Hodgepodge from the Grand Lodge!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Well, this is it. Years back, I began my freelance career with Paizo on a little book called the Giant Hunter's Handbook. Here I am years later actually working at Paizo and getting to close the book on the Player Companion line. It's kind of a bittersweet moment as I've come to grow the line, but I know its new, younger sibling, the Lost Omens World Guide, will be a great line in its own right!

Illustration by Nathanael James

To celebrate the Player Companion's ride off into the sunset, we wanted to go out with something big. This is how Pathfinder Player Companion: Chronicle of Legends came about. There's a lot of material in the ten years of Pathfinder First Edition's history. From humble beginnings with the Advanced Player's Guide to the fantastic and powerful Mythic Adventures to the weird and enigmatic Occult Adventures, there is enough material to run games for years to come. However, there are always stones to be turned! We wanted to take a chance to poke around in the less explored sections of the game and blaze new trails while we still had our chance and this book was our shot at doing just that! To best present all of the fresh new ideas we wanted to present, we decided to present the book as if it were snippets and entries from the various issues and volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Each section has a fun little excerpt from a volume that presents the exciting ideas of the section and hints at some of the great stories throughout Golarion's history.

Chronicle of Legends is packed to the brim with brand new options that carve out new mechanical space for first edition. One of these options is the new exemplar traits. These traits are more powerful versions of the traits you know and love except that they can grow in power based on your other traits. For example, the Traveler of a Hundred Lands trait allows you to gain more class skills for every two regional traits you have. Another set of new options are the battle standards for cavaliers and samurai that will enable you to replace your banner with a new standard that gives a different set of options or the gunslinger and swashbuckler renowned deeds that swap out existing deeds for new abilities.

Illustration by Alyssa McCarthy

For those with a spellcasting bent, there are several new options to show your mastery of magic. You might unlock the secrets of powerful spells like rival's weald, which can permanently transform your enemies into trees. Instead, you can take the Magic Trick feat to expand your prowess with specific spells. The feat allows a spellcaster to concentrate a fireball into a smaller area that deals more damage or even break it up into smaller explosions that you can toss all over the battlefield.

We also have new magic items with a twist for you! You can look into special items known as legacy items. These unique magic items from Golarion's history grow in power alongside their owner and even become more powerful after completing specific tasks. If you wear Amatatsu Aganhei's trailblazer's boots, you will be quicker and hardier in dangerous environments. If you manage to walk 1,000 miles in the boots, you can also designate your surroundings as your favored terrain. In addition to legacy items, we also have new equipment sets. These are specific items that grow in power and even grant new abilities as you collect the set. Collecting Beastmaster's Will grants you the movement of the great beasts of nature and eventually the hunter's animal focus ability.

As many groups will be wrapping up campaigns in anticipation of second edition, we wanted to provide support for high-level characters as well. It doesn't get any higher than 20th level, so we have new capstones for these characters! These include the likes of the inquisitor's team leader ability that allows her to share several of her teamwork feats or the kineticist's unbridled power ability that empowers her blasts. If you prefer, we also have generic capstones that are available to most any class like the perfect body, flawless mind ability that allows you to increase your ability scores to legendary amounts or won't stay dead which allows you to come back after death over and over again. Whether your class is core, alternate, base, hybrid, occult, or unchained, you have a new capstone option!

What if you have a prestige class, though? Well, we have something for you, too! The prestige class has gone relatively unsupported for years, so we wanted to make up for lost time. This book presents new feats for each of the prestige classes in the Core Rulebook. This includes feats like Storm of Arrows that allow arcane archers to target twice as many foes with their hail of arrows. We also have two new prestige classes, the esoteric knight and ritualist, to provide support for some of our occult classes. In fact, we had so much support for our prestige classes that we couldn't fit them all in the book! One of the options we wanted to present were new archetypes specifically for prestige classes. Since we don't have space in the book for them, you get them here, our treat!

Illustration by Michele Giorgi

Prestige Archetypes

The following archetypes are available for prestige classes. These archetypes replace specific abilities of the prestige class much in the same way that archetypes do for standard classes. Each prestige archetype has unique requirements that replace the prestige class's standard requirements. You must meet these requirements before you can take the first level of the prestige class with the associated prestige archetype.

Deadeye Devotee (Arcane Archer Archetype)

Dedicated followers of Erastil become closer to their god by mastering archery and caring for each other. They can tap into the power of the Elk Father, who guides and empowers their arrows.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Deadeye devotee, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good.
Deity: Must worship Erastil.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow).
Spells: Must be able to cast 1st-level divine spells.
This alters requirements.

