Gen Con 2016 Call for Volunteers!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

As we gear up for this year's convention season, it's time again to solicit volunteers!

Paizo is once again a co-sponsor of Gen Con 2016. As with last year, we will have a booth & card game demos in the Exhibition Hall, seminars in the Convention Center, and Pathfinder Society running in the Sagamore Ballroom.

Last year saw the culmination of several years' growth, during which Pathfinder Society at Gen Con expanded from a side room to all of the Sagamore Ballroom. While we aren't adding any space this year, we're changing up some of the programming. The Adventure Card Guild (ACG) will have 20 tables in its own area of the ballroom, where they are going to run Season of the Runelords. In addition, the ACG Open returns to test the mettle of our Card Guildees, and the Friday night interactive will include an ACG component. There are a few other programming related plans to finalize, and we'll reveal more information on those on the blog sometime in Febraury.

On the Roleplaying Guild (RPG) side, we're offering scenarios covering the second half of Season 7 and the first few of Season 8, as well as bringing back a few favorites. We have several special events planned, including an all-new interactive on Friday evening! In addition, a new series of quests will debut, and there are a few other things up our sleeve to be announced in February.

One of the biggest changes this year is the new "Pathfinder Society Academy" (PSA). Encompassing the Kid's Track offered in prior years, it expands to a third lesson track focusing on transitioning to full scenarios. With 10 tables in their own area of the ballroom, the PSA includes space for our younger GMs and players to have an experience tailored just for them. Games in PSA are family-friendly and sure to bring a smile to our younger players' faces.

The Gen Con lead volunteers and the PFS team worked together to determine a scheduling method to cover volunteer needs for slots while also maximizing free time (allowing folks to join in some of the fantastic Gen Con activities). One of the changes you'll see is the additional of a break between the morning and afternoon slots. This year, games in the Sagamore Ballroom will be run in three slots (8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM), with the exception of Sunday (9:00 AM to 2:00 PM). The Exhibition Hall demos will be run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with the exception of Sunday (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM).

Volunteer slots are scheduled as follows:

SlotRPG/ACG GMsPFS HeadquartersAdventure Card Game Demos
Thursday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Thursday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Thursday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Friday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Friday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Friday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Saturday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Saturday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Saturday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Sunday Morning8:30 AM to 2:00 PM8:30 PM to 5:30 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Sunday Afternoon12:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Based on the above schedule, volunteer time commitments are:

TierRPG/ACG GMsHeadquarters VolunteerAdventure Card Game Demos
Tier 18 Slots5 Slots7 Slots
Tier 27 Slots
Tier 36 Slots4 Slots6 Slots
Tier 45 Slots3 Slots5 Slots
Tier 54 Slots2 Slots4 Slots
Tier 61 Slot1 Slot

The breakdown of what benefits are available for each tier are:

TierBadgeHotelHardcover BookT-ShirtsStore CreditBoon/Reward
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6

The details of each benefit are as follows:

  • Badge—A free 4-Day Gen Con 2016 badge
  • Hotel— 1/4 of a room at the Westin in downtown Indianapolis
  • Hardcover Book—A free copy of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures
  • T-Shirts—4 limited release t-shirts in purple (GMs)/orange (HQ) for new volunteers
  • Store Credit— store credit per slot volunteering ($10 per slot GMed slot and $20 per HQ slot)
  • Boon/Reward—An exclusive tier-based boon (RPG) or reward (ACG)

Gen Con badges go on sale Friday and the housing lottery starts Sunday. As in prior years, housing in downtown Indianapolis is at a premium. Gen Con works to house as many people as possible through their housing lottery. We are opening registration today so attendees that plan on volunteering may plan badge purchase and housing lottery involvement accordingly. All folks that complete the registration process by midnight Saturday will have an answer before the lottery goes live Sunday morning.

