Pathfinder Comics

Licensed Products General Discussion

Grand Lodge

(Paizo Publishing or Products Discussion Forum???)

I've never been a big fan of D&D comics but I admit to craving a bit more Pathfinder stuff coming in my mailbox each month and I'm intrigued enough in the new Comics line to ask a few questions.

Are the new Pathfinder comics humor-themed or graphic novel-themed?

More importantly, has (will) Paizo put a few sample pages on the website for us to look at to see if we like the new line? Before I buy a subscription I want to read at least a few pages to see if I like the writing, artwork, story and characters.

(I'm not keen on buying one and then deciding whether or not to subscribe.)

Thanks for any input.

Hello W E Ray

The first Comic is out - It has funny parts a bit of blood and is more of a rollicking adventure than horror story so far.

I subscribe digitaly and read it on my iPad.

I liked it there are one or two big mouth animae style pannels but the rest is more traditional.

Shadow Lodge

W E Ray wrote:

(Paizo Publishing or Products Discussion Forum???)

I've never been a big fan of D&D comics but I admit to craving a bit more Pathfinder stuff coming in my mailbox each month and I'm intrigued enough in the new Comics line to ask a few questions.

Are the new Pathfinder comics humor-themed or graphic novel-themed?

More importantly, has (will) Paizo put a few sample pages on the website for us to look at to see if we like the new line? Before I buy a subscription I want to read at least a few pages to see if I like the writing, artwork, story and characters.

(I'm not keen on buying one and then deciding whether or not to subscribe.)

Thanks for any input.

They did post a few pages from the first comic. Also, if you want to know about the story, Know Direction did an interview with the writer of the comic. I wasn't that interested in it until I heard him speak about it. His passion and obvious goals for the characters and story made me want to read this comic.

Liberty's Edge

Now linkified for your perusal

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the link!

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