Illustrations by Andrew Hou. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier.

We Love Goblins!

Friday, February 4, 2011

We definitely love goblins here at Paizo. In fact, more than anything we love them blinded, helpless, and fascinated. And with this new wallpaper, you can too! This wallpaper uses artwork from the soon-to-arrive Condition Cards, the latest Game Mastery card set from Paizo. With these cards you'll be able to easily keep track of the Pathfinder RPG's most common conditions, making it so you'll never miss a modifier again!

Hyrum Savage
Marketing and Organized Play Manager

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Tags: Andrew Hou Cards Crystal Frasier GameMastery Goblins Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers
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It's been a great week for Goblins!

Nice work by Andrew and Crystal.

Thanks Hyrum

What? And here I thought the 3rd one was the condition "filthy rich" (+2 moral bonus to bluff, diplomacy and intimidate checks, but -2 to will saves).

Scarab Sages

In my opinion, It would be awesome if these wallpapers were less commercial in nature, I shy away from using such frontal advertisement as wallpapers.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

DragonBelow wrote:
In my opinion, It would be awesome if these wallpapers were less commercial in nature, I shy away from using such frontal advertisement as wallpapers.

The commercialism is secondary; In the meantime, enjoy the awesome goblins!

Besides, the point f the wallpapers is to help raise awareness of the newest products available, especially the ones you might not hear about. And the conditions cards are super-cool and help me a lot as a GM. The ad isn't necessarily in-your-face with these wallpapers, and it helps people find helpful products; where's the downside?

Lantern Lodge

I have been looking forward to these cards for months. This wallpaper only serves to reduce my patience for them to arrive! *giggles manaically at goblins*
Thanks Hyrum and Crystal! This makes me happy ^_^

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