To register for volunteering, complete this Gen Con questionnaire. You can send any questions to

Thank you to all our volunteers and players who make the Pathfinder Society so fantastic! The team and look forward to seeing you at Gen Con 2016! Let's roll some dice!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Yes, we are at the Westin this year. It may be a tad quicker to access from the Sagamore, but not hugely so. Between the walk, the speed of the elevators, etc. I would still estimate a round trip to take between 20 and 30 minutes.

We still need some more GM volunteers, but I am hesitant to boost anyone to 9 or 10 slots. With the extended slot times and reduced sleep, I am going to avoid it if possible. There are a few tier 1 GMs who have graciously offered to run more than 8 and I truly appreciate it, but for now those additional slots are "standby." I am hoping that between additional volunteers joining the ranks and the lower tier GMs taking on more slots, we will have what we need. If that is not enough, we will revisit adding extra slots to the tier 1s.

EDIT--I know that for some, the idea of GMing 10 slots is a badge of honor. If you've been around for any length of time, you'll inevitably run into one of the "old guard" who will tell you how they "marine'd" GenCon (first one in, last one out) and ran all ten slots. I myself had a marathon a early on where I ran 2 slots at a local GameDay on Sunday, a slot zero on Monday and Tuesday before heading to Indy. the players were trying to level up for events at GenCon. Ran two slots at Scotty's Brewhouse on Wednesday, all ten slots, and followed it up with a pick up table on Sunday evening. 17 slots in 7 days was WAAAAY TOO MUCH. I do not recommend that kind of thing for anyone.

Community Manager

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While ten slots is tempting, I would recommend not doing it if you can avoid it. Give yourself some time to recharge and enjoy the convention. :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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I fully concur with Bob and Liz above. I signed up for 9 last year and it was a *lot* more taxing than I had anticipated.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

In a different campaign (but the principle applies) I had volunteered to run Slot 0 scenario-equivalents to qualify judges. That was eight hours on Wednesday before GenCon

Thursday morning, the event coordinator came to me desperate because one of his heavily committed judges had a critically serious health issue, and wondered if I could pick up a slot or two on Friday.

No problem.

And then another judge had an even more dire situation and couldn't judge the first two slots on Saturday (campaign was running four slots a day).

Figured 'what the hey, I can do sixteen hours, I've done eight a couple of times now...' (was on the hook for the two last slots)

I have no idea what sort of gibberish I was spouting at the end of that. Needed two people to guide me gently over to Scotty's to get something to eat and the next day I slept the remaining eight hours of the convention...

Ended up with concrud. Konkrud?

Do not be me.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Those of you that have managed more than 8 slots from Thursday to Sunday are my heroes. That said, I am a 51 year old diabetic. Sleep is a mandatory requirement so I'll stick to 8 slots.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

And here I thought stepping up to 5 was going to be fun....

Silver Crusade 4/5

Tempting, it is.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Signed up for the 8, and volunteered to do ten if needed... which sounds like they are. Maybe I can convince someone to pick some stuff up for me at the dealers room. It's gonna be a a long weekend. Looking forward to it.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

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Daniel Knipfer wrote:
Those of you that have managed more than 8 slots from Thursday to Sunday are my heroes. That said, I am a 51 year old diabetic. Sleep is a mandatory requirement so I'll stick to 8 slots.

This 48-year old diabetic signed up for 8 slots last year, including all 4 specials. It was just too, too much for me.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Last year I volunteered for all 10 slots (including all 4 specials). I was released from three of those slots, but in two of them I stepped in to run tables in need of a GM. One of them was Scions of the Sky Key Part 1; the other was during Serpent's Rise when I ran various Phantom Phenomena quests cold.

I believe that I used my other released slot to take a nap! :)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:

Last year I volunteered for all 10 slots (including all 4 specials). I was released from three of those slots, but in two of them I stepped in to run tables in need of a GM. One of them was Scions of the Sky Key Part 1; the other was during Serpent's Rise when I ran various Phantom Phenomena quests cold.