Spells per Day: At the indicated levels, a Deadeye devotee gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Deadeye devotee, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
This alters spells per day.

Energy Arrow (Su): At 4th level, when casting either a cure or inflict spell, a deadeye devotee can create an arrow composed of positive or negative energy. This ability allows the devotee to use the bow's range rather than the spell's range to make a ranged touch attack. The physical damage that would be dealt from a mundane arrow is converted into additional damage to the inflict spell or into additional healing for a cure spell. A spell cast in this way is a standard action and the deadeye devotee can fire the arrow as part of the casting. If the arrow misses, the spell is wasted.
This replaces seeker arrow.

Thought Thief (Arcane Trickster)

A thought thief will happily rip ideas from their victim's head and their gold from their purse.

Requirements: To qualify to become a thought thief, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Skills: Disable Device 4 ranks, Escape Artist 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks.
Spells: Ability to cast mage hand and at least one psychic spell of 2nd level or higher.
Special: Sneak attack +2d6.
This alters requirements.

Mental Assault (Su): At 3rd level, once per day as a standard action, a thought thief can pinpoint a target's trauma and exploit weakness with a deluge of psychic power. This is a melee touch attack that deals damage equal to her sneak attack damage and grants the thought thief control of the target as dominate person for a number of rounds equal to her thought thief level. A successful Will save (DC = 10 + the thought thief's level + her Charisma modifier) negates the dominate effect. A thought thief can only use this ability against a target that is susceptible to her sneak attack, such as a target she is flanking. This attack has no effect on creatures without an intelligence score. At 7th level, a thought thief can use this ability twice per day.
This replaces impromptu sneak attack.

Unseen Compulsion: At 5th level a thought thief can hide the effects of any spell she casts with the mind-affecting and compulsion spell descriptors. Creatures that observe her casting such a spell can attempt a Sense Motive check to notice the spell (DC = 15 + the thought thief's ranks in Bluff + the thought thief's Charisma modifier). Creatures that fail their check are unaware of any effects of the thought thief's spell.
This replaces tricky spells.

As you can see, there's a lot to love in Chronicle of Legends. Make sure to snag your copy from paizo.com or from your local gaming store. It's going to be legendary!

Luis Loza

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Tags: Pathfinder Player Companion

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Archetypes for Prestige Classes? Brilliant idea!

Shame it couldn't get into the book, but free is just fine! :)

Dark Archive

This is some absolutely brilliant stuff, if these are examples of what didn't make it into the book... this may be shaping up to be the best player companion yet as these ideas are absolutely fantastic, both flavourful and expanding options without adding massive power, sounds perfect!

Probably my most looked forward to book for a long time! An awesome note to go out on :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The last Players Companion seems to be the best.

I immedeately want to build an Arcane Archer who heals at range with his arrows or damages undead with them.

I am sure this will sell out fast, i know i'll be buying two at least.

Thank you for posting these great snippets from the cutting room floor, Luis!

PS: I also really like Giant Hunters Handbook and am looking forward very much to the Lost Omens World Guide! :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

This blog is fantastic! Looking forward to the book.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are these prestige archetypes gonna have pages on AoN/Srd? And are there more? Two seems like a small amount to cut.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Prestige Archetypes, neato! And scaling traits and items! What a lovely way to cap off PF1.

Paizo Employee Developer

Nicolas Paradise wrote:
Are these prestige archetypes gonna have pages on AoN/Srd? And are there more? Two seems like a small amount to cut.

I would have loved to have more to share, but we only had two archetypes. We tasked our freelancer to write two archetypes, fearing that space would be tight. Unfortunately, we didn't even have enough space for even those two!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wait a minute, are those eel-like things in the picture veiled masters?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I loved this book, and PrC Archetypes are lovely!

Silver Crusade

PrC archetypes are a lovely idea, the first one is really tempting^^

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain collateral damage wrote:
Wait a minute, are those eel-like things in the picture veiled masters?

Now in adorable travel size to further expedite your world domination needs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

Doesn't matter what they are, 'cause they will shortly fall before the sword of the Heritor Knight.

Does she have a name?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Examplar traits sound very cool but am I missing something here?

"Traveler of a Hundred Lands trait allows you to gain more class skills for every two regional traits you have"

I thought one of the core rules of traits was you could only have one of each type - e.g. only ever have 1 regional trait... what am I missing?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
JulianW wrote:

Examplar traits sound very cool but am I missing something here?

"Traveler of a Hundred Lands trait allows you to gain more class skills for every two regional traits you have"

I thought one of the core rules of traits was you could only have one of each type - e.g. only ever have 1 regional trait... what am I missing?

