[Outpost V] GM Chadius 3-04: The Devil-Wrought Disappearance
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3-04 Chronicle Sheets
3-07 The Locked Lodge
F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=purple |
So looking at the map it looks like only the Library, Nautalica, Vestibule, Courtyard and Hall of Armor are labelled. Are we safe to handwave the remaining areas as being empty after a quick search?
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I have this stupid shoe I have to wear, lol.
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Yup, the other rooms are empty and filled with dust & dirt.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
a kid was arrested yesterday at my school for taking a gun to school./
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I am glad I am leaving the district and going to a charter school
male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺
Yikes, Atae. I'm glad they found it.
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...I keep rolling poorly on your hidden checks.
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It's time for more Hero Points. Two of em!
Please nominate the 2 people who should get a point. Let's nominate them by this weekend. PM me, make a spoilered post or just write it out here.
Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10, W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 1 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search
F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=purple |
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Atae and Meadow gain a Hero Point.
I'll advance us later today.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
The kid whontook a gun tonschool the other day was NOT arrested until yesterday and had 25 hollow tipped bullets on him.
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Yikes! I'm glad he was caught.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
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Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
A class I will be teaching next year: Dungeons & Dragons & Grammar
Sometimes, even rolling a natural 20 isn’t enough to get you past a boss--at least, not when the boss is grammar. Students will create characters, fight epic battles, and explore dungeons, all while learning about and implementing grammatical conventions. By the end of the seminar, even being an ogre with an intelligence of 7 and a perception of 10 won’t be able to stop you from toppling any grammatical boss that dares to challenge you. (WRIT, PROJ)
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I have this at 2nd lvl. I have never cast it and am wondering if I can set the eminiation between the Thrune lady and the guy attacking her with the 3 action
PFS Standard
Concordant Choir
Spell 1
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 96
Traditions divine, occult
Cast to
Range 30 feet; Targets varies
Saving Throw basic Fortitude
You unleash a dangerous consonance of reverberating sound, focusing on a single target or spreading out to damage many foes. The number of actions you spend Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters.
(verbal) The spell deals 1d4 sonic damage to a single enemy, with a basic Fortitude save.
(somatic, verbal) The spell deals 2d4 sonic damage to all creatures in a 10-foot burst, with a basic Fortitude save.
(material, somatic, verbal) The spell deals 2d4 sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation, with a basic Fortitude save.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4 for the 1-action version, or 2d4 for the other versions.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
That is what I was thinking as well :(
male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺
I don't think so, Atae.
The issue is with the word emanation. The link there describes an emanation as spreading out in all directions from your space. So the three-action version is centered on you.
The two-action version would do what you want, except that the 10 foot burst isn't big enough to get both enemies.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I am wondering if it might not be wise for her to invest in a staff of healing or more thematically appropriate a staff of enchantment, since she is a captivator she has occult charm and illusion spells available to her.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
Does anyone know when we are supposed to get the extra 80 AcP points for PFS?
F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=purple |
I'm running this scenario tomorrow and I'm about to start prepping it. I will have to recuse myself from making any decisions about what the party should do shortly after I post this. This feels like the final fight though so I bet we're very nearly done.
Since we're still in the middle of a fight I don't think Meadow would say anything immediately but afterwards she would realize that the map we have of the basement does not line up with what we currently see and that there are likely secret passages north and south of the stairs.
Atae wrote: Does anyone know when we are supposed to get the extra 80 AcP points for PFS? In theory you have them already. In practice there exist some issues for some people. You might try clicking the 'refresh points' button on the GM/Event Coordinator tab on Paizo's organized play section and seeing if that helps.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I checked but am not exactly sure how many points I am supposed to have, in the almost 3 years I have been playing, I have only used like 30, if that many, lol
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
DM, are you planning on running another lvl equivalent scenario soon?
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I've been preparing 1-03: Escaping the Grave next. It should be right up your alley (I've noticed you were asking about it.)
I'm lazy with prep time, though. If you wanted to play, I could hurry up... :)
Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10, W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 1 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search
That's a great scenario, one of Klank's first, or was his first, I forget. The only issue is it isn't repeatable.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I have played through that one already with my first character :(
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You have uncovered all of the clues you could find in this dungeon. A doll, a spider, a skull and Thrune's journal.
The only other clue you could have found was from Cinder, but her offer was rejected.
Radovan can help you, but you get a bigger bonus if you can free the Count on your own.
It's a tradeoff between trying stuff out and completing it quickly.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
Do they state out Randovan and the Coubt?
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Well, you rescued the Count, great.
Was that what you were asking?
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
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Nope, the Count is still a man of rule-breaking mystery.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I enjoyed the novels he was in.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I should make a tieflin/elf to commerate this event, lol
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Thanks for playing, everyone. I'll have the chronicle sheets available for download later today.
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Thanks for putting up with my errors in combat, btw. That was more to keep track of than I expected.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
Now I am sad that our adventure is over :(
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Did people roll their day jobs?
RPG Chronicles isn't loading the sheets, so I gotta do this manually.
| Deroff | Tailwind 45 ft | Vital Beacon 4d8| Speak with Animals ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/3/2/2/1 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ |
In the meantime, the GM will roll for his PC.
Performance: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Success. 2.4 gp.
Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10, W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 1 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search
Klank's day job is an assurance crafting check, DC17. He's also field commissioned so 1.5x the downtime.
Really enjoyed these two games, even if Klank comes off a bit stuffy sometimes. He'd rather be at his forge but knows he isn't good enough to make serious coin yet.
I really enjoyed the Bear bit you put in there (at least I imagine you put that there and not the authors!).
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 religion
F Half-elf | Ranger 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 74/74| AC 24 | F +11 R +14 W +13 | Perception +13 Low light vision | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1 | speed 35 |Prey=purple |
Scouting Lore-Earn Income level 2-DC 16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Critical Success! 4 Gold
male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺
Dragon Lore (of course): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Fail
Rhaegal tries to teach his fellow Pathfinders about Dragons, but he somehow gets some things confused with Bears.
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Chronicle sheets are available to download >HERE<. Please check for errors.
You get 4 XP and 64 gp for success (except for Klank, he gets 38). Your day job income is also added to the reward.
You were able to find Aydrian's journal and free Count Jeggare without Radovan's help, so you get an additional 2 reputation. You also found enough historically significant items. But Aydrian did die in the battle so you didn't get that.
Once everyone is alright with the chronicles, I'll report this game.
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the GM for running these great scenarios and to my fellow players. This was a lot of fun!
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
What does the Infernal Majesty boon do, what is an infernal contract in game play?
Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
and applying a DM Chronicle she is now 5th lvl. I have like 4 chfonciles left I can apply from the Age of Ashes that I ran with my group when it first came out but I am not sure if the boons like summon animals and stuff would really help her out that much. We are doing the Quest for Fire one now but I dont think that the boons work all that well for her either.
Dwarven Male Fighter 6 | HP: 94/94 | AC: 25(27) | F: +14, R: +10, W: +13 | Perc: +13 | Hero Points: 1 | | Speed: 25 ft. | Sturdy Shield: 64/64hp, 32BT, Hardness 8 | Active Conditions: Search
Chronicle looks great thanks everyone!