I believe that I used my other released slot to take a nap! :)

I was the one organizing those tables. I appreciate very much your willingness to step up like that. It helped us a lot in speeding up the process in getting players seated with the quests. :)

The Exchange 5/5

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Michael Eshleman wrote:

Last year I volunteered for all 10 slots (including all 4 specials). I was released from three of those slots, but in two of them I stepped in to run tables in need of a GM. One of them was Scions of the Sky Key Part 1; the other was during Serpent's Rise when I ran various Phantom Phenomena quests cold.

I believe that I used my other released slot to take a nap! :)

There is still a large core of GMs that do what needs to be done to get the Con to go off -- I remember my early days of conventioning and stepping up to make sure it happened.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

I have a bunch of the evergreens and tier 1-2 scenarios pre-prepped so I can bring those with me just in case. Though I was serious I would be very interested in running seeker scenarios :):)

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

godsDMit wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:

Last year I volunteered for all 10 slots (including all 4 specials). I was released from three of those slots, but in two of them I stepped in to run tables in need of a GM. One of them was Scions of the Sky Key Part 1; the other was during Serpent's Rise when I ran various Phantom Phenomena quests cold.

I believe that I used my other released slot to take a nap! :)

I was the one organizing those tables. I appreciate very much your willingness to step up like that. It helped us a lot in speeding up the process in getting players seated with the quests. :)

My motto last GenCon when released was, "Once more unto the breach!" :)

Seriously though, I was happy to help and doubly happy that I made a difference! ;)

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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Update -

We are at the Westin, just across from the skybridge.

Hotel opens up Wed afternoon and checkout is Monday morning.

Blog with adventures being ran is here

Badge drop started yesterday and is finalizing today.

Grand Lodge 4/5

LaShana wrote:
I have a bunch of the evergreens and tier 1-2 scenarios pre-prepped so I can bring those with me just in case. Though I was serious I would be very interested in running seeker scenarios :):)

If so, you should follow Bob's instructions in this post.

Bob Jonquet wrote:

If you are GMing at GenCon and would like to be considered for the new Seeker tables, please send me an email. Due to the complexity of the scenario and the rigid time window we have available, it is highly recommended that you run the scenario/s at least once before the convention to get a feel for the flow and become better acquainted with the material. When submitting your email, please let me know if you are planning on running the scenarios prior to GenCon. Thx

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Update -

We are at the Westin, just across from the skybridge.

Hotel opens up Wed afternoon and checkout is Monday morning.

Blog with adventures being ran is here

Badge drop started yesterday and is finalizing today.

Tonya, how do badges work if I already got one through the Gencon Portal? Originally I was not planing on doing enough tables to qualify for a badge but I have now upgraded to tier 4.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Gary Bush wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Update -

We are at the Westin, just across from the skybridge.

Hotel opens up Wed afternoon and checkout is Monday morning.

Blog with adventures being ran is here

Badge drop started yesterday and is finalizing today.

Tonya, how do badges work if I already got one through the Gencon Portal? Originally I was not planing on doing enough tables to qualify for a badge but I have now upgraded to tier 4.

If you contact GenCon customer service before preregistration ends in June they should be able to issue a refund for your now-extra badge.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Wooot. Got my game assignments. I like the scenario I've been assigned. Its a lot of fun to run.

4/5 *

Waiting on mine, with a "Y" last name I'm sure I'm near the end...

Silver Crusade 5/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
Waiting on mine, with a "Y" last name I'm sure I'm near the end...

Hey, It's better than having an "M" in your last name. Forever cursed to be stuck in the middle, even when people try to get tricky and start from the end of the alphabet.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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GM schedules are complete and emails are going out. It'll take me a few hours to get them all done.

The first few emails I send, I forgot to add text asking for a reply. Please be sure to reply with a confirmation that you received the schedule so we can record it. Don't want anyone's schedule to disappear into a spam folder or something. I will post again when they are done so you'll know if something is wrong if you don't see it.

