There's not a lot of documentation about his choice of deities -- The Drunken Hero -- due to how the faith arranges itself.

His focus on documentation is obsessive, but after certain encounters, it really helps put his paranoia at ease if he has all the information possibly available versus 'a bunch of unknown'.

In Starfinder, my Soldier(Steward Officer)/Xenoarchaeologist has been instrumental in saving the research bacon of teams they've been on for a similar approach -- understanding and respecting the culture is an important step to not getting *squished* by ancient Titan works where she comes from.

Silver Crusade

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:

[The Results]

Best thing I have read today^^

Kalindlara wrote:

This is fantastic!

Very proud of the Starfinder Society players. ^_^

Agreed! ^w^

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to admit, I really do like the pulp archaeology movies like Indiana Jones, if only for the really cool places and cultures I'd never heard about and the Nazi-punching wonder that Indi was. I'm a bit of a modern history enthusiast, and I played with all the Lego Indiana Jones stuff as a kid. All that to say, however, it does good to see that the more flawed aspects of those movies - such as the pillaging, looting, and destruction of other's cultural treasures that does take place in those movies - is looked down on nowadays.

However, I also like to emulate the pulp aspects of those stories in my own games. I like the idea of racing to find something and punching the bad guy in the face if he gets to it before you. That's fun to me, and seeing others say I shouldn't do that in a fantasy fiction setting seems a little drastic - after all, what happens at the game table stays at the game table, and those fake cultures that you find in a roleplaying game aren't really all that tied to the real world, unless I forgot that there was an ancient nation ruled by seven powerful nations in the real world that had giants as their personal slaves to build monuments to themselves. And bottom line, if an ancient golem from some ancient culture is going to attack my character, no matter how much significance it has to some other culture in a fantasy game, you better believe my character is going to defend himself. Because it's a game, and I'm going to treat it as such. I'm not going to consider the morality of my character destroying a mage's staff from 10,000 years ago - that's taking a game's fictional elements way too seriously, because I'm not going to hold an introspective monologue with myself over something I know for a fact I'd never do in real life. I love finding out new things about other cultures and ethnicities, but for the separation to not occur between the real world and the imaginary world means I can't have fun at my own dining room table with my own friends.

All that to say, I really enjoyed this blog post, and I find the idea of quantifying what characters do to affect the outcome of the Society at large a fascinating and exciting idea! I can't wait to see where this goes, and props to y'all for coming up with that idea!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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John Compton wrote:
Because for every story we look at and say "Hmm, maybe this isn't the kind of narrative that's appropriate to tell anymore," expanding the cast of authors introduces us to another three types of stories we would have never thought to tell.

I like this sentiment very much.

On the one hand, I do like my pulpy stuff. I think it doesn't have to be ditched completely, we can be the next generation of pulp heroes that's a bit more sensitive to other cultures and more diverse itself. We can say "well my dad would have just thrown the fireball, but that's why I learned a more focused beam blast". We don't have to pretend the old generation doesn't exist or reject it completely, even as we don't entirely agree with it either.

As the quote goes "The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there." Nowadays if I'm reading Conan stories or Lovecraft I'm acutely aware that there's a big load of racism embedded in them, but they're also exciting stories. Society has changed so much that reading this style, it's pretty foreign itself. It's a historical thrill to read it, the sensation of a different era. But I would definitely not want to write anything like it now.

And on the other hand, we have these three new stories we can tell for the one that we don't want to tell anymore. Every time I watch some very non-Hollywood movie, say a Korean movie originally made for their home market but translated, it's a thrill. I'm missing much of the cultural background, but it's intensely refreshing to be exposed to something so different.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Newcarry wrote:
{. . .} those fake cultures that you find in a roleplaying game aren't really all that tied to the real world, unless I forgot that there was an ancient nation ruled by seven powerful nations in the real world that had giants as their personal slaves to build monuments to themselves. {. . .}

That comes later.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Does this mean we can get confirmation on how to pronounce the "uu" in Izalguun?
I've been pronouncing it ih-zal-GOON, though I make the double-O sound a little deeper.

I'm always kinda confused whether pathfinder/starfinder names are supposed to be pronounced phonetically or not. I mean, I'm Finnish, so I read them as they are written phonetically anyway, but it kinda seems that for every name that is pronounced exactly as written, there is another name where letters are pronounced the way they are pronounced in english

Awesome post. I am an archaeologist IRL (like published and everything ;)) and am playing a xenoarchaeologist in SFS now so this was super apropos to some of the stuff I've tried to bring into the handful of games I've played so far.

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