That is the core rule. A rule that is the entire point of Exemplar Traits to break.

ETs take 2 Traits, and removes the restriction on having another trait of that type and also allows you to take the Additional Traits Feat more than once.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You know; I was just thinking about why there wasn't any archetype support for prestige classes... Weird; huh?

Looks like I'll be ordering the PDF after it comes out; customized magic just sounds too good to pass up.

Thanks for posting this material here!

Please tell me you made a feat for Duelists that actually makes their Parry and Riposte abilities action efficient.

Regardless, this sound like a great one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm so ready to buy this book, and am really looking forward to reading it. By all accounts, it will be chock-full of good stuff!

Also, thank you for giving us the stuff that had to be cut for word-count considerations. :)

... Errr, there's a rather large typo right underneath the picture of the archer ...

If those eel-/angler fish-like things are not big enough to be veiled masters, then what are they? (Or is the smaller size just artistic licence?)

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
PrC archetypes are a lovely idea, the first one is really tempting^^

Allow me to tempt you even more . . . .

Silver Crusade

Bellona wrote:
If those eel-/angler fish-like things are not big enough to be veiled masters, then what are they? (Or is the smaller size just artistic licence?)

Well Veiled Masters are size Large (as opposed to the standard Aboleth's Huge) and that's anywhere between 8 and 16 feet so it's entirely possible that is indeed the correct size for them.

In other words, it's a very deep pool? :)

clearly it's a fountain of wishing... 8^) throw in your two copper, close your eyes and make a wish.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hell yeah! Gotta add it to my PF1 collection!


Support for prestige classes!? hell yes.
Dragon Disciple.
Shadow dancer
Pathfinder chronicler are my absolute favorites.

The last one is so impossible to build effectively with though.. I sure how an archetype for it is included and makes it more of a player choice and notpurely an NPC choice.

I really hope this takes the chance to update so much of the core prestige for the modern landscape.

Yup. I need this.

Paizo Employee Developer

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The Player Companion line was one of my favorite lines of d20 sourcebooks published, and I'm proud to own most of them in paper and pdf. They are fantastic reads and always provide lots of inspiration for unqiue characters, be they PC, NPC or cohort!

Thank you so much for your years of earnest work, and this book is an absolutely suitable capstone to this wonderful line!

Got my copy today. So many rules interaction questions...

Like what's the definition of a capstone feature. For example, presumably for sorcerers it's the 20th level bloodline power. But it can't be any class feature at 20th level - wizards get a bonus feat at 20th, but are called out as not having one. So witches getting another hex at 20th are without a capstone (Grand Hex is at 18)? What about classes that get 2 abilities at 20th. Eg. occultist gets Implement Mastery and Outside Contact 4. How about a sorcerer and robes of arcane heritage - can he claim his full bloodline development as of lvl 16 and change out his capstone? Can a 20th level sorcerer pick up an alternate capstone - "Deep Magics" - and yet claim his full bloodline development from the robe?

Crazy feats - "Secrets of Magical Discipline" pg 9 - "any spell"? So cross-class, does this let a wizard loremaster pillage the cleric spell list? What if it's on a different list at a lower level than your own, eg Scribe's Binding as occultist 6 and Sor/Wiz 9? Let's not even get into access to things like "Blood Money"...

I believe in the case of the Occultist we can tell Implement Mastery is the capstone since it's the class feature whose entry begins with "At 20th level". "Outside Contact 4" is not a class feature so much as a reminder that your Outside Contact feature (gained at 8th level) improves at this level.

I feel like getting a capstone requires actually reaching 20th level in a single class, and there's no other way to get one.

PossibleCabbage wrote:

I believe in the case of the Occultist we can tell Implement Mastery is the capstone since it's the class feature whose entry begins with "At 20th level". "Outside Contact 4" is not a class feature so much as a reminder that your Outside Contact feature (gained at 8th level) improves at this level.

I feel like getting a capstone requires actually reaching 20th level in a single class, and there's no other way to get one.

Reasonable interpretation, sure. Still, these are the questions that took 30 seconds to come up with...

This section could have used another editing pass, and a table of what class features are considered capstones... Or maybe just a definition: A capstone is a unique class feature received only at 20th level. (Although that definition would leave Sorcerers and Witches in the sans-capstone category as well, as witches get Hex earlier, and sorcerers get bloodline power earlier).

With regards to 20th level only capstones, again reasonable, but what did you do with Sorcerers + Robes of Arcane Heritage before this came out... They were getting their capstone at 16th.

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