Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Last Look at Heroes & Monsters

Friday, January 13, 2012

The first set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures, Heroes & Monsters, formally released this Wednesday. Many of you probably already have your miniatures, or are eagerly anticipating their arrival. Looking over the previews we’ve posted over the last few months, there are still a few minis we haven’t yet shown off in their final form, so if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to take one more pass through this first set before revealing the goods on the next set, which will support the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path.

Last week, I went through final images of several of the monsters from the set, but I managed to miss the nasty Orc Brute, which is actually one of my personal favorite figures from the set. I’m astounded by the detail WizKids got into the commons in this set, and this guy is no exception. As an aside, some folks have asked me about the names of some of these figures. I decided to call this guy an “Orc Brute” because he looked bulkier than the Orc Warrior. If you’re looking to emulate this figure with Pathfinder stats, I suggest adding the advanced simple template to the orc warrior and swapping his weapon to a club. Voila!

Speaking of commons, I’m quite pleased with how the Watch Guard turned out. His lantern lights the way through dark city streets, and he’s sure to come running 3d6 rounds after your player characters scream out for his help.

This common Watch Officer started out life as a Watch Captain, but I didn’t quite feel that his pose sold the “awesomeness” of a captain, so I busted him down a rank or two. I do hope to get a genuine Watch Captain into the line at some point. When that happens, you can expect him (or her!) to share the same color scheme and costume details of these two watch figures. Making “like” creatures look alike is a big goal for Pathfinder Battles, and one I hope we can continue to build on in future sets.

This “hero” doubles quite nicely for a villain, since he looks like he’s about to emerge from his hiding place in the shadows to stab you in the back. We call him the Human Rogue, and whether you use him as a player character or a common thug, he definitely comes with the right tool for the job.

Is the item in the hands of this uncommon Human Druid a bedroll? A really big scroll? I’m honestly not sure, even today, but I do think she looks pretty nifty. This figure doubles nicely as a noncombatant townsfolk or tribal character, though those blue crystals hanging from her belt have got to be worth something!

The uncommon Elf Wizard is captured in the act of casting a spell. The figure features a neat color gradient on the skirt of the robes that gives it a nice texture effect.

The uncommon Dwarf Fighter is pulled from the back cover of the Inner Sea World Guide, making him a sneaky actual Pathfinder NPC masquerading as a simple player character figure. Don’t tell the high court of the Five Kings Mountains, but High King Borogrim the Hale has been slumming it!

This uncommon Half-Elf Cleric worships the crusader goddess Iomedae, and comes complete with a holy symbol and a cool graphic on her tabard. She also works great as a paladin or fighter, depending on your mood. Just don’t make fun of her bowl haircut. I hear she’s pretty touchy about that subject!

And that’s it! Looks like my art team forgot to take a picture of the Human Ranger (one of my favorites in the set), so I guess next week we’ll just show a picture of him and put off the Runelords previews again.


We’ll add him as a special bonus image to next week’s blog, which I promise is going to melt your brains with awesomeness. I can’t believe how great these Runelords minis look! Best of all, we’ve photographed paint masters of almost the entire set, so we should be able to jump right into the good stuff immediately.

That’s not too difficult, because as far as Rise of the Runelords is concerned, it’s all good stuff!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these Heroes & Monsters previews. We’ve now posted singles for sale to help you complete your sets (don’t forget that case subscribers get a discount on singles orders!). If you haven’t yet placed your Heroes & Monsters case or brick orders, I suggest doing so soon. These minis are moving much faster than we anticipated, and they will not be around forever!

See you next week!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know I've enjoyed the previews, they've probably been my most looked forward to blog posts of the week. So good job there, and my minis look awesome in hand!

The Orc Brute's stock just rose. He looks much better in these pics. Even the dwarf looks better. I think the position of his cape was throwing many of us off.

And, I'm sure looking forward to a start of the previews of RotR's next week!
Ogres and Dragons and Gargantuans, oh my!

Ugh, there's quite a few previews between now and the release of RotR. This is going to be pure torture waiting for each little sampling.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Especially since we're still five months away from the release of that set! That's 20 preview blogs!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Especially since we're still five months away from the release of that set! That's 20 preview blogs!

Please do more than 3 minis per blog. That pace would kill me and threaten the safety of Lion's Tap. ;)

Three a week plus the promo piece...

But I guess there is other stuff to talk about like sizes and rarities.

By the way, the Rise of the Ruenlords anniversary edition adventure path looks great! After a preliminary search for the originals, I'll glady wait for all six adventures and bonus stuff to be wrapped up neatly in a hard bound edition. I think AP #1 is currently selling on the secondary market for the same price as the anniversary edition, if you can even find it!

Grand Lodge

Last night I used the Human Druid as a bystander gathering water at a fountain in Magnimar. Because she is not wielding a weapon, she does have great utility as a townsfolk. I am very please with this and all the H&M miniatures.

Thanks for a great job to both Wizkids and Paizo!



Scarab Sages

Now that the set has been released, there should be a page displaying the complete set of miniatures, along with names and rarity type, just for reference going forward.

DragonBelow wrote:

Now that the set has been released, there should be a page displaying the complete set of miniatures, along with names and rarity type, just for reference going forward.

It would be nice to have an official page for that. But for now there is:

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:


Your website (and checklist!)is the #2 reason I have maintained interest in these minis and bought a full case.

(Reason #1 being Erik's weekly mini previews...)

Keep up the good work! :)

George Velez wrote:

Your website (and checklist!)is the #2 reason I have maintained interest in these minis and bought a full case.

(Reason #1 being Erik's weekly mini previews...)

Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks George, I appreciate your comments.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
George Velez wrote:

Your website (and checklist!)is the #2 reason I have maintained interest in these minis and bought a full case.

(Reason #1 being Erik's weekly mini previews...)

Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks George, I appreciate your comments.

I also appreciate your hard work. Thanks for your contributions.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
George Velez wrote:

Your website (and checklist!)is the #2 reason I have maintained interest in these minis and bought a full case.

(Reason #1 being Erik's weekly mini previews...)

Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks George, I appreciate your comments.

Echoed. I'm also impressed you've tracked down the names of that many figures that will be in the Rise of the Runelords set.

Thanks Daniel and Ryan.

Ryan. Costello wrote:
I'm also impressed you've tracked down the names of that many figures that will be in the Rise of the Runelords set.

Thanks to the vault that Erik, sometimes in his own excitement over the minis we get some spoilers :)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

as for 20 previews before RotRL set, there's also then encounter packs that will get previewed before it's out.

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