PAIZOCON approaches! In less than a week's time, Paizonians from throughout the country and around the world will arrive in Bellevue to take part in the furious and fun convention here at the Coast Bellevue Hotel. As a little teaser for what to expect, I spoke to Events Manager Joshua J. Frost and Pathfinder Lead Designer Jason Bulmahn about some of the most exciting events attendees can anticipate.
On Saturday, PAIZOCON attendees will enjoy an enormous banquet, as the Paizo staff and attendees mingle with one another, swap stories, and chow down on delicious food. Highlights of the banquet include a preview of the Pathfinder RPG and a Q&A with Jason Bulmahn, a five-round quiz game with special prizes, a keynote address by CEO Lisa Stevens, and a preview of unannounced products by Publisher Erik Mona.
Jason Bulmahn's Fight Club will also be a particularly fun highlight of PAIZOCON. Only one word most accurately depicts the Fight Club: Meatgrinder. To put it simply, players are seated around four tables and given a stack of 3rd-level characters to chew through. Jason runs around each table activating monsters; it's up to the players to accomplish the task of slaying impossibly tough creatures (or each other!) with their measly characters. Expect death and mayhem. Points are distributed according to damage dealt to monsters and who delivered the killing blow, and subtracted when a character dies. Prizes will be awarded for—among other things—the most points, the most damage dealt, the most deaths, and the quickest death.
The Pathfinder Society also boasts a number of special events for PAIZOCON. To begin with, attendees will be able to run through all four June scenarios, as well as a mid-level and high-level scenario, using pregens or their existing Pathfinder Society characters. On Friday, Pathfinder Society will host an Interactive, in which attendees can battle against one another using their Society characters in a Grand Melee and participate in a joust. These are just a sampling; other activities will be included in the Interactive as well!
It should be noted, however, that characters must bring their own Society characters to participate in the Interactive—to create a Pathfinder Society character, just head to the Pathfinder Society homepage and download the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
I hope you're all as excited and impatient as I am for the craziness to ensue this weekend!