With Pathfinder #19, "Howl of the Carrion King," the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path introduces the first in a new breed of fiendish terror: the divs. Drawn from Persian lore, divs are neutral evil fiends born from the souls of fallen genies. Where the daemons of Abbadon seek to harvest souls from the Material Plane, divs seek to cause hardship, making mortal existence as painful as any hellish afterlife. Researched and designed by Adam Daigle, expect to see a new div every month, from the wicked-tongued doru (illustrated here by Eric Lofgren) to Ahriman, supreme lord of the div race. While wildly different, every div bears certain similarities. From Pathfinder #19, check out the fiends' nefarious traits:
The Nature of Divs
Divs are a race of fiends native to Abaddon that exist only to cause harm and destruction. They are closely related to daemons and the other fiends of the Outer Planes, though many planar scholars believe them to be descended from the spirits of the first evil genies. These creatures vary in power, yet all have similar traits that link them.
Divs commonly speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal.
Div Traits: A div possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry).
—Immunity to fire and poison.
—Resistance to acid 10 and electricity 10.
—See in Darkness (Su) Some divs can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
—Summon (Sp) Some divs share the ability to summon others of their kind (the success chance and type of divs summoned are noted in each monster description).
That's right, you can never, ever have enough fiends.