Thanks for your patience through this arduous process

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Woot! Thanks Bob for all your hard work!

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

I'm assuming that the HQ should also be on their way out soon as well?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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At this point all the emails for the "regular" RPG play are complete. I will get the ACG, Demo, PSA/KT, and Quest GM schedule tomorrow morning.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Sleep is calling your name Bob. Answer it with gusto. Thanks for all your hard work!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Is HQ assignments and Badges dropping soon?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

Confirmation of receipt sent. Since this is my first Gencon how does the hotel issue work. It states 1/4 of the hotel is covered. And is that for check in Thursday and check out Sunday? Thanks all!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Check in Wednesday and check out Monday. The 1/4th means that you will be sharing a room with three other GMs.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got mine. Running the special at tier 10-11 was unexpected, but will be a good challenge.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I will either be really good at Captive in Crystal or really tired of it. :P

4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love that we aren't prepping eight scenarios. With the specials likely coming out near Con time, it's nice to be able to concentrate on all the prep, terrain and NPC work for one scenario now.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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GM Lamplighter wrote:
I love that we aren't prepping eight scenarios. With the specials likely coming out near Con time, it's nice to be able to concentrate on all the prep, terrain and NPC work for one scenario now.

I did eight unique preps for Gen Con my first year. The convention itself wasn't bad, but the prep work almost broke me the week before the convention.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Got The Sun Orchid Scheme all weekend. Already ran it once local. Gonna love seeing peoples reaction to this scenario.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

Rigby Bendele wrote:
GM Lamplighter wrote:
I love that we aren't prepping eight scenarios. With the specials likely coming out near Con time, it's nice to be able to concentrate on all the prep, terrain and NPC work for one scenario now.
I did eight unique preps for Gen Con my first year. The convention itself wasn't bad, but the prep work almost broke me the week before the convention.

Rigby - are you there this year??? That's exciting!!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Jordan Agudelo wrote:
Got The Sun Orchid Scheme all weekend. Already ran it once local. Gonna love seeing peoples reaction to this scenario.

Me too, on having to run it repeatedly at GenCon (4 sessions). I hope it's a good scenario.

Unfortunately, I missed playing it at my local store last weekend, so I haven't seen the scenario yet. And I didn't sign up to play it at an upcoming local con, because I was intentionally saving it to make sure I'd have some season 7 stuff left to play at GenCon. I tried to change that registration this morning, so I can play it later this month, but that table's already full.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

James Anderson wrote:
Got mine. Running the special at tier 10-11 was unexpected, but will be a good challenge.

Hope I get my first choice and get to play at your table!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I will either be really good at Captive in Crystal or really tired of it. :P

Yea, same thing for me on The Sun Orchid Scheme.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Jordan Agudelo wrote:
Got The Sun Orchid Scheme all weekend. Already ran it once local. Gonna love seeing peoples reaction to this scenario.

Have to find you to get some tips on this once since I am set to run it all weekend as well.

Jordan Agudelo wrote:
Got The Sun Orchid Scheme all weekend. Already ran it once local. Gonna love seeing peoples reaction to this scenario.

I got Bid for Alabastrine all weekend. Hasn't even come out yet.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

James Anderson wrote:
Got mine. Running the special at tier 10-11 was unexpected, but will be a good challenge.

That's what you get for having 5 Stars.

Of course, I am running all 3 PreGen, gotta have 4-stars to GM, Specials. So I guess that's what I get for having 4 Stars.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Being my first Gencon and first time GMing at Gencon, I have many (likely dumb) questions about how the whole process will work. Should I ask my questions here? Start a new thread so as not to clutter this thread? Get my search-ninja moves going and look for information from past years? Pester my local Venture Officers (which could be fun...)?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Gary Bush wrote:
Being my first Gencon and first time GMing at Gencon, I have many (likely dumb) questions about how the whole process will work. Should I ask my questions here? Start a new thread so as not to clutter this thread? Get my search-ninja moves going and look for information from past years? Pester my local Venture Officers (which could be fun...)?

