DM Carbide's Core Emerald Spire

Game Master John Woodford



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Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Welcome to the Emerald Spire

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Fort Inevitable stands on the rolling plains near the West Sellen River, close to the forest. This is a rich and gentle land; the town is surrounded by green pastures and wide, golden fields of grain. A strong stone wall with battlements and gatehouses protects Fort Inevitable, and within this formidable defense, the town is an orderly collection of two- and three-story stone houses and workshops with roofs of red tile or blue slate. If the streets seem a little cheerless and drab, at least they’re paved with good cobblestones and cleared regularly.

Nothing epitomizes the essential nature of Fort Inevitable as aptly as the stone citadel of the Hellknights, which looms over the town. There is no difference between martial law and civil authority in Fort Inevitable. The senior officer of the garrison rules as the lord or lady commander, directly overseeing civic administration as well as exercising military command. The current commander is a stern, middle-aged Chelish woman named Paralictor Audara Drovust. She is the commanding officer of the Order of the Pike’s chapter in the Crusader Road region, ruler of the Citadel, high magistrate, tax assessor, director of public works, keeper of the treasury, and chief regulator of business and commerce. No important aspect of the town’s life and activity is left outside the lady
commander’s authority.

Fort Inevitable was a good-sized village with extensive trade and commerce before the Hellknights chose it as their base on the Crusader Road, and its people still work as farmers, herders, artisans, and merchants. Law-abiding citizens find the lady commander’s rule to be firm but manageable. Those who don’t find a respectable profession or who fall into debt see a different side of Fort Inevitable, as both slavery and indentured servitude are legal here.

Fort Inevitable may be an oppressive place to live, but the Hellknights are not mindlessly brutal or vindictive. They crack down viciously on public disorder, enforce curfews, and tightly regulate commerce and transactions, but they don’t harass honest travelers. But it’s a good idea to guard your tongue and watch your step while inside its hard stone walls.

You have been sent here on behalf of the Pathfinder Society to explore, investigate and report on what you find regarding the Emerald Spire nearby. As such, the Society has purchased for you letters of warrant to keep your tasks clean within the local government. There is also a small local office here, which you can use for documenting your findings and communicating as necessary with the Society.

You arrive and get comfortable, and then start your endeavor seeking out your target. The Emerald Spire stands in a broad, raised clearing in the southwest reaches of the Echo Wood. This open area is known locally as the Spire Glen. The glen is almost perfectly circular and centered on the Emerald Spire, as if some unseen hand had long ago drawn a border around the old tower with a compass more than 500 yards wide. The trees of the Echo Wood crowd up against this unseen border and suddenly halt—nothing larger than a sapling grows in the Glen.

As travelers emerge from the Echo Wood underbrush, they find themselves staring up at a ruined keep guarding a broken central tower, all made of smooth, green glass. It’s obvious that a grand battle took place here many years ago, and the clearing around the ruin lies barren, with sickly weeds struggling to rise from the magic-blasted earth. Melted chunks of twisted glass pepper the ground, lending a green hue to the clearing’s light. Despite the damage, however, the glass of the keep itself seems to have avoided the ravages of time, with those pieces that survived the initial cataclysm unmarred by pitting or cracking, clean of moss and other clinging debris.

The stone staircase that led up to the tower’s door is now nothing more than a rubble-strewn cliff. On the tower’s south side, a dirt path winds up the steep embankment to a pitch-black doorway.

At the top of a steep dirt path winding up through the rubble, a doorway opens onto darkness, its entrance seeming to steal light into its inky depths.

And so we begin...

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

That's quite the place.

Corbrae was looking at the massive broken tower from a reasonable distance, her light crossbow in hand

As is Fort Inevitable. I don't always agree with servants of Asmodeus, but they managed to do something with the town. And for all theirs sins, the Hellknights are often on the frontline against demons. But you better keep on the right side of the law with them. I'm glad the Society provided us with all the necessary permits and warrants.

Sad to see how much nature suffered here, even if I'm more used to cities and civilization. Probably my elf ancestors speaking in my blood.

You heard her name, Corbrae Illynel, when you registered your exploring squad at Fort Inevitable. She was deferent and respectuous with the authorities, and seemed to know a few things about Hellknights and their Orders.

