Gen Con Costume Contest Voting!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gen Con has come and gone, and with it the chance to enter the annual Gen Con Pathfinder Cosplay Contest! There were a number of fine entrants this year, so take a look at the photos below and then vote for who YOU think should win $50 in store credit!

The clock's ticking, and voting will officially close as of 11pm next Tuesday. Cast your vote now!

Rita as the Master Spy Prestige Class.

Zach as Ezren.

Audrey and Emery as alchemist and rogue gnome sisters from their Jade Regent game. Check out the awesome starknife!

The three adventurers: Amy as a half-orc bard/Pathfinder Chronicler, Nicole as a human alchemist, and Natalie as a human paladin.

Vote now!

James L. Sutter
Senior Editor

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Scarab Sages

My vote is for the Gnome sisters.

Sovereign Court

A vote for Zach as Ezren is a vote for Taldor!

Zach/Ezren for sure.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Zach as Ezren!

Gnome Sisters!

Dark Archive

Master Spy!

Audrey and Em, gnome sisters

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Gotta lean towards Zach; he's the only one I met at GenCon, although the armor on the 3 adventurers is fairly impressive.

My vote: Nicole as a human alchemist

Liberty's Edge


Gnome sisters!

The Gnomish Nightmare Sisters!

Master Spy

The Gnomish Sisters!

Shadow Lodge

My vote is for the The three adventurers. The reason is that Nicole as a human alchemist is actually smiling. Everyone's costume looks good.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Rita as the master spy


Master Spy costume gets the vote, although Nicole gets an honorable mention for best smile.

Adventurers even though that bard totally looks like she's defying her Chronicler training by appearing to not want to be capture by the magic picture taking box.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Master Spy.

My vote's for the trio.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gotta go with Zach rocking the wizard look.

Master spy because Ezren has the wrong hair-colour. Yes, it was close enough I had to take that kind of small stuff into account.

Dark Archive

Zach :) That costume is great!

Dark Archive

I have to go with Master Spy. Great costume.

Zach as Ezren.

I vote for the three adventurers, because of the half-orc bard/chronicler (best hat)

Go Gnome or Go Home! Duo for the win!

Gnome sisters. Starknife FTW!

Our characters are Fidget (me, on the right), and Nyx (Emery on the left)! Always getting our caravan into trouble! :)
This is her first experience with D&D and we are both having a blast! :D
So if I can vote for us, the gnome sisters, yay! :D
And just because it's difficult to see in the picture, all of our items are from our actual campaign, including the star knife, our hats (which we totally stole from some pirates), my goggles of the eyes of the eagle, Nyx's whispering shrike (and she actually made a little bird charm with some tien coins), a wayfinder, and a whole lot more!

(Image references!)


I have to go with the Gnome sisters! I think they are super hot!

Dark Archive

Master Spy.

She nailed the portrait perfectly, pose and all.

Gotta love the green chick. Dug them since Star Trek the original series.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Tough call as these are all really good. I'll have to go with Zach. Kudos to all of them though!


(Although Mastery Spy is a close second, and the rest are also quite impressive I'm always impressed withe Pathfinder cosplayers!)

Liberty's Edge

Master Spy. Most true to character.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Limeylongears wrote:
I vote for the three adventurers, because of the half-orc bard/chronicler (best hat)


Zach as Ezren

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Amy as a half-orc bard/Pathfinder Chronicle. She reminds me of the Half-orc illusionist in Skull & Shackles.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012


The three adventures. All the costumes look great but they at least look like they are having fun. :)

And that IS what a half orc and Paladin look like when they are smiling... ;)

Dark Archive

Ezren, and it's not even close. Fabulous detail. And a wayfinder. Look closely and you will see the Charm of Making on hems, shoulders (knees and toes? knees and toes!).

I vote for me and my friends as our party of adventures being what pathfinder is all about making characters and building a party.

Sorry Hibiscus (My half orc) isn't smiling she was cranky her amulet that hides half-orc half was dispelled. Blame the Alchemist!

Team Orc.

My vote goes to Zach as Ezren

Liberty's Edge

These are all fantastic. But I will vote for the 3 adventurers, mainly because of a green-faced half-orc and the armor on the paladin (nice shield).

The Exchange

I vote for Zach as Ezren! In part because I am the guy under that robe, and in part because I know how much work went into building that thing!

In case you are wondering, that is the Charm of Making from the movie Excalibur translated into the runic alphabet from The Hobbit.

In Old Irish
Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha
In English:
Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making

The entire charm goes exactly twice around the bottom hem
The part around the shoulders is "charm of death and life"
The part at the neck is "serpent's breath" on each side of the opening

It was awesome fun putting this together, and look for Ezren to be stalking the hallways again at DragonCon.

HappyPhantom wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to mention that my friend's name is Emery! Our characters are Fidget (me, on the right), and Nyx (Emery on the left)! Always getting our caravan into trouble! :)

This is her first experience with D&D and we are both having a blast! :D
So if I can vote for us, the gnome sisters, yay! :D

(Image references!)


I've updated the blog post to reflect this! Thanks for letting us know and good luck in the contest :)

Grand Lodge

I'm going with Amy the half-orc bard.

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