Against the Cult of the Reptile God

Game Master EltonJ

Adventure to find out the cause of the decay of Orlane. This adventure was designed for 4 to 7 adventurers of 1st through 3rd level. After this adventure is over, I might advertise for the Slavers' Cycle.

Map of the region

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Tallen Rynn wrote:

Now that he has his short sword out Tallen rushes in trying hamstring one of the trogs.

Attack Short sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage, short sword, sneak attack: 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + (5) = 11

That was a miss!

EltonJ wrote:
Tallen Rynn wrote:

Now that he has his short sword out Tallen rushes in trying hamstring one of the trogs.

Attack Short sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage, short sword, sneak attack: 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + (5) = 11
That was a miss!


Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

Tavern Tale--presumably flanking opposite Tallen--tries to thwap the trog. She ceases her inspirational performance but her words linger in her friends' heads. Unfortunately, she's flustered when Tallen misses his stab attempt, so much so that she flubs her own sap attack.

(Lingering Performance--2 extra rounds of IC +1.)

Vesica sap (bless, IC +1 (LP--2 rds.), flanking: 1d20 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 8 for bludgeoning, nonlethal damage (IC +1): 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4

Female Half-elf Cleric 1 | HP: 7/7 | Perception +4 | Initiative +7| AC:18/T :15/FF: 13 | CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +6 W:+5 | Skills: Alchemy +4, Herbalism +6, Heal +6, K Religion +4

Brenfine, emboldened by the success of her first thrust, shifts her weight toward another foe and takes a lunging step toward the nearest trog ...

attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1

Chestman keeps doing the club thing.

Raging Drunk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 201d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

Was that the last Trog? Is it still alive?

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo
Gothia VonSalais wrote:
Was that the last Trog? Is it still alive?

I believe Chestman jumped the gun a little bit and the GM has to post the trogs' actions before we get to go for Round 3.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gothia VonSalais wrote:
Was that the last Trog? Is it still alive?

There's one still alive. And he thinks cowardice is the better part of valor, and he attempts to run away. Of course that would cause an attack of opportunity for Gothia.

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Sea Ranger attacks again with the bloodied scimitar.

Apologies for the late post, I think we're in Round 3 though, correct? Sea Ranger has had two attacks, one was a solid hit, and the other was a solid miss - so this should be his Round 3 attack at the top of the round, I believe...

Scimitar Attack (Blessed & Inspired): 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 2 = 24 = Hit! Possible Crit!
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 2 = 14
Scimitar Damage (Inspired): 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 = 9
Bonus Crit Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6 if applicable

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Sea Ranger wrote:

Sea Ranger attacks again with the bloodied scimitar.

Apologies for the late post, I think we're in Round 3 though, correct? Sea Ranger has had two attacks, one was a solid hit, and the other was a solid miss - so this should be his Round 3 attack at the top of the round, I believe...

[dice=Scimitar Attack (Blessed & Inspired)]1d20 +3 +2 = Hit! Possible Crit!
[dice=Crit Confirmation]1d20 +3 +2
[dice=Scimitar Damage (Inspired)]1d6 +3 +1
[dice=Bonus Crit Damage]1d6 +3 +1 if applicable

That kills the last trog!

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

After using a spell to heal herself, Tavern Tale moves to start looting the troglodytes, keeping an eye out for any clue their belongings might give about the cult. After gathering everything into a pile, the bard looks up at the others with her one good eye. "This is worse than I ever imagined. Somehow the cult knew we were at the Golden Grain Inn when we first arrived in Orlane, and now they've somehow gotten word here before we arrived, telling their agents here to drug our meals. There may be cultists lirking everywhere in this village!"

Tavern Tale cure light wounds (herself): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1

Chestman staggers over to a bucket and upchucks into it. We may very well need to abandon staying here in that case.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

TT's one good eye widens as the dwarf pukes and her nose crinkles as it gets a whiff of the vomit. "Or at least post multiple guards when we sleep." Turning to the bound female, the smallish bard pulls her up into a sitting position. "Time to tell us everything you know about this cult!"

I'll roll an Intimidate check for this, though I'd prefer the roll be used for an Aid Another action if someone more intimidating wants to take point on the interrogation.

Vesica Intimidate Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Ooh--just barely made the AA DC.

Goofy Thought: AA DC sounds like the name of my favorite rock band.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"We worship a naga," she says.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

"Who's in charge of the cult here in the village? And who are you?"

Frustrated by the woman's delaying tactics, TT begins looting her as well, looking for anything that might identify her or provide a lead on the cult.

Vesica Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Vesica "Tavern Tale" wrote:

"Who's in charge of the cult here in the village? And who are you?"

Frustrated by the woman's delaying tactics, TT begins looting her as well, looking for anything that might identify her or provide a lead on the cult.

Vesica Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

The woman looks at you.

"You can't intimidate me," she says. You find nothing on her.

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

"Tell us what we want to know or you will feel the wrath of Heironeous"

Intimidation: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1


Intimidate: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

Tavern Tale frowns a bit but then comes up with a ploy to make the cultist cave. "Won't talk. Can't be intimidated. Won't tell us the names of other cultists in the village. follows that we can't leave her with anyone else while we investigate because those people might be cultists and let her go. Seems the smart thing to do is just kill her and be done with it...."

Vesica Intimidate Check (Aid Another--Gothia): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Tallen retrieves his errant knife from the doorframe and joins in, ”Good idea, we won’t have to worry about this one stabbing us in the back”

aid another, intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Gothia VonSalais wrote:

"Tell us what we want to know or you will feel the wrath of Heironeous"

Intimidation: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

Chestman Barrelhouse wrote:


Intimidate: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Vesica 'Tavern Tale' wrote:

Tavern Tale frowns a bit but then comes up with a ploy to make the cultist cave. "Won't talk. Can't be intimidated. Won't tell us the names of other cultists in the village. follows that we can't leave her with anyone else while we investigate because those people might be cultists and let her go. Seems the smart thing to do is just kill her and be done with it...."

Vesica Intimidate Check (Aid Another--Gothia): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Tallen Rynn wrote:

Tallen retrieves his errant knife from the doorframe and joins in, ”Good idea, we won’t have to worry about this one stabbing us in the back”

aid another, intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

"Perhaps I've been too hasty," she says. "The head of the cult is Donovan Dallard. He is at the temple of Merikka. We worship a naga. That's it!"

The woman wasn't scared of Chestman, though.

EltonJ wrote:

The woman wasn't scared of Chestman, though.

That’s because he hasn’t burped on her yet. If he had… the horror. ;)

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

Tavern Tale gives up on trying to draw further information out of the cultist. Instead, she seeks out the innkeeper, Ollwin, and asks him several questions.

"Do you know this cultist woman we captured? Any idea as to how she got into your kitchen to try to drug us? And does the name Donovan Dallard sound familiar to you? Who is he?"

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Cleaning his scimitar, the druid gives the cultist a sideways look. "Your leader is a priest at the Temple of Merikka? Here in Orlane? And what, exactly, is a naga?"

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1

Chestman wonders if everyone is a cultist.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Sea Ranger wrote:
Cleaning his scimitar, the druid gives the cultist a sideways look. "Your leader is a priest at the Temple of Merikka? Here in Orlane? And what, exactly, is a naga?"

"A naga is a snake with a human face,"[/b] she says.


Tavern Tale gives up on trying to draw further information out of the cultist. Instead, she seeks out the innkeeper, Ollwin, and asks him several questions.

"Do you know this cultist woman we captured? Any idea as to how she got into your kitchen to try to drug us? And does the name Donovan Dallard sound familiar to you? Who is he?"

"Donovan is a high priest of Merrikka," Ollwin starts to say. "The woman you captured is my second cousin. She is one of the cooks here."

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

"We must go to the temple and remove this false priest!"

Gothia seems ready to storm the temple by herself...

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

"Since the mayor's elf friends are like the only people we can apparently trust in this place--along with good Master Ollwin, of course--maybe we should stop by their home on the way to the temple and drop off Red."

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1

Let's get moving then. Chestman takes the lead.

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Sea Ranger glances at TT, then toward Gothia. "Should we speak to the mayor first, as Vesica has suggested? This cultist can speak of her crimes and then we let the local authorities deal with her. I don't think attacking the local priest without first getting -or at least attempting to get - the blessings of the mayor first would serve us very well at all."

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

Gothia nods.

"Yes we should let the mayor know what is happening. Come on, let's go"

Tallen follows.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

TT nods to the others, unties the rope around the ankles of the captive, and yanks the female cultist to her feet. "March!" She guides the prisoner in the center of her allies to make sure there's no escape attempt...or little likelihood of success should she try it.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

She starts to march, reluctantly.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

Once the party reaches the mayor's home, Tavern Tale knocks on the door. She asks if the town has any jail cells...and if the people there are trustworthy or possibly cultists.