Her voice is clear, harmonious, practised and her long brown hair cover most of her (slightly) pointed ears. She wears only some leather armor, with a rapier in its scabbard on her side, and a mace worn at her belt, but she doesn't look as the seasoned warrior. All her items are in good condition. Her backpack rests at her feet, and she knees in the ground to open it, taking her waterskin.

She sips some water, and asks to her fellow Pathfinders
Water, someone? We don't know when we will be able to drink next.

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

A man with a weathered traveler's outfit and blue scarf with intricate patterns nods in appreciation at Corbrae's offer. His very large backpack contrasting a small round shield, he is brimming with weapons, pouches and a multitude of other exploration equipment. A square set of shoulders and a square jaw do not take away from the kind expression in his eyes and his warm smile. His hair is long and his beard short, but his hands appear well-groomed - the sign of a trained healer - despite the visible dust on his equipment and thin layer of mud on his well-oiled boots.

"Yes, I'll have some dear Corbrae. It would be wise to keep one's bar tab clearly in the black in a town like this, so might as well get used to water and only imbibe costly drinks sparingly. Despite our letters of warrant, I don't doubt for a second they'd put folks with our skills into service for some middling noble or bureaucrat if they have any excuse for it. Next, you then find yourself on a ship outbound to Cheliax, with your new owner patting himself on the back for his business-sense and cleverness. These Hellknight outposts are just one of the recruiting arms of their slave industry, if you think about it..."

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

You smell something bad.

"Pardon me."

Joseph is sober which is nice. And has digestion problems which is not.

He wears studded leather armor and carries several weapons including a bow.

"Right. We investigate one tower and hopefully we'll be done by tomorrow. Place looks wrecked."

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

Oof, something's not right with this lad... when was the last time I had a whiff of this brand of effluvium?

Tibearius tries to remember one of his previous patients and what caused this; this would have to be taken care of if the lad wanted to go in deep, cramped spaces underground with other people...

Heal, Take 10: 10 + 7 = 17

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

A love of cheese and lactose intolerant.

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

Tibearius knew an herb that, mixed with food or made as a tea before bed, could pretty much completely eliminate the lad's problems. Later he would go find the local crone and procure some.

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

The small and elderly Mrs. Book gives the countryside a severe look. She also gives the pathfinders a sever look. As a matter of fact she gives everyone and everything a sever look. With her close cropped hair and and no-nonsense expression you feel you might be in trouble if you crossed her. The fact that she is a little old lady, if mid-fifties could be considered old, and leans on a cane only mitigates that feeling a little. If this is someone's grandma, you can only pity the child.

"Hmph. Don't judge a book by it's cover, youngster. You will learn that sooner or later, and it would be better if you learned it sooner. And lose the ode de offal ASAP. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we do not wish to be travelling with someone that smells like a cross between overripe cheese and a latrine."

She fixes Joseph with a stare that seems to dare him to defy her.

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

Joseph grins. "Got it. Bath time when we get back. It has been a few days."

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Mrs. book gives him a satisfied smile and a nod.

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

A weather-worn half-elf emerges as he looks longingly at the Echo Wood.

”By all that is Green, I prefer the comfort of the Echo than the cold dictates of the stone citadel. “

The woodsman motions with his spear and a gray wolf approaches and lays near his feat.
After nodding to each of the fellow agents he shifts his gaze back in the direction of the Spire.

”We may encounter things not entirely natural or even from this world. We will find out soon enough. “

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

At first she thinks he must be talking about the Emerald Spire, but quickly realizes he means Fort Inevitable.

"Careful there son, some folks call that place home, including me. I for one prefer the warm hearthside in a stone house to the drafty and ofttimes soggy resting place of the Echo Woods. The rulers are fair, if a bit zealous at times, and the rules keep us safe and warm and employed."

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

Aye, no disrespect to the people living there, it is the cold stone of the walls and being confined within makes me feel caged. I will take the soggy rest of the Echo Woods. But each person has a different past and different comforts. he bows.

I am called Viridian. I am honored to travel with you.

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

I have read books about great generals, famous battles, and tomes of strategy, but I'm not a fighter per se. Nevertheless, we should try to organise ourselves for the expedition. Who goes on first, who close the march? Do we have enough torches, ropes, and mundane equipment to explore?Who has a fine eye for detail, so we don't get ambushed? Who can heal, besides myself?

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Good questions, all! Are you prepared to enter, and if so any special instructions? Or, if you need to make some purchases in town before heading out, please feel free to do that now - but I kinda assume you did that as part of character creation.

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

Ready. Joseph will draw his bow but no other preparations.

"I have rope."

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Another nod and she replies, "Very nice to meet you too. It is true that to each their own. I've had students go on to be doctors, adventurers, lawyers, mayors, housewives, you name it. The important thing is that you are happy where you are at"

To the question of usefulness and equipment she offers, "I'm afraid I'm not going to be all that much use. You see I've only recently come into my powers, what they are. I can zap things a few times, 4 times per day to be exact, though I did purchase a few scrolls that might help. And as coule probably tell, I'm going to be a liability in anything hand to hand, and though my students swore by my cane swinging skills, I doubt a sore hand is going to stop a belligerent orc or whatever else we run into in there. I did buy something they called a 'sorcerer's kit' in the store," she adds brightly, dumping an obviously heavy backpack (at least for her) and opening it up for folks to see. "It does have some rope too."

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod
GM Fuzzfoot wrote:

Good questions, all! Are you prepared to enter, and if so any special instructions? Or, if you need to make some purchases in town before heading out, please feel free to do that now - but I kinda assume you did that as part of character creation.

I'm ready. Finished tweaking my character. Obviously Mrs. Book is going to be at the tail end of any marching order.

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

I am able to contribute to healing with a few spells and especially a wand of curing I just purchased last month. I have a few items to deal with vermin, like acid or liquid fire.

He pats his wolves head.

Blitz here can carry excess equipment if it gets to be too heavy.

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

As you move up the path, taking no real precautions, suddenly you see an arrow streaking your way! You also hear a sickly sounding dog starting to bark.


Corbrae, Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

You recognize the threat as a goblin and a goblin dog.

Target?: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Short bow attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4


Corbrae: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Joseph: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Viridian: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Mrs. Book: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Tibearius: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Goblin: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Goblin Dog: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Round 1 (bold may act)

Goblin dog (orange)
Mrs. Book
Goblin (red)

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

That was uncalled for!Beware the goblin and its dog! Where are it's manners? There isn't any "no trespassing" panel displayed around!

Corbrae picks her crossbow and shoots at the goblin

crossbow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 1

... and it probably enters the "worst shoots of the year" anthology.

More than a little disappointed, the hal elf tries to see the humor of the situation

Well, I can only do better by now. I hope.

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

"Squatters no doubt. Rude ones. Talk or fight?"

Joseph delays.

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

"He's shooting at us lad! do your thing!" answers the Desnan cleric, muttering a prayer and moving forward at a surprisingly swift pace with his longspear.

Casting longstrider and moving 40 feet fwd; longspear in hand; AC 16 due to lack of shield at this time.

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

"Fair enough."

Joseph moves up the path and fires at the goblin.

Longbow including PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 = 10
piercing damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

Viridian snaps to attention.

He heft his spear and advances up the trail while calling to the wolf Blitz...attack!

With a howl and growl, Blitz double times it up the ramp, threatening either foe.

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

Tibearius smiles, happy to have Viridian and his wolf on the team.

"Look at him go up the hill! magnificent animal!"

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used
Tibearius wrote:
Look at him go up the hill! magnificent animal!"

You are speaking about the wolf, and not Viridian, I hope?

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

The goblin dog bites at the wolf.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Round 1 (bold may act)
Goblin dog (orange)
Mrs. Book
Goblin (red)

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

The goblin dog manages to tear a bit of flesh and fur from Blitz, who howls more in anger than pain.

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Mrs. Book figures the others will be able to deal with the recalcitrant goblin, but if it tries to run, she will be ready to toss an acid splash at it.

No point in the skill less sorceress trying to hit the goblin with a ranged attack while it is in melee or behind cover, but she will certainly try if it tries to flee. Basically she is readying an action and will fire if provided a clear shot.

to hit acid splash on goblin dog: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

The goblin backs up 5 ft into the entrance, and switches to his horsechopper to attack the wolf.

Melee attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

The blade hits the wolf in the head, and he stumbles trying to remain standing. (Wolf at 0 hp currently).

Round 2 (bold may act)
Tibearius/Wolf (staggered)

Goblin dog (orange)
Mrs. Book
Goblin (red)

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

"Hey! Lay off the wolf!"

Joseph moves up and fires a shot at the goblin.

ranged including point blank shot: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 1 = 15
piercing damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

Blitz yelps in pain...and withdraws from the melee

Blitz has toughness feat so 16hp but still in bad shape.

Viridian meets the wolf and casts a cure.

”Hold still and by the Green, we will fix some of this. You were brave! “

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

Crossbow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 1

There is no frustration at Corbrae failed second shot.

Only a growing, silent resignation.

Grand Lodge

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male CG Human Cleric 2 (Desna) - Init +1, Senses: Perception +3, AC 18/ touch 11/ ff 17; hp 15/15, F+4, R+1, W+6, Speed 40 ft. Bit of Luck 6/6; Agile Feet 6/6; Channels 3/5; Buffs: longstrider, bless, inspire courage.

Tibearius casts bless, asking Desna to help everyone. He then moves in front of Viridian to protect him with his longspear while he attends his wolf.

please move my token

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Joseph and Corbrae both miss the goblin, but Tiberius takes the lead and a protective stance, while Viridian heals the wolf a bit.

The goblin dog charges in on Tiberius. (I assume drawing an AoO due to reach - go ahead with that attack now.)

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

bumps game

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

@Tiberius - still with us?

Due to the delayed reaction, the dog attacks. Luckily, Tiberius manages to dodge the attack.

Charge, bite attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 2 = 14

Round 2 (bold may act)
Mrs. Book
Goblin (red)

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

”Goblin dogs they call them? More like feral rat-dogs! “

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Mrs Book continues to wait for a decent shot, not wasting her time trying to cast into melee.

Ready an action to fire if it runs for it.

to hit acid splash ranged touch: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
acid damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

The goblin shoots an arrow at Hanlon, but just misses. Then it scurries back into the dark. Mrs. Book tries to catch it with a grenade, but can't quite make the throw.

Arrow attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Round 3 (bold may act)
Tibearius/Wolf (staggered)

Goblin dog (orange)
Mrs. Book
Goblin (red)

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

"Rat or not it's still dangerous."

Joseph will move up and take a shot at the rat/dog.

ranged including PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 1 = 17
piercing dmg: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5

Knowledge | GSC | Mummy's Mask | WftC | RotR$ | Carrion Crown

Hanlon slices the dog deep, and it falls to the ground, unconscious.

Would you like to stay in rounds to chase the goblin, or stop for a breather before going in?

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

Viridian will draw his cure wand and tap Blitz once with it.

”Hold still.. there that’s better.“

Clw : 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Blitz at 10/16 hp for now…

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Mrs. book goes where the others do. She is not anxious to go toe to toe with a goblin, being the wimpy aged sorceress that she is.

Scarab Sages

Female Half elf Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used

Corbrae moves along the trail, crossbow in hands and ready to use, until she is facing the entrance of the tower.

She still marvels at the huge building, and gives some advice to her fellow Pathfinder

Don't drop your guard yet, there is surely more goblins inside. This one could have been a scout

I must succeed in this exploration, make a chronicle and become famous!

Grand Lodge

L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/4 | HP: 34/34 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 12/12/10 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +4, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod

Mrs Book rolls up her sleeves and lifts her chin.

"I'll be ready and I'm sure you're right. From what I've read about goblins, they like to make packs. Those little runts won't get the best of us, though."

Grand Lodge

”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]

Abstaining from major choices since I've played this in regular, But obviously we are going in instead of going home. The only question is if anyone wants to do healing first.

Grand Lodge

CORE Male Halfelf Druid 4 | HP 35/35 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +3 W+9 ; | Init +1 | Perc +16 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 30/30

”By all the Green, If Only Blitz was injured, I will patch him up and we can pursue the treacherous goblin and any of his kin. They may have set traps. “

Not sure we have set marching order but with one more cure, the wolf can be in the front with Joseph(?)

Clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 2nd charge from wand as we move…

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