Art Is Safe

Friday, November 5, 2010

We were happy to see the latest volume of the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path starting to make its way to subscribers this week, and that means it's time to start touting the next awesome volume, Vaults of Madness by Greg A. Vaughan.

I'm currently playing this AP (having a great time as a monk/paladin of Irori in messageboard member Karui Kage's game), so I've tried to keep from poring over the existing installments of this campaign, but it can be hard to avoid the art. So while I don't know who or what these pictures represent, here are a few (hopefully spoiler-free) images from Pathfinder Adventure Path #40, which we expect to start shipping next month.*

Mark Moreland

* Estimated release date only; subject to change.

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Tags: Monkeys Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Serpent's Skull
Dark Archive

Drunkards and monkeymen and winged gorillas! Oh my !

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll monk YOUR paladin, Mark.

God, I gotta sleep more. :P

Sovereign Court

Half-celestial awakened gorilla paladin?

Silver Crusade

I'm so happy to see the winged apemen back I could fight two bears taped to each other.

I am very curious about how these guys get along(or don't!) with the ape-demon-worshipping ape-men.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Derhii from Crucible of Chaos are bbbbaaack ! Flying noble gorrilamen versus demonic albino apes ? Where's DOCTOR SAVAGE and his pal RENNY when you really need them !

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Oooooooh! Is that the Gorilla King?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tom Qadim wrote:
Oooooooh! Is that the Gorilla King?

No, that's a Derhii.

Strangest Secret of Monkey Island fancomic evar!

-The Gneech

John Robey wrote:
Strangest Secret of Monkey Island fancomic evar!

So where is the three-headed monkey?

I cannot help it. I find the winged gorilla folk SO cool and compelling! When this AP is over and I have collected as much info as possible about them, I am totally going to figure a way to shoe-horn them into my homebrew in some type of Gorilla City (complete with Gorilla Grodd).

Dark Archive

Did someone say Gorilla Grodd (and friends)?

Scarab Sages

Oooooh winged charau-ka (sp?)! Can't wait to throw that at you guys, Mark :D

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Karui Kage wrote:
Oooooh winged charau-ka (sp?)! Can't wait to throw that at you guys, Mark :D


Derhii: They may take our bananas, but they will never take...our freedom!!!!

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Did someone say Gorilla Grodd (and friends)?

I gotta say that I immediately thought of him (and some more genetic mutation to make himself more superior to humanity) when I saw the Scimitar-wielding winged-gorilla.


I'm officially excited about being able to take on the monkey people with wolves!

You may have thrown feces at out camp while we were away, but now you will be feces you prehensile-tailed demi-humans!!!

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Did someone say Gorilla Grodd (and friends)?

yep. we already had the Gorilla Grond moment


with the Shadow Demon possessed Ape in book 2.

Dark Archive

Oh, now I have to make a Witch who has some of these new flying monkeys!

Gorbacz wrote:
The Derhii from Crucible of Chaos are bbbbaaack ! Flying noble gorrilamen versus demonic albino apes ? Where's DOCTOR SAVAGE and his pal RENNY when you really need them !

Oh yea, I can't wait for this to arrive. I was using my one conversion before but now I have the official version? I happily toss out my version in order to use this. I will assume the other monkey, besides the human but I digress, is more charu-ka or whatever they are called. Again this book is looking good!

oh my..winged apes for my Wilderlands game..evil DM style grin.

Gorbacz wrote:
The Derhii from Crucible of Chaos are bbbbaaack ! Flying noble gorrilamen versus demonic albino apes ? Where's DOCTOR SAVAGE and his pal RENNY when you really need them !

NOW I realize I don't own Crucible of Chaos. *goes to browse the 3.5e modules again*

Where of to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Aaaaa....

Liberty's Edge

This pic really makes me want to play an elven druid of gozreh who pc's into brightness seeker. wildshape into ape/ spend hour to get wings/ cast special armor spell. Than arm yourself

The Exchange Kobold Press

Like the rest, I'm so happy so see the Derhii are back! I can't wait to see what Greg does with them.

And that art rocks! What is that OTHER Monkey Man, the one in bronze armor, I wonder?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

These are just guesses mind you...

Pic #1) A fighter/alchemist? (He is holding some sort of bottled liquid, and yes I realize after typing this, he may simply be a fighter with a flask of alchemist's fire).

Pic #2) A charu-ka ranger? (Doing the two-weapon fighting with a battle axe and dagger?) And due to the look of him I'd say a serpentfolk cultist as well.

Pic #3) Well it's obvious (to anyone who has Crucible of Chaos... by far one of the best v.3.5 Pathfinder Modules) that this is a derhii. I love that they are making a glorious return/reappearance (and I find myself hoping that this one isn't an enemy... but a potential ally).

And I still WANT a derhii mini... please, please (folks at Reaper are you listening?) :)

Dean (TMW)

A part of me hopes there will be an entry on derhii as monsters somewhere. Maybe in the bestiary.

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