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Meet the Authors!

With the Lost Omens World Guide and Lost Omens Character Guide now being out for a while and with previews and reviews of all kinds floating around the web, I wanted to delve a little further behind the scenes to the authors who actually wrote the material contained within. While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life! As a final blog to wrap up our promotion of the first two Lost Omens Guides, I reached out to the authors of the two books with the intent of promoting them—as well as any other personal work they would like to promote, so that new fans of their work could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy!

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Tags: About the Author Lost Omens Character Guide Lost Omens World Guide Pathfinder Pathfinder Second Edition

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What’s My Motivation?

Have you discovered this seeming contradiction yet? Epic roleplaying requires specificity. Great collaborative storytelling needs players who know what drives them. The better they can know “Where am I from?” and “Where am I going?” the better they can create a motivated character. And it gives everyone else at the table something to play off of.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Scrolls and Spells and Swords, Oh My!

We’ve been taking a look at the various organizations featured in the Lost Omens Character Guide over the past few weeks. (Hop over here if you’ve missed these!) While all of these are great in their own right, there’s one organization that was an immediate shoo-in when we started early discussions for this book: the Pathfinder Society! The Pathfinders are probably one of the most well-known and most widespread organizations in our Age of Lost Omens setting. Heck, they have the name of our game in the name of the organization! There was no way we could ignore them!

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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He's A Magic Man, She's A Magic Man!

When considering the best organizations to showcase in the upcoming Lost Omens Character Guide, we asked ourselves who the most iconic figures in our setting were—or should be. Case in point: the Magaambya. Founded by the legendary Old Mage Jatembe, credited with bringing back magic as the Inner Sea region knows it after the destruction of Earthfall, the Magaambya is the oldest magic school in the Inner Sea and possibly on Golarion. The parallel in prestige to real world institutions like Oxford and Cambridge, the Magaambya surely stood as one of the premier organizations in the Age of Lost Omens campaign setting.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Lastwall Knights, All Right!

Those familiar with the nation of Lastwall will know of the Knights of Ozem, stalwart crusaders who took up the legacy of the Shining Crusade. In honor of all who had sacrificed themselves to defeat the Whispering Tyrant and seal him within the prison of Gallowspire, the Knights of Ozem swore themselves to keep vigil for all eternity, ensuring Tar-Baphon never threatened Golarion again. The nation of Lastwall drew warriors of good to its shining white walls, each one proud of their support of a righteous cause.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Hellknights on the Town

Last week, we took our first big look at the Firebrands, a brand new organization premiering in the Lost Omens Character Guide (releasing in just a few weeks!). While new organizations are fun, people familiar with the Age of Lost Omens will have lots of classics to look forward to as well. Pathfinder has had plenty of iconic figures throughout its history including our iconic characters like Seelah and Valeros, as well as the Gray Maidens that featured on the back of the original Core Rulebook. Among some of these more memorable figures are the Hellknights, the imposing paragons of law.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Where There's Smoke, There's Firebrands!

While the Lost Omens World Guide can help answer things like “Where are you from?” and “Where are you going?,” I think that the Lost Omens Character Guide tries to help answer an even more critical question: “Who are you?” The Character Guide offers great information on ethnicities for our core ancestries and even new ancestries to choose from! However, there’s more to your character than your ancestry. Almost as important as your ancestry is the people you know and with whom you associate. Are you a member of the local guard or thieves’ guild? Did you join up with your nation’s army? Are you part of a doomsday cult or a church of an obscure deity?

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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You're A Lizard, Harry

Those of you who have been following the Oblivion Oath campaign on Paizo’s Twitch channel are likely already familiar with Zel, the lizardfolk adventurer who has been caught up in strange and frankly creepy events beyond his control. Jason Bulmahn stressed that lizardfolk—or iruxi, as they call themselves—would not be a player ancestry in the Pathfinder 2E Core Rulebook, but us developers have known for a while that they’d be quickly following along on the Core Rulebook’s coattails. In fact, Zel has been using the final lizardfolk ancestry rules for a while, and with the upcoming release of the Lost Omens Character Guide, you’ll soon be able to do the same!

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Love 'Em Or Leaf 'Em

When we first started brainstorming the three new ancestries we intended to put into the Lost Omens Character Guide, leshies weren’t even on the list. We knew we didn’t want to overlap with the ancestries that are going to show up in the recently announced Advanced Player’s Guide, but that still left us with far too many contenders for the mere three ancestry slots we had available. Options included simple and popular choices such as the grippli, ambitious but potentially rules-contentious ideas such as centaurs, and even the relatively obscure mortics that appeared in Tyrant’s Grasp. As we debated, Mark Seifter came in with a message from himself and the rest of the Design Team: “What about leshies?”

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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We Should Travel By Map!

It’s here! The Lost Omens World Guide is finally available on store shelves everywhere and via PDF on paizo.com. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to check out the Tales of Lost Omens to get a taste of the upcoming changes to the Inner Sea region and some amazing fiction by our wonderful authors. While those blogs were great in their own right, they were sorely lacking a little something: new rules! So, join me as I take another quick tour through the ten metaregions of the Inner Sea region and we’ll take a peek at some fun rules content.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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All We Are Saying Is Give Peace a Chance

Nearly 20 years after the Goblinblood Wars devastated the nation of Isger, an army of hobgoblins marched toward conquest once more. Led by the formidable commander General Azaersi—who had lost everything in the Goblinblood Wars, as so many others had—the so-called Ironfang Invasion swept across the lands of Nirmathas and northern Molthune with what seemed like an unstoppable momentum. Yet the residents of Nirmathas managed to unite in their hour of need, rallied by a group of militia commanders that proved a match for the Ironfang Legion’s legendary general. In a move that surprised nearly everyone, the heroes of Nirmathas chose to show mercy to the merciless, sparing the general and suing for peace. Azaersi agreed and pulled her armies back to her mysterious base of operations, the Vault of the Onyx Citadel, before officially founding the nation of Oprak in the mountains.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Such a Lovely Place, Such a Lovely Face

One of the strengths of the games set in the Age of Lost Omens is the diversity of setting. From classic staples like dragonslaying and piracy to outlandish adventures fighting robot scorpions in a rugged wasteland, no matter what genre of game you want to play, you can likely find a spot on Golarion to suit your interest. With that diversity of setting comes a diversity of people. Every nation has its own vibrant cultures, traditions, and ethnicities—not just among humanity, but among all of the ancestries found within the Inner Sea region. In Golarion, the home of the shattered clans of the Five Kings Mountains, the tunnel-dwelling Kulnett of Geb, the dragon-worshiping Mwangi tribes of the Mbe'ke and the Taralu, and the completely subterranean grondaksen, there's no such thing as playing "just" a dwarf.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition