[5e] Ghosts of Saltmarsh (Inactive)

Game Master Jubal Breakbottle

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Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

Hey Jubal, to clarify, are you saying using one's cloak WOULDN'T work (as Argyri tried)? If so, would I be able to tell that without wasting an action on it? (If no to both, I'll learn the hard way, and try again next round, if I'm still conscious).

Hmm, no changes to actions here I suppose.

Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

Yeah. Still gonna stab it with a torch and hope that does it.

* Saltmarsh *


I'll move you into the cellar tomorrow


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Sorry, after the last board update sometimes Ill see a new post in my campaigns list but it wont be here when I click on it. I have to refresh for like 2 minutes to get it to appear. Same with my own posts...kind of makes it annoying to edit and such.

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

Same here Blacklock, Its annoying

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Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

Such a wonderfully Blacklock way to discover and make sense of chi.

Well played!

Wow, 8 player rolls in a row with nothing above 8. Did someone sleep with RNGs wife or something?

* Saltmarsh *
Blacklock wrote:
Wow, 8 player rolls in a row with nothing above 8. Did someone sleep with RNGs wife or something?


* Saltmarsh *

Where to now, team?

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

I was just looking on the map. Is there an area we haven't explored, other than the door we were advised not to open?

Does Argyri have thieves' tools? The other 9 locked footlockers might have some loot or clues.

* Saltmarsh *
Argyri Katrakis wrote:

I was just looking on the map. Is there an area we haven't explored, other than the door we were advised not to open?

Besides the danger room, you missed several rooms upstairs. FWIW


Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

I do have thieves' tools, but I think that the lockers are all open at this point, right?

Happy to go upstairs next, and check the rooms we missed.

* Saltmarsh *
Argyri Katrakis wrote:
I do have thieves' tools, but I think that the lockers are all open at this point, right?

Yes they are.

Oh whoops, missed that detail. Would also vote to check out the upstairs unexplored rooms.

* Saltmarsh *

My RL game tonight. Update tomorrow. Heading upstairs?

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

After we check the foot lockers?

* Saltmarsh *

Lockers are all open and empty

* Saltmarsh *

Kwin. Then we move

* Saltmarsh *


I think Armor of Agathys is done. It lasts an hour, and you waited an hour for Blacklock to become unparalyzed, right?


Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

Right! But warlocks refresh on a short rest of 1 hour, so he’d be back with Armor of Agathys and 1 more spell slot.

* Saltmarsh *
Tarn Copperlocks wrote:
Right! But warlocks refresh on a short rest of 1 hour, so he’d be back with Armor of Agathys and 1 more spell slot.

OK Next time, specify when he's casting it.


* Saltmarsh *

Argyri & Badger, then we move

* Saltmarsh *

My RL game last night. Will post tonight

Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

Sounds good :)

Envy you having a steady RL game Jub for years and years, how's that going? You guys doing 5e?

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

I miss my IRL games, now its just Online only. Still need to get the hang of DMing online

* Saltmarsh *
Blacklock wrote:
Envy you having a steady RL game Jub for years and years, how's that going? You guys doing 5e?

Yes. We just made 10th level in Curse of Stradh.

Had to take a long, uncomfortable pause, because the COVID rules here were pretty draconian limiting the number of people beyond your family to enter houses to one other family with $1k penalties if caught.

But we're back on now for the past few weeks. Really missed it.


* Saltmarsh *

It's my RL game tonight. Please investigate more and/or tell me where you are going next: East Wing first floor or second floor - East, North or West wings.

* Saltmarsh *

I'm leaving on a business trip Tuesday to Friday, so my posts will be very limited.

RP amongst yourselves.


Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

I'm on the road this week, but will try to post when able. Just got a quick one in. Can't recall right now what's unexplored here.

Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

Very curious. For Blacklock, what is he taking at lvl 3? It’s a huge choice.

Open Hand for sure. The streetfighting kid that always got his ass kicked will soon be tripping enemies, stunning them, stealing their reactions, and tossing them 15 ft to the audience's shocked delight. Or rolling nat 1s and getting his ass kicked still. Damage wise its on par with Mercy at the levels we'll be playing, and I just like it more flavor-wise anyways.

* Saltmarsh *

RL game last night. Move to a new unexplored area post tonight.


* Saltmarsh *

I’ll move on tonight.


* Saltmarsh *

RL game tonight. Post in two days


Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

Cool, I will post after the Skeletons.

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Oooh, we totally just got like 2 or 3 skeletons. ;D *high fives team*

* Saltmarsh *

Sorry team. I need to go out of the country for business returning late Thursday, probably no post until Friday. Please RP last night or breakfast to get to know your characters better.


* Saltmarsh *
Badger the Rover wrote:

I took the two weapon fighting style. "Fighting StylePHB, pg. 91

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack."

Please update your character profile. Thanks

Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

Hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Blunt Damage: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Booming Blade: 1d8 ⇒ 6

”Right, enough of this!” Tarn exclaimed. He charged at the alchemist, and brought his hammer down with excessive force. The ground cracked and split under the might of such a strike! The key word being the ground. For once more he missed by a large margin.

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

Now my wizardry brain wants to make a spell to restore and improve a building

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

162 gold
5 silver
30 copper

the three noteworthy books

the Flat Rock which is magical
The Bag is magical

both I can Identify with a ritual when we get to town

@DM Jubal Could I use Mending on the books we found? WOuld they fix them in anyway

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

Oy! Why can't I find the post where the pipe was described? I've looked in Discussion and Gameplay...maybe it's in a spoiler, so search doesn't find it?

I'm trying to remember what it does (just for RP purposes, so maybe I should just play fast and loose, but...)

Pipe of Remembrance:
This long, delicate wooden pipe features a bowl made from smooth river stone. When the pipe is lit, smoke exhaled from it does not dissipate, instead lingering around the bearer. After 10 minutes, the smoke forms moving shapes that reenact the bearer’s most impressive and heroic achievements for 5 minutes. When this realistic performance is complete, the smoke dissipates. The pipe can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Thanks, Blacklock!

I was hoping to get something in but I'm off to the mountains with my family for the weekend. Bot me if needed.

Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

If given enough time Drusilla would hopefully put a few spells in her book

* Saltmarsh *
@DM Jubal Could I use Mending on the books we found? WOuld they fix them in anyway

it would repair pages but not replace pieces of pages. Why? What do you want to do with them?

If given enough time Drusilla would hopefully put a few spells in her book

You've time. Just account the cost; document here; and update your profile.


Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

I would sell the books

And cool that would be good got to look again how to do that

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