While I am not the voice of authority on this, I think asking the questions here would be best since I doubt you are the only one new to GMing for Paizo at GenCon. So having the information here for all the other newbs would be the most useful.

Last year was my first year GMing for Paizo and I learned that at least some of my questions could really only be answered by the organizers at the event as they were the only ones in the know for those specific events, and some things simply can't be decided until the last minute. But there are still plenty of generic questions that can be answered here.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I have a question that's probably more for Bob and Tonya, but maybe others here will happen to know. Bob's email from last night said:

In addition to scheduled events, we are asking all GMs to be prepared to run the evergreen scenarios (5-08 The Confirmation, 6-10 The Wounded Wisp, and 7-10 The Consortium Compact) should the situation arise.

Does this mean we have to be prepared to run ALL of these, or can we just pick one, and use that as our "go to" should we need it?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Just pick one.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Fromper wrote:

I have a question that's probably more for Bob and Tonya, but maybe others here will happen to know. Bob's email from last night said:

In addition to scheduled events, we are asking all GMs to be prepared to run the evergreen scenarios (5-08 The Confirmation, 6-10 The Wounded Wisp, and 7-10 The Consortium Compact) should the situation arise.

Does this mean we have to be prepared to run ALL of these, or can we just pick one, and use that as our "go to" should we need it?

I had thought that it was only, "pick one" from last year but I went back and looked at the GM Guidelines and Instructions and now I am not so sure.

Grand Lodge 5/5

trollbill wrote:

That's what you get for having 5 Stars.

Of course, I am running all 3 PreGen, gotta have 4-stars to GM, Specials. So I guess that's what I get for having 4 Stars.

1. Stars are not always a good indicator of quality. That's not me calling out anyone in particular, but a lot of starts =/= a good Gm automatically.

2. Unless they've changed how theyre assigning scenarios this year, Im pretty sure at PaizoCon and Gencon you don't have to have 4/5 stars to run the 4/5 star Special scenarios. That would be too limiting on the schedule and people.


trollbill wrote:
James Anderson wrote:
Got mine. Running the special at tier 10-11 was unexpected, but will be a good challenge.

That's what you get for having 5 Stars.

Of course, I am running all 3 PreGen, gotta have 4-stars to GM, Specials. So I guess that's what I get for having 4 Stars.

I'm running the three pre-gen specials as a two star, but at least you will be able to run them again after the con; I'll have to wait a few years.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

At this time, all GM-related emails have been distributed. Jon is working on the HQ volunteer schedule and will have that out soon (if not already). I did my best fulfilling the special requests from all volunteers, but due to the huge amount of moving parts with this process, some may not have worked out. Sometimes, due to the needs of the event, I just could not make it happen for you.

I will continue to watch this thread and try and answer questions as they come up, but if you have specific questions regarding your schedule, please help us keep this thread as clean as possible and address those to me by email. Questions in the thread should be more of the general type as you may not be the only one wondering the same thing.

I have a lot of email responses to read through, so if you sent/send a question, it might be a day or two before I can respond.

Again, thank you for you patience during this process and good luck with open registration. Roughly 48 hours and counting!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
godsDMit wrote:
trollbill wrote:

That's what you get for having 5 Stars.

Of course, I am running all 3 PreGen, gotta have 4-stars to GM, Specials. So I guess that's what I get for having 4 Stars.

1. Stars are not always a good indicator of quality. That's not me calling out anyone in particular, but a lot of starts =/= a good Gm automatically.

You are correct in that it is not always a good indicator of quality, but it is a better indicator of quality than no indicator at all. And the people making these decisions don't always have a lot more to go on than that. Personally, I look at stars as an indicator of experience rather than quality.

Of course, when it came to assignments at GenCon, I suspect my availability weighed more heavily in the decision making process then my stars.

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