RPG Superstar Round 1 Voting Update

Friday, December 28, 2012

When we first discussed the idea of letting the fans vote on their favorite wondrous items, we didn't know what kind of participation we'd get. The response has significantly exceeded our expectations! These numbers, current as of the posting of this blog, show just how excited people are about this contest:

Total number of votes so far: 203,909
Number of votes cast in first hour: 3,762
Number of votes cast by top voter: 3,690
Number of people voting more than 100 times: 505

Your dedication has blown us away, so we'd like to return the favor by offering a little messageboard bling based on your participation. If you're one of the top participating RPG Superstar voters, you will earn a new title that will appear everywhere on the messageboards while voting is open,and display exclusively in the RPG Superstar forums once this year’s voting has ended. The tiers for RPG Superstar voting titles are:

100 votes: Star Voter
500 votes: Dedicated Voter
1,000 votes: Marathon Voter
5,000 votes: Champion Voter

Some fans have expressed concern that they're just sorting the bottom of the pile and not having any impact on the actual rankings of the items that have a chance of winning. At first it's fun to see items that aren't ready for superstar status, but after a while it's hard to keep voting when you see more bad items than good. We've got enough data now to begin culling the herd, so today we're going to drop the bottom 25 percent of items from the voting pool.

Thank you all for your help in this groundbreaking effort, and remember, the more data we get the better the results are, so vote early and vote often!

Gary Teter
Senior Software Developer

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Ezekiel Shanoax, the Stormchild

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Madslayer wrote:
Still haven't seen my item. Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. I'm just hoping it wasn't in the bottom 25%. :)
It's neither a good nor bad thing. It's a meaningless thing. I was well into Marathon Voter territory (I'm guesstimating around 2000 votes, but I wasn't really counting) before I saw my item for the first time. You've barely scratched the surface at Star Voter status, so don't be surprised if you haven't seen it.

Good to hear - I'm in the same boat. With every click, I wonder... is this the one?

Star Voter Season 6

You guys are a little touchy - I wasn't "threatening" to "expose" items.

I was simply stating that I've seen so many, so many times, that I've begun to memorize them and would happily offer proof. Relax.

I sit and play my desktop computer games, for hours, and vote on my iPad. The only thing I can think of is that I always have my security settings high. I just think it's an issue with Chrome browser for iPad, it has to be.

I used Safari for a little bit - at the start - I think those are the only votes that got recorded.

I just put a *ton* of time into voting, really reading and considering each vote. It seriously annoys me that it looks like I've done a pittance when I've learned so much while reading each item. Gah.

Liberty's Edge Dedicated Voter Season 6

jensketch wrote:

You guys are a little touchy - I wasn't "threatening" to "expose" items.

I was simply stating that I've seen so many, so many times, that I've begun to memorize them and would happily offer proof. Relax.

I sit and play my desktop computer games, for hours, and vote on my iPad. The only thing I can think of is that I always have my security settings high. I just think it's an issue with Chrome browser for iPad, it has to be.

I used Safari for a little bit - at the start - I think those are the only votes that got recorded.

I just put a *ton* of time into voting, really reading and considering each vote. It seriously annoys me that it looks like I've done a pittance when I've learned so much while reading each item. Gah.

If you somehow lost your votes, that sucks. But...you know, chill. It's just a tag on an internet forum, and the decision is still up to the judges in the end. Everything's fine.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

you have to be logged in to your paizo account to vote. The medium to get to your Paizo account shouldn't matter.

I must have passed Star by 1 vote, because I have been counting ever since :)

EDIT: nope still star :)

Marathon Voter Season 6

I was sure that I voted around 3,000 times, but then I learned how wrong I was.

I was pretty wrong.

I would vote on many different machines, and usually keep the window open during work voting really often. I thought here was no way I was under 3k votes since I was voting at work, and then while playing computer games. But, I guess not.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Marathon Achievement: Unlocked


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I suppose the only way to get a feel for how many times you vote is to check your posts for a new title?

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Pretty much.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Still Star?
EDIT: Yep even after spending the last two hours voting. :)

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