If there IS somewhere we could drop the cultist off, TT will ask the mayor where Dorian and his comrade are staying and then ask them who else in the village may be cultists, according to the results thus far of their investigation. Asking about the temple and its known inhabitants makes sense, too.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The door opens, and the mayor looks at you. "Yes, may I help you?" he says.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

"Hi--yes. We caught this cultist here and were wondering where she could be safely kept. Got a jail cell in town, or should I inquire with Dorian and that other guy whose name I can't pronounce?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"We have a jail, it's located at the Constabulary," says the mayor.

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Sea Ranger cocks his head curiously at the mayor. "Aren't you the least bit curious about this situation? Or do cultists popping up in your town hold no interest for you?"

Trying to get a read on this fellow... does he seem to not care at all, or is he just a typical bureaucrat?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Sea Ranger wrote:

Sea Ranger cocks his head curiously at the mayor. "Aren't you the least bit curious about this situation? Or do cultists popping up in your town hold no interest for you?"

Trying to get a read on this fellow... does he seem to not care at all, or is he just a typical bureaucrat?


"Yes, I am," said the mayor. "But you caught me having dinner with my family. Here . .. "

he takes a document and stamps it. "Keep this on you at all times," he says, giving you a document. "I'm deputizing you and your fellows to represent the Law here in Orlane. On my authority. It's only good here in Orlane."

M Dwarf Barb2 HP 28/28AC17T12FF15 F7R2W1

Chestman jokes. Does this mean we get a budget?

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

"But you're not 100% certain that the constable and any deputies he might have aren't cultists?" TT presses. "Maybe your two previous investigators might have an idea. Where are Dorian and his buddy staying while in the village? We can ask them if your constable can be trusted."

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

"You should not expect payment for doing the gods work Master Barrelhouse, but I will recompense you from my own coffers if that is what it takes to have you join us in ridding this village of the evil that has infested it!"

While her voice sounds rather strict, the quick smile she gives the dwarf perhaps takes a little of the sting out of her words.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
ChestmanBarrelhouse wrote:
Chestman jokes. Does this mean we get a budget?

"I'll reward you for getting rid of the cult," said the mayor.

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Sea Ranger nods as the document is handed over, then speaks. "Perhaps we should leave the mayor and his family to their dinner. This should give us enough to conduct our own investigation. Wherever it leads." He nods to the mayor, then turns away and walks back out to the street, considering.

The mayor seems to leave it to others to do the work - not entirely unsurprisingly. And it isn't hard to believe that with that sort of apathy on the part of Orlane's leader, that cult members would find it easy to infiltrate the village. At any rate, they have a name. Time to look into this priest of Merrikka...

Assuming the mayor isn't going to help us out any further, shall we pay a visit to Donovan Dallard?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Talking to the pair of elves asked to investigate the cult is still an option. Although you can pay a visit to Donovan as another option.

Female Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1 / Rogue 1 | hp 18 | 12*/18 NL (6*) | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+7 traps) | Bardic Performance 1/6 | Spells: 1st (1/2) | Conditions: IC +1 | NOTES: Bless & IC Combo

Tavern Tale seems to share some of Sea Ranger's frustrations. "I don't want to babysit this one (she gestures toward the captive cultist) any longer than we have to," she grumbles. "Tell you what--let's talk to Dorian and his pal first and see if they think it's safe to drop our poisoner off with the constable. We can also ask the elves what we'd face if we went to the temple--we might want to rethink things if half-a-dozen or more priests serve there."

Assuming that folks are good with that, TT would lead the group to the elves' place, knock on their door, and ask them about the trustworthiness of the constable, what the pair knows about the temple's inhabitants, and if there's anyone else in the village they're suspicious of.

”Worth a try,” the lad agreed.

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin

"Let us be done with this woman and get to the temple and remove the taint from within its walls!"

Gothia will follow the others in looking for Dorian and locking the cultist up.

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Animal Companion: 'Scout':
- Small Eagle (2 HD) | Init: +2 | Per: +11 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +2 | HP: 15 (of 15) | AC: 14, FF AC: 13, Touch AC: 12 | CMD: 12 | Conditions: None

Sea Ranger grins at the others. "Sounds like a plan. I hadn't thought about dragging our captive along, let's get her to into more fitting accommodations first."

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